/wdg/ - Web Development General

Revamping the OP edition. What should be added, what should be removed?


>Free beginner resources to get started
Get a good understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - a good introduction to HTML/CSS/JS and Node.js or Django (independent of your browser choice)
freecodecamp.org - curriculum including HTML/CSS/JS, React, Node.js, Express, and MongoDB
theodinproject.com/ - curriculum including HTML/CSS/JS, Ruby on Rails, and SQL
hackr.io - collection of tutorials from across the web for learning languages and libraries

>Further resources
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - excellent documentation for HTML, CSS & JS

jsfiddle.net - Use this and post a link, if you need help with your HTML/CSS/JS
3v4l.org/ - Use this and post a link, if you need help with PHP/HackLang

>PHP resources

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Other urls found in this thread:



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You are under citizens arrest.

>npm install -g tree
>npm install -g tree-rotate-left
>npm install -g tree-rotate-right
>npm install -g tree-rotate-right-es6
>npm install -g tree-rotate-right-es6-polyfill
>npm install -g tree-rotate-right-es6-polyfill-dependency-fix
>npm install -g treetastic
>npm install -g treemendous
>npm install -g treematic
>npm install -g treetopia
>npm install -g treeckeration
>npm install -g high-treeson
>npm install -g treeman-capote
>npm install -g n-ary-tree
>npm install -g two-ary-tree
>npm install -g rename-two-ary-tree-to-binary-tree
>npm install -g invert-binary-tree
>npm install -g invert-binary-tree-with-arguments
>npm install -g invert-binary-tree-with-arguments-then-return
>npm install -g invert-binary-tree-with-arguments-then-return-then-log-to-console
>npm install -g invert-binary-tree-with-arguments-then-return-then-log-to-console-dark-theme-css
imagine being a webdev

Imagine being a retarded webdev

>reductio ad absurdum

What's the difference between pub/sub and observer?


>reductio ad absurdum
>ad absurdum

Attached: Screenshot 2018-12-28 at 20.10.45.png (360x323, 18K)

>comparing a package with this post

oh no it's retarded

Explain it to me in brainlet friendly words

>unironically defending a "is array" package having 10 million weekly downloads

You'll never make it if you keep this attitude.

>there are stupid people on this planet


reminder that this is used by at least one of your installed packages. your entire foundation is built on retards not knowing how to code lmao

so I'll repeat once again:
imagine being a webdev

Sup Jow Forums? Its been about two and a half months now since I started learning web dev. I have a BS in CS and have done coding in the past, but never for work. Web Dev is new to me and previously I've worked with Java and SQL mostly. My immediate goal is anywhere from a junior web dev to a full stack, as long as the work is interesting.

Here is my site so far:

Do you think this is enough to get a job? How should I arrange the site? Should I get rid of the "Study Log," "Roadmap," etc. sections? I can't decide if they make me look inexperienced or pro-active and self driven.

Ember + Phoenix is the best stack for building web applications. Prove me wrong.

simple code question

var canvasA = document.querySelector('a');
var pencil = tela.getContext('2d');

pincel.fillStyle = 'green';
pincel.fillRect(0, 0, 200, 400);

>cannot read property 'getContext' of null
does anyone know why? it works if I use 'canvas' as the parameter rather than 'a' for some reason

>wants to get a job
>has 4chin references in his website

oh no no no

use #a because its an id

because you have no element, that's what querySelector is trying to find.
Either prefix it with a # for ids or . for classes.
Or use getElementById.

And always check the documentation first.

By the way, the next lines will fail too because tela is not defined, you probably want the context of canvasA instead.
And your "pincel" variable doesn't exist too.

var canvasA = document.getElementById('a');

rate my website


these are all good ways out of this, thank you very much! sorry about the late response, think I got banned for some reason

>By the way, the next lines will fail too because tela is not defined, you probably want the context of canvasA instead.
yeah, I actually was translating some parts for it to get more eligible but forgot the variables. thank you

top kek

Any of you tried the Odin project?
When I stareted learning this shit on my free time (like an hour a day) I kept jumping from tutorial to tutorial and I think it was a waste of time desu.

