/hpg/ - Headphone General

>Requesting purchase advice

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Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Sony-WH-CH700N-Canceling-Headphones-WHCH700N/dp/B079GPFLT1/ref=sr_1_11?s=aht&ie=UTF8&qid=1546213594&sr=1-11&keywords=bluetooth headphones&refinements=p_72:1248879011,p_36:15000-25000

I'm whoring for Beyer.

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first to nikita

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how big is your cock, user-kun?

I'm still salty about AKG.

beyers confirmed sissyphones

almost making me like beyerdynamics

Moderately sized, sister.

You're so fucking petite holy shit.

How have you been popping sissy pills for, Alice?

*sniffs sweaty feets*

Would any of you recommend the Soundblaster G5 or G6?


Your hands/feet and fingers are also small, you're basically a girl.

Most will be fine though if that thing has an amp then you're probably better staying away from it.

His hands aren't that small though.

G6 is pretty good dac/amp, you can check its measurements on reference-audio-analyzer. 1 ohm OI too.

I guess the amp might be better than what I would expect from Creative.

56% neet weeb, latent homosexual tendences, fell for the BBC worship, listens exclusively to shrill idol garbage
improverished slav who's also deaf from listening to hardbass for years, supports both hitler and putin on Jow Forums, has been playing heroes of might and magic for 20 years, listens exclusively to hardbass even though he can't hear anymore
crossdressing sissy or transitioning mtf, never older than 25, consumate sodomite, listens exlusively to k-pop
>audio technica, philips, gaming headsets
underage dudebro gaymer, survives on soda and mommy's tendies, plays exclusively low IQ games such as lol and overwatch, listens to trance, nigger rap and linkin park
fallen from grace neet weeb who became a wagie, alcoholic and suicidal, doesn't even listen to anything and only takes his headphones out of the plastic bag to take pictures for /hpg/
low IQ gweilo who willingly gives money to slant eyed jews, fucked a shovelfaced chink just once, uneducated but pretentious, listens exclusively to classical and jazz to appear classy, doesn't even like those genres
>audeze, grado, fostex, shure
half dear boomer who only purchases overpriced stuff from "trusty old brands", hates comfort, listens exclusively to his single vinyl of some boomer rock
>beats, sony, bose
melanin enriched autist, meek and shy but secretly idolizes the alpha specimens of his race, loves whites but watches them being beaten on worldstarhiphop, loves anime (especially dragon ball), listens exclusively to avril lavigne and anime soundtracks
>superlux, takstar, other aliexpress trash
barely over the legal age and from a lower class family, tries his best but won't get anywhere and will always remain poor, listens to a variety of genres
>meze, kennerton, fischer audio, other obscure slav brands
female, quirky and into steampunk, cares about aesthetics, wears corset every day, virgin, listens exclusively to baroque music
free from mortal coil

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it looks like its a DAC and an Amp

so you would recommend it? I see its $150 on amazon and the G5 is $100 on amazon.

all these years i've been using audio from the graphics card thru hdmi to my tv, but I got monitors with no sound now.

You think bad about Creative. Check AE-5 measurements, its very very good product.

Every day I closer to just not replacing the gtx 760 and getting a srs3100 system.
Not gonna lie though if you staxfags shilled this hard for them and they aren't at least clearly better than all my "garbage headphones" after sealing and stuffing the pads I'm gonna be pretty bummed.

don't respond sapphire

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how is the mic input?

i fell for the amp meme and sound got much worse
fuck you g

amps are useless


I like where you're going with this but you really need to improve the descriptions. Make them like horoscopes where anyone can relate at least a little bit but mold the insult around the headphone brand. Also since you're on Jow Forums you can assume the majority of people reading are 21-29 yo white american males.
Not a single description there is even close to me.

>You think bad about creative
It's mostly the whole Gayming thing they've got going on but I guess I was wrong. Also, their synths used to suck so I was already biased before the gaming thing. Still if someone here is defending it it's probably not complete garbage, I just don't feel like looking up measurements now. Just how does it compare to an STXII?

Still not selling the Audeze?

