35C3 - DAY 3

So, who's doing what today?
Report in

Attached: 1546026232840.jpg (4032x3024, 635K)

Other urls found in this thread:

privatebin.net/?16a2feabb155d35f#TwZ8kW/89U26BAbdd3bNpMFIW03 hbZC5nZH2j2SBvE=

waiting for the flag faggot to show up..

Haha - get to the flag, pal

Attached: 1546032806384.jpg (3968x2240, 2.19M)

Get out of bed you lot

Attached: 1546048110921.png (916x1100, 12K)

Lightning talks for me

Hey are u guys from the Jow Forums thread?


Attached: 1469174266115.png (444x488, 293K)

This is probably the weirdest thread I've ever seen on Jow Forums.

how to have sex in german


Attached: ACW_Poster_KI_Regenbogen_digital-e1541798837858.jpg (500x707, 114K)

Why? There have been several like this over the last few days while Congress is on

You have no idea what you're talking about do you?

Is it in leipzig this year too? Why do they pick the only large german city without good brothels?

Yes, it's there

I feel like most people here have mental disabilities so they wouldn't care anyway

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-12-29 23-33-11.png (1920x1080, 406K)

LOL druggie in lightning talks

Someone needs to make a "fags are not real" etc etc poster and put it up

Attached: rhino.jpg (1536x2048, 354K)

from which talk was this user?

Lightning talks
5 mins on kernel security

Trans aren't real girls
wake up 35c3

Do it - print it and plaster it over a few walls


Attached: Screenshot from 2018-12-30 00-18-30.png (1920x1080, 682K)

which one

Hall C

Make a PDF with it and I'll print it

nah I mean like which lightning talk :p

Who jizzed on me fries?

Attached: jizzed fries.jpg (1280x1280, 152K)


The talk on kernel security from Alex Popov today

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-12-30 00-28-02.png (1920x1080, 1.22M)

She's really good

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-12-30 00-29-30.png (1920x1080, 1.06M)

I'm also there


Attached: Screenshot from 2018-12-30 00-32-20.png (1920x1080, 1.7M)

>tfw no qt3.14 microcontroller gf

why live? :(

I thought it's in lightning talks day 3.
I can't seem to find it :(

It is - day three

Any good FTP servers?

Where are some lesser crowded shitters at ccc?


tfw 3 talks I want to see running concurrently


Don't be a dick

The one closest to heaven is normally pretty empty

Goto dijkstra and then go up one more floor and on the right (over Eliza) there is a non unisex toilet that is usually free

I'd let her play with my micropython if you know what I mean

It used to be in Hamburg a few years ago, in which that's definitely not the case.

Wake up Jow Forums those lefties are on to something

Attached: IMG_20181229_153317.jpg (4208x3120, 1.46M)


22:00 Dominik Eulberg in disco guys

is this faggot vicent canfield in 35c3? i want to punch him


meet me at the flag faggot

are you from the thread?

fugg the FTP with hardstyle stuff is still down

Attached: 1487791422269.jpg (600x600, 333K)

How much will you pay if I punch in your steed?

I think he's from the thread

are you from the thread?

are you from the thread?

which thread?

*the* thread

the Jow Forums one

oh, no, I'm a girl

tits or gtfo then

>tfw dropped my belt in a toilet bowl

uh, fyi there are no girls on The Internet

sb please pwn pixelflood :
HOST = ''
PORT = 1234

privatebin.net/?16a2feabb155d35f#TwZ8kW/89U26BAbdd3bNpMFIW03 hbZC5nZH2j2SBvE=

ok nvm then


Attached: IMG_20181229_161617-01.jpg (1080x1920, 399K)

the user who uploaded a copy of the webms yesterday, yes

hebocon looks p. neat

anyone seen the guy with the Sailor Moon cosplay today? he's a qt3.14

t. girl (female)

Attached: image_2018-12-29_10-35.jpg (1080x1884, 318K)

Attached: IMG_20181229_163702.jpg (2240x3968, 2.49M)

Are you from the thread ?

kek based

come join us @ fuwafuwa.moe/35c3/

Send pictures you glorious bastard

I made a pdf and printed it.
They will go up during the night when there are less people to witness my crime.

Attached: DvmAMv_XgAAXbIU.jpg (720x1184, 116K)

Found it

Attached: IMG_20181229_170054.jpg (3120x4208, 1.15M)


where can I pitch hack ideas to

nice repost

Dont listen to to faggot
Fucking do it and post results to get the reespekt of Jow Forums

We have printed it already. They will go up during the night.

Are there any good talks at CCC this year?
What about DEF CON, were there any good ones there this year?

Dubs of approval

>germany's biggest commie convention
no thanks

>No "the lumiferous ether is real" sign


Attached: 015.png (434x327, 55K)

tenshi eating a corndog

Fug :D

Attached: IMG_20181229_180100.jpg (5184x3880, 2.53M)

Elon Musk?

I can't confirm until you show your face

Attached: 1499165811203.jpg (540x610, 79K)

I hope she's a cute trap:3

indeed, if xe is just a cis white male who looks like a neet I'm dissapointed :(

CCC? More like Commie Cuck Con.