Holy kek

This is the king of frontend dev


Attached: 810438?s=400&v=4.jpg (400x400, 31K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What's the problem?

read the post in the link

Almost everything in the list checks out
I feel bad

I believe that I deeply understand many of these things, I feel bad that I should have a millionaire years ago if this is the state of the frontend king

He is a "front-end developer" so this is no surprise; at the very least he should still know TCP/IP, graphics, and CSS at a more in-depth level.

I'm unsurprised. Guy who doesn't know shit about computing works on the garbage pile of programming.

the problem is that this guy probably makes 300-500k a year working for facebook

Not a problem for me. If he wants to be a piece of shit and glue javashit together without understanding even basic concepts, that's his choice.

he is in charge of react.js development, this is a piece of software used by millions of devs and works on everything from, desktops to browsers and mobile phones, we trust a guy who doesn't understand the TCP/iP stack, shell scripting, microservices, low level languages or devops

>we trust a guy
I don't trust him, and I don't build websites so it doesn't matter to me.

Well, to be fair that other stuff is only tangentially related to his work and he doesn't need to touch it.

how is that a problem you basement dwelling retard

All seems perfectly reasonable. Ability to focus is the key to success as a programmer, and it sounds like he's focussed on the things he needs to know for front-end JS development.

Isn't that Neil Cicierega on pic?

Yeah, but it's almost insane to think he works for one of the hardest companies to get into, without even knowing any algorithms or very much outside of JS at all.

His overall conclusion about how you don't need to know everything to be productive is right, and I'd imagine there are few people on Jow Forums who know all of the things he listed themselves, but still...
>Java listed under "native platforms"

>bubble sort
>quick sort on a good day
What an absolute pleb! I manually mergesort numbered ID badges every time I go on shift as a security guard! Its O(n)==n*ln(n)

Attached: FullPlebeian.jpg (600x563, 66K)

Reads like the Pajeets and SJW I have to converse with. This guy is at the top is he ?

elm is an ml language too
lol what a fucking rem
i’m sometimes embarrassed how much more than ops and frontend people i get paid. then i read shit like this and it makes sense


It's only natural.

Attached: NaturesWay.jpg (402x440, 42K)

A bit surpirsing that a front end dev doesn't know anything about flexbox or css grids, Sass or whatever other css preprocessor.

It is also a bit wierd that he could have done a CS degree wuhtout having touched a typed language.

Did he really need to shoehorn a left-wing opinion into the opening fucking paragraph? Give me strength

The worst part is that he is right.

>TCP/IP, graphics
Why? Really can't see the reason why would a front end would need it, at most learn to use dev tools and debug http requests.
>TCP/iP stack
prob they have a guy for it or use available abstractions
>shell scripting shell scripting, microservices, low level languages or devops
>flexbox or css grids
Why would he? By the time those came out he was already focusing on the project, he most likely doesn't do anything front end related but react development.

ITT: Retards don't know how abstraction works and complain their chef doesn't know how to raise pigs

no wonder react is so shit

I bet no one in this thread knows how to turn sand into cpus knowledge of whose yoi so proud of.
>least he should still know TCP/IP
Can you operate cable layer ship to put cables between america and europe for your tcp packets to run?
Entire thread is Dunning Kruger effect retards.

he cute

This guy fucks.

Op is jelly

it's nice to see a successful developer make a blog post like this because i feel like a brainlet for not knowing the same things :\

>without understanding even basic concepts

none of the things he admitted not knowing has little to no bearing on the library he's working on

>ITT: Retards don't know how abstraction works and complain their chef doesn't know how to raise pigs

you're not a real chef unless you know how to forge a chef's knife from jap steel desu

>feel like a brainlet for not knowing the same things :\
>none of the things he admitted not knowing has little to no bearing on the library he's working on

>feel like a brainlet for not knowing the same things :\

people like you really don't appreciate just how much shit there is to learn

I feel pretty familiar with most of the topics, and some of them I just don't care about like GraphQL and TypeScript. I do feel bad that I have zero idea how HTTPS must be set up and how it works.

They really don't get paid more than back end developers though. If anything, most ops role that are more aligned with traditional system admin tend to get paid slightly less than developers. The difference in pay between front end and backend developers is pretty hit or miss and isn't really consistent.

The two roles I keep seeing getting payed the most are developers with a good understanding of ops / system admin / *nix or the reverse, ops / system admins with a good development background. These types are typically working on platform automation / infrastructure automation, or virtualization / systems development. The second type of developers getting payed a lot are those working on large distributed backend systems.

Outside of those two groups, I think it is hard to say if frontend or backend development pays more than the other. I could see backend paying slightly more than frontend just because it seems like there are more front developers than backend developers and the barrier to entry for backend development seems just slightly higher. But without any hard evidence its difficult to say.

