If we made a teleportation machine that when you stepped in it...

If we made a teleportation machine that when you stepped in it, it would break down all of your atoms to a subatomic level, analyzed it, then reconstructed '''you''' in the other side of the teleportation machine by use of an advanced 3D printer recreating you to a subatomic level thus preserving '''your''' memories on the other side, would your consciousness (or soul) transfer along with the stream of wireless data from machine to machine, or would it be destroyed and a completely new person emerge on the other side, or ?

I think this will be the only way for humanity to ever achieve near-lightspeed travel and enable interstellar colonization but it will only come at the cost of destroying our souls. What say you, Jow Forums? Should we pursue this goal, or were we meant to die on this planet?

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Hello Jow Forums please advise

I think 3D printers will cause the annihilation of man.

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>recreating you to a subatomic level
Remakes are always souless.

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It would be a copy of you.
Unless we ever find out what exactly our consciousness is and how to transfer it while keeping it intact, it'll just be a copy.

There's no such thing as a consciousness retard.

if butterflies can keep the same memories when they transition from caterpillars, why wouldn't this work? also, it could only work as fast as the break down, data transfer, and rebuild could occur

based retard
Mind explaining what the difference between a brain-dead person and an alive-and-well person is?

There has to be a technological means of transferring consciousness, if all that makes a man a man a complex soup of chemicals and neurons firing in the brain. I just want to make sure that when I step into portal, I step out on the other side istead of annihilating my spark.

If that's how teleportation works in the future (most likely way I think) then I wouldn't be surprised if they made it illegal to teleport living things.

install gentoo

Nah, it'd just be non kosher

It is a copy of you in the same way after a number of years all the cells in your body have been replaced so that none of the originals from those years ago are still there.

Brain function.

By stepping into the teleporter, you fully agree to what’s about to happen. What is recreated on the other side is not you. You die and go straight to hell for committing suicide.

Or make a teleporter that doesn't kill the input person, like the machine in The Prestige, but just creates an identical output on the other end.

The only drawback is that there's now a cunt somewhere out there who thinks he's you (plot twist: you're the person who stepped out the other side)

>my Jesus is bigger than your Jesus
Why do people attach rules to fantasy

pretty much how I thought teleportation would be like. except the teleporter you enter would store your broken down matter for later use. think about it, you could be rebuilt using matter from some obese pajeet and your original matter could be used for some sjw tranny. provided they still exist of course.

I think it would be you and not a copy if you used the same particles. this raises the question though, our cells die and cycle out particles. What is consciousness? Do we only perceive a moment because that's all the time we exist for before we get replaced/phased out by another entity?

Not fantasy, more like hard science fiction at the present moment. Provided enough memory, you can absolutely store everything physical about your mind and body on 1s and 0s.


That means there's a "copy" of you end up being constructed at the destination, while the "real" you stays at the original location. "Transportation," is what happens in Star Trek. With teleportation a completely new person is created that won't be, "you," the instant it is created. This new person will merely have everything you ever had up to that instant. If for some reason you survive the scanning process the copy of you will be more like a twin who happens to have all your memories and personality traits up to the point of scanning. All experience past that point will merely result in personality drift since you both would experience things differently from then on.

With that tech you could create millions of copies from the original. Depending on your personal mental state and philosophy during the time of being copied, these copies may or may not consider themselves the real deal. They may even morn the loss of you when you were killed via scanning and make a pact to live out a good life so you didn't die in vain.

A much more interesting version of this was done in Star Trek. It is more interesting since the Transportation tech in that universe doesn't kill you and instead keep your essence/mental state/etc alive and working the entire time. One was where people would "wake up" during the transfer while in the "transporter suspension" and were being attacked by some alien life form The other was when Riker was "split" into two Rikers.


Fuck off, kid.

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That's not how actual teleporters would work. It's impossible for two instances of the same thing to exist in the universe (your method would necessitate differences between the you that was destroyed and the you that was created).

>It is more interesting since the Transportation tech in that universe doesn't kill you and instead keep your essence/mental state/etc alive and working the entire time.

the perfect clone on the other end of the transporter even be able to perceive that they're just a facsimile of the original you nipplehead

>Fuck off, kid.
*tips fedora*

The movie, Moon had a pretty good exploration of this topic. If you havent watched it I just ruined the twist for you, but essentially the clone is not okay with not being the original. I feel like this is an accurate representation of what would happen given this tech were acrually real.

>now neither of us will be virgins

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What if you were copied while sleeping into not only 1 perfect copy, but also another damaged copy that everyone knows is fake.

What if you underwent full body mitosis, splitting left from right.
What if you split top from bottom.

What if john Conner became a Terminator and smokey is the bandit

Actually, in the movie the initial clone does not accept it, while the second clone figures it out pretty quick and accepts it


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I am now officially terrified of teleportation.

Damn it I come here for tech shit posting not to be given an existential crisis.

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The Star Trek transporters are still killing the original and spitting out a clone who only thinks he is. The transporters still have to convert your organic material, which is all you are, to information, then reconstitute you using the information, even if it's perfect. Your physical form is all you are, converted to electromagnetic ether, back to physical form. The second physical form is not the same. The original consciousness is dead as the moment the first physical form disappeared.

Being transported in Star Trek is literally no better than getting your brains blown out by a bullet then waking up in Jacob's ladder.

The only moral method of living teleportation is to literally find a way to create and use actual wormholes through spacetime.

your consciousness is defined by the arrangement of your particles, not by their identity.

in a sense, if it were the case, every time one cell in your brain died, you would die and be re born as a different consciousness that has all of your memories.

this doesn't make any fucking sense, so let's just abandon the idea of consciousness

What if this happens every time we go to sleep?
Like we would never know because we have the memories of falling asleep but what if every night our conscious dies and another one is created

this is the same question as "what if the universe was created a second ago?"

our memories could be fake

The physical distribution of dentrites and axons are also part of what makes you you.