>you can assume the majority of people reading are 21-29 yo white american males
>tfw not American
>the Zoomer
Feels bad man.

The older lambdas are just as good if not better and can sometimes be had for cheaper.

I've got ~200 burger units to spend on headphones. It'll be mostly for listening to music, and I'll be using them with my phone and computer. Bluetooth would be great as I'm sick of accidentally yanking the cable out.

There is a study circulating that proves best stax are actually worse than mid-fi dynamics.

>crossdressing sissy or transitioning mtf, never older than 25, consumate sodomite, listens exlusively to k-pop
Make the description about Beyer instead, 30yo and listening exclusively to electro (all styles) and black metal and you've gotten closer to someone actually browsing /hpg/.
Is bluetooth absolutely mandatory? You're not going to get bang-for-you-buck stuff there.

Just go straight to the source and look at reviews on audiosciencereview forums.
Unless your mobos sound broke and you have exactly $x in your pocket I would suggest you bare minimum buy a fiio e10k.
If you're curious about headphones now and a heavy computer user(give since on Jow Forums) my guess is you'll end up like the rest of us and need an amp at some point. The e10k has a weak amp but the DAC is as good as you'll ever need so of you ever upgrade you'll be covered.
Yeah? I was looking at older stax a couple months ago but I need one with the dust filter.
I was going to sell them for a new GPU but there isn't a single GPU for sale I would buy except a used $150 RX 580 and I have a gsync monitor so I havent sold. I also have other things I may sell. I guess I'm waiting for CES? May just say fuck adaptive refresh and get the 580

sorry for double post but I dont think I was clear, should proof read my shit at least once.
If your on board audio works don't buy anything.
If it's broken buy the cheapest chinkshit you can find.
If you're looking to 'upgrade' either don't or get at minimum a e10k(or anything else with positive review on asr). Since the g5 is portable the topping nx4 may be a better choice as well.

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I'm by no means an audiophile, as long as the sound quality is at least decent and the headphones are well made and last long I don't mind paying 200 dollars.

All the square pro bias ones have dust filters. Just make sure to check with the seller, explicitly ask them if there's squealing or channel imbalances.

Well what models are a better buy than the SRS3100 system?
Giving up the bundle and having to hunt down a separate energizer sucks so I would hope the improved value of the used pair makes up the difference?
dont know shit about pic rel but they look cool

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Im gonna get a Razer Nari. What am I in for? Peak audio?

DT880, HD600, K612 all are significantly better sounding headphones.

Depends on the price of course but you can get SR-X0X models for less than $300. The SRS-3030 you can sometimes find for $500 which is a killer deal, since the SRM-313 is basically the same as the 323S.

Hi Nikita

Have a set of passive speakers sitting around(90w) that I'd like to use on my PC along with my headphones. Any dac/amp combo that can run these and hd650s? 100-200 range ?

Got my eye on these amazon.com/Sony-WH-CH700N-Canceling-Headphones-WHCH700N/dp/B079GPFLT1/ref=sr_1_11?s=aht&ie=UTF8&qid=1546213594&sr=1-11&keywords=bluetooth headphones&refinements=p_72:1248879011,p_36:15000-25000
I'm this user. Should I go for it?

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Daily reminder that listening to loud music makes you go prematurely bald.


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anything wireless is garbage, just go for whatever that's comfortable and has decent battery life, you aren't going to find sound quality there

I didn't care much for the sound from my mobo, but I do like the sound I got from my tv from the graphics card. Now that I have monitors with no sound I would like to get something external from the back of the pc that I can adjust separately.

I looked at the fiio, the fulla schiit, and the soundblasters.

>$4000 SR-009 was rated lower in blind listening tests than a $200 K701


Stax is like Beats for incel neckbeards, its absolute shit but its buyers insist its good because its expensive.

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whats a good entry level tube amp for my hd280 pro?

bottlehead crack

This is some deep audiophool bullshit, lol
Wireless cans have the same sound quality as wired, even average frequency response looks almost identical

>tube amp for lowfi shitphones

chill man it's not like he's buying it for dt990s or something really shitty like that

If a headphone manufacturer doesn't top the HD600 in 2019 I will be very sad.

