Why aren't you using the modal text editor of the 21st century?

Why aren't you using the modal text editor of the 21st century?

Attached: kakoune_logo_full.png (262x262, 38K)

What is it.

Is there a good guide?

Because I don't fall for that category of mental illness. But if I did, I would.

yes I'm using Notepad.

because vi/vim are perfectly fine. What does cockoune offer over anything else?

>because vi is perfectly fine



*undoes exactly once*

because it's slow, there is a half second delay when opening 300 lines Python script for fuck sake

You can hit '.' to keep going back.

*has vimscript*

better ergonomy, better devs behind it. (really not hard)
If you just want #2 you can always go for neovim.

gonna try

It seems to have more quite a lot more bugs than vim. I've had issues with mmb on two installs and the system clipboard with xclip tip also didn't work.

Also, less features in general. It can't match basic vim, never mind vim with plugins.

I do think its modal command syntax makes more sense, though, and the explanatory popup is a good learning aid.

>uses the letter K
>doesn't have anything to do with kde
what the fuck

Modal editing is totally retarded.

Attached: 268723038020211.png (611x461, 477K)

based, woke and redpilled

The tenth time I accidentially went back in browser history when hitting ctrl+arrowkeys to move the cursor by a word while typing out a long post on the internet - deleting my text - because focus shifted away from the input field for some reason, I decided that modal editing is the right choice for me.

I also removed the specific keyboard shortcut.

I wan't to use it, but it's still a WIP, a lot of things doesn't work and the documentation doesn't help either.


I tried when I started to get interested in learning Vim, it is nice because it shows which commands that you have available, so it is faster to learn. But after even less than a week I went back to Vim because I thought what the hell, I don't want to learn even another text editor.

Kakoune is fine, if Vim had been built based on the their premise (selecting text before doing action) would probably be better, but it wasn't so get over it.

whats a good alternative to notepad++ ?

but I am using vsc with vim keybinds!

Press 'w'

>text editor of the 21st century
>fucking terminal only
you retards crack me up. if you sit there typing text into a fucking VT100 terminal emulator like it's the 1980's, you're a faggot

What is this? Some Polish company or something?

You mean vis? But i do.

kakoune is shit. just use vim or neovim.

> kakyoine