The current practice page is aesthetic as fuck.
The roadmap is great, contentwise, but the styling on that page needs work; some of the headers are touching the left side of the viewport and the list bullets are misaligned (on my galaxy tab a 2018 anyway).
I'm not too sold on your primary link text colour.
The gif under the main page title looks cool but is also kinda distracting
I think with this site you can probably get a junior front-end position. You might want to handhold people on where they can find your working mini apps games e.g. as opposed to your notes and half working tutorial notes etc.

tf is ember good for?

will I be able to make enough money to survive if I'm starting to learn full time at the age of 21?

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If you need that level of complexity for web apps then you're likely doing it wrong.

>Ruby on Rails
>almost 2019
>getting hired


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Ok, but memes aside, never tried Odin, but it looks like it's pretty outdated. It's almost impossible to find a job with Ruby/RoR nowadays and their front end stuff is probably pretty old, ie ES5 instead of ES6+, positioning shit with floats instead of flexbox/grid etc.

Today is a big day. My company has officially dropped IE support. I can finally start using all the features of ES6 and get rid of these garbage hacks to make everything work in the old codebase.

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oh geez. is 21 that bad?

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that must feel great, congratulations

Of course you can one of my juniors switched career from non I.T. to webdev at like 40yo, he made it, you can too

How did this guy made his blog? his posts are just .md files.

Rails is a niche but you can still make the big bux, actually more than average because not many rails devs around so you aren't competing with others for the job.

Source: am a Rails dev earning the big bux.

Also you are allowed to learn more than one stack, there is a lot of transferable knowledge as well.

thank you. I know I most likely won't be as good as people who've been doing this forever, but as long as I'm employable it shouldn't be that bad

since forever*

Seriously don't worry about it 21 is young as fuck you're only 2 years older than someone starting at university. And there are tons of devs who graduate from uni and still suck dick at it

>web dev fags suddenly start shilling for observable patterns
>a thing that has been used for over 30 years in UI programming

Why is the web dev community so far behind?

Why are you a faggot? The world may never know.

>My personal blog. Forked from Gatsby blog starter. Syntax theme based on Sarah Drasner's Night Owl with small tweaks.
>To run locally, yarn, then yarn dev, then open localhost:8000.

You're missing the opportunity here: repackage 30 year old design patterns for webdevs and be revered as a programming God.

I mean, what is redux if not a win32 window message pump?

>creator of react doesnt know flex and grid

So this is how css in js was born.

He didn't create react though.

View Controller Model


View -> Controller -> Model -> View...

Which is it?

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Do I have to use a python backend framework if I just want to run a few Python scripts occasionally in my website? I don't like Django

Has anyone tried playing around with game development, coming from web-dev? Specifically coming from javascript to c#?

Curious about noodling around with Unity and trying to make a game just for fun. Am currently a front end dev, so that's where my skills currently are at.

Is it easy?

> coming from web-dev

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The 2nd one. Although the first one is easier to implement. Also knows as MVP instead of MVC.

... to add to this, the back-end at my work is .net, so it'd be nice to learn a little c# to relate to that as well. How much different is .net C# programming compared to the C# you do in Unity for games?

what are you doing here? fuck off
very. You won't learn anything relevant to asp.net with unity

What exactly is the paradigm we're currently in for web development right now?

Here's my crude understanding:
> jquery spaghetti => templating engines and early JS frameworks (backbone, etc.) => MVC paradigm (model-view-controller, ie Angluar.js, Ember) => Component-based architecture (current paradigm, i.e. React, Vue, Angular)

Does that seem right, and/or make sense? Anyone care to correct or elaborate?

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I write everything in normal ES6. SPAs included. I keep it lightweight and so far it's been great.

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Is it worth partitioning my second SSD and dual-booting Ubuntu for web dev stuff, or has webdev on Win10 become less painful?

still useful, see:

Just use hyper-v. dualbooting is ass

user... next year is in 4 days.

it's better to hackintosh if your machine is compatible

Just use a VM inside windows? No need to make a separate partition.