I'm looking for high end headphones to listen to hip hop and rock/metal while streaming.

I'm considering the MrSpeakers Aeon Flow Open but I'm open to better suggestions.


stax srs-3100

those koss headphones just came in today.
other than treble, god bless this is clear as fuck.
if you got 15 bucks, fucking buy them. hifi on the cheap.

I said high end

my bad, if you're not looking for summit fi the dt1990 is a good mid-hifi option

is this the new meme around here?

yeah the 1990 is the hot meme right now

i plan on upgrading eventually anyways
these headphones just feel under powered volume wise rn and its bugging me
maybe im just going deaf

People love the DT1990 but it's hard not to with how good it looks. I'm convinced that if you think a headphone looks gorgeous than it will sound better.
like your opinion of the headphones looks, what you expect of the sound, and how much you spent gotta be the top factors in how good you think it sounds.

Except they're actually good.

What about the Focal Clear?

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They're alright yeah. Stax are strictly superior of course, but no dynamic can compete.

I think they and the elex are pretty under rated here because they have some issue where they clip mechanically but I know a couple people who love the clear.
I think it's one of those situations like when the HD800 is totally disregarded because the paint chips and all hifiman headphones are bad because they have build problems, etc.
watch innerfidelity review on clears

Mechanical clipping isnt a shitposty issue like the paint chipping, a lot of people report clipping at even 70dB which is well within listening volume. If focal would replace these units it would not be a problem but they marked it as wontfix and told people to fuck off.

>is this the new meme around here?
I've been shilling them ever since I got them 8 months ago.

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I was talking about the low-tier Stax rec

So what do people here actually recommend on the high end?


hd600, 1990, akg 712, stax 3100 with l700 pads
anything else is a meme

>like when the HD800 is totally disregarded
I've seen remarks about the HD800 mediocre build from time to time but never people disregarding it because of that. Either people love how it sounds and keep it, or they don't like bright headphones and sell them.
Now chinkfiman's build issues are a lot more serious, and I wouldn't even consider trying any.

Its simply really. Takstar Pro 82 -> HD600 -> Stax L300
Nothing else is worth buying ever
with love,
p.s. taction kannon is okay if you're black

these are all mid-tier options

koss > hd600 > stax 3100
with love, ur mom

I would have said ksc75 -> cal -> hd600 etc but we have takstar shills and dont have cal/ksc shills so while I agree with you I won't be changing my list mommy

HD 600 suck.

tfw hi-fi docked to mid-fi
how much higher can we get dammit
used to be where id consider hd600 hifi, now its midfi, soon itll be low-fi compared to some obscure shitphone

you're going to give niki a fucking stroke relax

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lol i just got my ksc75 today.
theyre amazing but the high end is rape

I still have no idea what headphone niki actually uses or like, as all information seem contradictory. Isn't the HD600 sapphire's obsession? Either way, fuck this pos.

The only problem with the KSCs is the inconsistent fit which leads to perceived channel imbalances and different perceived sound signatures. I don't find them bright at all.

niki is sapphire

Don't get me wrong mate. The mids on that headphone are great but besides that it's pretty bad and not well rounded.

Are there any high quality chink brands? Import costs are really ridiculous.

Are you the cool kids to ask about desk mics too?

He owns a DT990 which he doesn't hate and a HD650/6XX which he does hate.

>niki is sapphire
So, let me get this straight. Is that all a case of a man building multiple personalities arguing with himself?

ah im used to either hd600 treble or shp treble. i may be super treble sensitive tho.
and ye the fit is definitely weird. i got monkey ears so i look like some tribal warlord.

I just bought a Rode Procaster.

i have no idea at this point.
filter the word stax and all of sapphire's posts seem to go away.

Should I purchase this?


>and a HD650/6XX which he does hate
Who doesn't?

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It's your ear shape, I found the SHPs brighter than the KSCs

the shps were murderous on me.
after prolonged use i would legit have ringing.

Objectively garbage