Is it worth learning?

is it worth learning?

Attached: rust.png (660x660, 82K)

no, if you have autism it will make you even more antisocial because of the massive obsession about controlling everything and what other people do and think.

If you don't know C or C++ yet then yes, it's easier to learn than those two and introduces you the concepts in saner way.

Depends. What do you want to make with it?

I've been interested in taking a look at it as well.
Is ownership and lifetimes really as much of an obstacle as people say or are people just bad at programming? All the flack the borrow checker gets reminds me of JavaScript programmers who complain about TypeScripts type system under strict mode and how "difficult" it is, which it really isn't, so I'm not sure how seriously I should those concerns.

currently learning C, but i haven't got far
i want to make a web framework with an orm

Goes well with the TRT, go for it soiboi.

Attached: rust_trt.jpg (1080x1080, 69K)

learn C++ and if it ever get big you can learn it in a week

I don't get it, did they transition and change their name from starting with T to something starting with E?

t and e are both trans slang for testosterone and estrogen

Either pad or only know GC language. (Which might mean bad because fluent only in single paradigm.)
Scoping, ownership and referencing is something you need to think about in C/C++ anyway. It's very intuitive concept.

It's better than Go

It's a meme and no one will be using it 2 years from now.

The C Programming Language

No.The release cycle is a joke for System Programming and there's no serious ISO behind it. It's only pushed by Mozillla paid shills to fund anti-west groups.

yes, but it takes a while to become fluent. But at the end of the day the compiler catches so many mistakes it is a good learn. And the programs are fast too. Disadvantages are (still) slow incremental compilation and for embedded large binaries.

fuck yeah, if only by the fearless concurrency

It's the only language that fights for your civil rights.

What if I'm not a tranny?

at least it's not webshit

yes but not for everybody

The more you know

The problem isn't with scoping, ownership, and referencing. It's that the borrow checker is anal about the even the most mundane real-world data structures (like graphs) and so you either have to write really ugly boilerplate to tell it to fuck off or work around it with a run-time inefficient solution.

No, learn Ada instead.

Attached: TerryADavisTheMovie.jpg (480x640, 111K)

C++20 looks more interesting. It seems every time Rust or another language comes up with a feature, Bjarne just snipes it and the standards committee adds it to C++. No real reason to switch.

try learn BASIC 1st

"trans slang" it's just regular slang

Please don't infer that normal people have anything in common with those schizoids

yeah, GC is way better than this ownership shitshow and it isn't that slow anymore in most modern languages

>GC is better than manual memory management

you said that 2 years ago

how much time was C without a ISO standard? 14 years?

Depends, throughtput is on the GC languages side, latency control is what you get with manual memory management.

>is [rust] worth learning?
Only if you're also considering gender reassignment surgery.

Rust is garbage, the BC renders it unusable for anything beyond library-driven programming.

Rust ends up to be next Haskell - such a nice and niche language, but not being used in real world.

Unlike Rust, Haskell is actually elegant

not until the new borrow checker comes out. The current one spergs out over shit that completely defies logic.

There are a few languages with a GC that's predictable and low latency. The best example I know of is the GC in pony, which is pauseless and only runs at predictable points (between actor behaviors, which basically means between events, where things are likely to be idle anyway). I figure, if it's low-latency enough for high-frequency trading, then it's probably good enough for whatever I'll realistically need to write.