Transhophobia in Technology

Transwoman is called "Sir" in GameStop shop.

How can we stop the rampant transophobia in technology?

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Who is this semen demon?

Deranged person.

>Male is called "Sir" in GameStop shop.
But i don't see anything wrong with that.

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>adults buying action figures and video games
>surprised there are degenerates frequenting the store

It's a dude in women's clothing


Is this too much estrogen or too much testosterone, Jow Forums?

if you don't want to be called a sir, maybe you shouldn't look like a dude

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>wants to be treated like a lady
>acts like a man
>looks like a man

>wants to be treated like a lady
>is a man

Imagine him calling Pajeetsoft tech support.

>The state of gaymers in 2018

Attached: shit_box.jpg (720x489, 77K)

If you can't pass, you ain't a lass

Easy. Shoot all the trannies.

>why is this man so angry
>my feet hurt
>am I being filmed?
>I just wanted to play videogames

forgot image

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>all those god and satan comments

Wow what a jack ass

>Jow Forums tech related

the absolute state of /v/

go back to your transophobic circlejerk at Jow Forums, we are discussing serious issues here ;^)

>serious issues
The only issues I see is the mutent. Also this is Jow Forums so go back.

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the fuck are these yt comments?
why is everyone hardcore christian

And you guys were questioning why we need to enforce a code of conduct in every software project. You see, in software projects such transophobes will be forcefully excluded from the community, and will hopefully lose their jobs.
It cannot be that people are making a living for their family, while calling transwomen "Sir". I really hope that we won't see any cis-sexism and transophobia in tech in 2019, or literally anywhere else, for that matter.

>why is everyone hardcore christian
Is this what you call common sense nowadays?

He almost hung around until he realized they had a surefire destruction of property charge against him. If not that then simple vandalism.

Is that Terry in drag, hiding from CIA niggers?

There will be no transphobia once we physically remove trannies from society

In australia we have g'day mate which is gender neutral

You also have huntsman spiders.

kinda looks like Terry

>delusional man wants other people to also be delusional, gets angry when someone is sensible

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isn't a phobia of something doing everything within your power to not confront the thing?
calling a dude that doesn't want to be called a dude is confronting it
calling a dude that doesn't want to be called something else is the fear

Shh you'll blow his cover!

They can see you pretending they're a woman, they can hear you pretending they're a woman, they can feel they pretending to be a woman.
You can try to distort reality all you want, can make all the laws you want, can turn the state into 1984 all you want.
They will still know and feel your lies.
And when they die, it is on you that told em that they were born abominations by being white males.

Which eat roaches

>Trey Parker performance art

Attached: black science man cannot enjoy movies.gif (374x352, 1.17M)

Honestly can't tell which way that transperson is going so can't blame it.

Facts don't care about your feelings

It doesn't even look like a woman.
The only feminine thing about him is a pink purse.
How are you supposed to know what to call him?
If you wanna be a tranny, be my guest, but at least put some effort into it and actually look and act like a woman.

>questioning progressive nomenclature
If you tweeted that to a public account with your name, you could be fired for saying that.

>be me 30 years ago
>parents tell me let them call you anything they want except late for supper
>parents tell me sir is a term of respect

>be me today

What went wrong?

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>replying to reddit threads

Based reply-to-every-post poster

I feel like you're fucked any way in this situation. Call it a sir, it freaks out. Call it ma'am and it's actually a man, it freaks out. I'm sure if you somehow had the balls to ask it what pronouns it wants, it'd freak out too because you didn't assume he was a woman.

how could he even know, looks like a fucking man with female clothes

>I apologize sir

fucking jej

post slut49 and slut50 pls

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Your parents aren't allowed to call you by the name Late For Supper? Why not? Are they allowed to call you Faggot?

weak b8

The guy in the video is a obvious troll to make actual trans people look bad.

>motherfucker wanna take this outside
Really backing up the "womanly" act

The video was inevitably reposted on a Facebook group.

If only

Facebook users are not welcome here

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that's funny because they need no help whatsoever with that.

Why are majority of trannies j*ws and wh*te men?

because white trannies are more or less the only ones put in the spotlight. It's mostly optics.

Attached: why transgender is a thing.png (966x316, 53K)


>hello, madam, what can I help you with at this beautiful morn...
Can't wait to see the future. Will USA have a tranny president one day? Can we make this happen?
Russia, please.

No one cares.

I have other suggestion. How about doing something with clearly mentally ill people?
I mean, gas chambers are kinda cruel, but mental hospitals seem good.

And who's going to pay for those treatments? Certainly not themselves or people who think this is normal

>trump becomes tranny
>the world doesn't know what to do
>everything is offending "her"

>Certainly not themselves or people who think this is normal
You know, retards still can do things, like sewing, maybe even soldering shit.