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>barrier to entry for backend development

i think it's because it involves being part sysadmin and part network admin since you need to be somewhat familiar setting up a VPS + OS before you can even deploy your first basic backend. Having one that's just on your local network isn't going to look impressive on a resume.

VPS, storage space, bandwidth all costs between $50 and $100 a month easily (for a decent setup that is).

That's my take on it anyhow.

Yeah. That was exactly what I was thinking but couldn't really formulate my explanation. I think having to known a bunch topics that are auxiliary to programming really turns a lot of people away from backend development. I think it has gotten somewhat better with the various newer services that cloud / VPS providers offer now.

Convince me to get a backend job if frontend is this easy

>VPS, storage space, bandwidth all costs between $50 and $100 a month easily


ok i might've exaggerated the cost.

it's probably less than $10 a month to start your own simple mail server or offsite storage

get both and get paid 3x more

Well his overarching points are right. Having been on both sides of the encouraging "we all kinda suck" talk I understand where's he's coming from. But wow the list of shit he hasn't used is staggering. Sockets? Having to look up everything except ls and cd? C and Python? Jesus.
Everything else is kind of hit or miss but any developer worth their salt knows how to use posix sockets in C and is at least passably competent in shell. I don't care if you work on frontend web or VxWorks flight systems. These are basics.

Attached: signal-2018-12-25-221843.png (520x512, 71K)

i'm ashamed to say i still haven't touched sockets yet, any recommended learning resources or good examples?


TCP and UDP sockets are also well documented by socket(2). Anything lower like raw sockets and you're in for a world of shit since the manpages were written by autists and half the material you find in a Google search is straight up wrong. But you most likely will never need to get that deep. Make a basic client/server app with TCP sockets and you can check the box.

Beej is the de facto guide, but chances are you'll never actually need to write BSD socket code. There are plenty of standard HTTP client/server libraries that are far easier to use and support important things like TLS, multihoming, etc, out of the box instead of requiring you to write your own complex state machines.

>Never went to college
>Taught myself java in my parent's basement
>Pretty much know the same or less than what he listed
>Got a software engineering job anyway

It's funny when my coworkers talk about things like malloc or really anything algorithms related and I just kinda laugh and pretend I know what they're talking about. I still hardly know how networking works despite doing it daily for years now.

Attached: BRAIN PROBLEMS.gif (630x375, 16K)

stupid question, but codemonkeying sockets basically allows you to create your own connection protocol like telnet, which an application can then use to transfer data to another machine on the same network that also has telnet installed?

Everyone should know how to create and write() to a socket. Even if you never need to do it you may need to understand e.g. an strace dump for a socket based program. It's a fundamental skill.

What networking stuff do you do?

>What networking stuff do you do?
They put me on the web dev team for some cloud storage solution since I'm pretty sure they assumed I was too dumb to handle any riskier development teams. Thankfully a majority of what I do is still in Java through GWT since I still don't know or enjoy anything about JS. There's also a lot of integration between our other desktop applications and the server.

I even got a promotion and I struggle to describe exactly what I do.

Telnet is a very thin protocol. It is basically a raw TCP stream with a control packet at the start to negotiate terminal parameters. It is so simple that you do not really need a server side. I am not sure how better to explain it. You can telnet to port 80 on a public web server, type "GET / HTTP/1.0" and press enter and you'll get an HTTP response back. It really is just raw TCP.

Bottom-up I hope

Well I want to build one, but I can't get myself code in React/Angular/Vue
They aren't optimized for websockets and there's no existing multiplexer to use just one connection for all the tabs (thus I have to create my own using shared workers)
DOM diff is comfy, but I'd rather use a separate lib for that.

People in this thread confuse a front end programmer/manager with an all round software engineer.

I have more knowledge in half the fields he listed than him and I made just 5K Euros the whole 2018. fml I'll never build a house

Thanks for the info everyone, I'll be sure to add this to my never ending list of things to read.

Maintaining a marketing-oriented project like react does not require having knowledge, it requires having the tenacity to field a lot of complaints/requests from users

>This is the king of frontend dev
Literally nobody, I'm not reading your blog.

you wouldn't use websockets for react though since it's only there for rendering the DOM, angularJS is optimized for websockets i thought?

We should remind ourselves that every person has different definition of "I don't know". He mentioned Dunning-Kruger effect and Impostor syndrome which might indicate that his definition of "knowing" is at very high level.

You are definitely correct about React, but I find it has more features than I need. Haven't decided yet if I'll use it. Probably won't, but I'll play with it and evaluate it when I find some time.

About AngularJS and its websockets support I haven't found anything existing that can multiplex multiple tab connections into one shared worker, but I have that part complete already so it could be worthwhile to integrate it to an existing rendering framework such as react.

I've re-invented aspects of existing frameworks a lot of times in the past, but I also dislike bloat and complicated builds like an autist.
My state manager has to be custom made and I doubt I'll have any use of the existing framework routers. Who knows, maybe I'll produce something worth sharing on github when it's done.