Why should I use Google's DNS?
Why should I use Google's DNS?
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you want to be part of the botnet
you should NOT use google DNS. what are you? retarded? use DNScrypt. and no, don't even dare of mentioning cloudflare. USE DNSCRYPT.
> being this retarded
fuck off, NSA.
Holly shit user, I've been looking for something like that, also have been using because lazy and all "privacy DNS" I try to use eventually go down and stop working
Also, nice trips
So they can log your web pages that you accessed and sell the data.
I just set a raspberry pi with pi hole and dns crypt and point all my house to my raspberry pi so it can handle the dns crypto
so when I updated / change OS I don't have to re-setup
Use DNS.watch, you idiot.
Chrome ignores the system DNS and uses the Google DNS, so there’s a good chance you’re already using it
Which dns you should use depends on factors such as (and not limited to) your needs or location. You provided none of those and expect... what extacly? It seems to me that people here have a really hard time understanding simple fact that there are no single solutions to a very broad questions such as the one you asked. There is no single best dns. There is however one giving you best security, or privacy, or resolvong time (dependong on location) and so on. So unless you want to hear some inane responses and start a flame war, please DO provide something to work with
How is it better than DNS over TLS and what DNS provider would you recommend?
Do you have a source on that? I couldn't find anything.
Kinda already know that I'm gonna end up using google's dns as there are multiple sites blocked in my country I'd like to visit. Just wanted to spike up a quick discussion in case there's anything I missed or should know. When I was on windows, I used a dns speed tool and it showed that my default dns was greatly faster than the rest though...
Dns benchmark? Its pretty good i suppose
Only for pcs or consoles you don't care about. Ps4 is shit anyways so it is on google dns. Other things are not.
The only reason to use any google service is because you want any data sent via that service to be scraped in order to serve you ads.
I was actually curious about this when google dns came out and used a packet sniffer to see if chrome requests would do their own dns lookups, and at the time, they did not.
Looked into it a bit more, apparently it was something to do with the way chrome handles IPv6
Yes user, that’s the ONLY reason