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I have a question.
I loved web development at first because I was able to design and program websites and web apps with javascript, html, css, nodejs, and other web languages.
I recently got turned off from web development because i feel like this whole thing is getting replaced with ways to create websites with no code. Websites like wix, and squarespace make it so easy my grandma could do it. then wordpress is just boring to me because i feel it takes a lot of the challenge out.

Is it still relevant to know these languages? Do people wanna hire me if i have these skills? or would they rather hire some wordpress or wix wizard?

imo, clients who want wix/squarespace/wordpress sites are usually bottom of the barrel clients who you wouldn't want to hire anyways.

so most people want there websites coded by scratch?


CMS are ok but when you delve deeper you are limited in what you can do with them. The only way to have a fully versitile wordpress site is if you deveop it from the ground up.

Squarespace is ver limited and is all style over substance. The same with Wix, which is even more limited than Squarespace.

Websites? No. Anyone can do that using the tools you mentioned.
Web applications? Yes.
You are not going to get something like managing a companies funds and wares using wordpress.

>Websites like wix, and squarespace make it so easy my grandma could do it

And those are the only people that use it.

gib example project >:(

>unix that just werks
>can test in safari
>access to industry standard software like logic pro without paying for a shitty mac
>can program for iOS (much better and pays more than android dev)
there are real reasons to want a hackintosh you parroting Pajeetard

>catering to macfags
yikes, get some dignity and self respect.

>brainwashed by Jow Forumstards to hate everything they tell him to hate with no exceptions
>dignity and self respect
pick 1

reply pls

is it possible to change a site layout through css/html? obviously it would only work on my end. i mean like changing text, images or the position of certain elements


Yes, how do you think Jow Forums-x works?

where do i learn how to do this stuff?

whats Jow Forums-x?

You're not gonna make it.

cmon man.

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Attached: seething.gif (498x278, 1.3M)

>not knowing what Jow Forums-x is
>using Jow Forums without Jow Forums-x
Shit user, go google it and instal it. It makes using Jow Forums much better.

Dumb animeposter

you guys are mean, i wanted to learn some stuff

alright thanks user

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If you want learn wedev, start with the basic. Not reengineering a website.

BEM wins again

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I just suddenly realised that I feel quite comfortable with HTML/CSS/JS/PHP(Symfony/Laravel/Wordpress)/React and am in the process of learning DevOps. With all this, I'm beginning to see where my future will take me from here. I was debating maybe learning Java or Python, but not sure it would be relevant for my future plans.

I don't intend on being simply a full stack developer or devops. I want to be paid more and be in charge of making bigger decisions for a company; leading the team/department per se.

If anyone here is familiar with this path, do you have any advice you could give me? Is there something I should be looking out for or striving to improve in order to get there? A particular set of skills I'm missing?

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Learn docker first. Just do a database inside a container. Then start breaking
out services, like search is its own server, serving static content with nginx
is in its own container.

You currenly employed?

Appreciate the advice. Some of it I'm already studying now. I'll look into those things.

I am currently employed.

I think the guys who did the web dev courses on teamtreehouse became game devs, look them up on twitter if you can they'll be of better help than here.

Maniwani's REST endpoints (at least the ones that modify site content) are now secured with HTTP Basic; I wanted to do OAuth initially, but OAuth is complicated and I couldn't come up with a good reason for having multiple providers, anyway, so HTTP Basic it is for the time being. I also implemented some UI suggestions given by a couple anons; the thread previews on the front page show what board each thread came from, and the catalog links indicate which board you're viewing, as well.

There's also an IRC channel for talking about Maniwani/futatsu.org now, #maniwani on Rizon. Feel free to ask me questions about plans for Maniwani and Futatsu there even if I haven't posted in /wdg/ in a while.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-28 Futatsu - home.png (1550x791, 1.51M)

literally who?

I'm writing an imageboard engine, user - github.com/DangerOnTheRanger/maniwani. I've been working on it for about 8 months, taking suggestions from /wdg/ and Jow Forums in general on how to proceed. I also recently launched a public instance of it (Futatsu), if you want to see what it looks like. The initial thread for Futatsu () was fairly productive, so I have high hopes for both the instance as well as the imageboard engine behind it.

It's not written in Common Lisp so I have no interest in your toy.