I am legally blind. I have been getting into privacy lately and it seems to be that google has blocked my IP when i enabled resistfingerprinting in firefox. Now i cannot listen to captcha, and have to ask a friend to do it for me. They say my computer is sending automated requests. If anybody is to send automated requests, it is not me. I am very slow at browsing internet (according to my friend). I cannot seem to shake the ban, even on different IP's. Is google legally allowed to discriminate against the blind like this? They are blocking my access to multiple sites. Could I take them to court over this? Also thanks Jow Forums for making me disable a large amount of my access to the internet.
I am legally blind...
Other urls found in this thread:
what they're doing is probably well within their terms, YOU chose to use that captcha thing. If this isnt a joke then please tell us more user! And hello to your captchacuck slave
Regardless, you could contact whoever would have power on this directly and ask for the ban to be lifted.
Use Google Chrome :^)
>legally blind
legally blind does not mean actually blind
fuck off
Buy a Jow Forums pass
You know there is an audio captcha right?
t. Retard
It just means you're not black blind. But still blind. My old man's been declared legally blind and he walks into shit and needs help reading things.
He can still use a computer with a dedicated monitor running magnifier at 8x if he gets his face right up to the screen.
>now I cannot listen to the captcha
Can you read?
it's just (any) one of my 3 roommates. If I hear someone near me when I want to post, i ask them. If i don't hear anyone, I yell out. It's become a meme in the house now. My roommates are getting used to me screeching "someone captcha me" across the house.
The problem is that sites use the captcha. Sites I used before they implemented captcha now have it and all my important shit associated with my login is almost inaccessible. Also, that's like saying a shop can write a rule for their store that they can kick out blind people when they ask to hear information about a product because they can't read. It's discrimination. Also, being forced to do a captcha doesn't mean you willingly accepted their terms. Something is being held from you (such as your emails, benefits and your method of submitting your taxes) and the only way to get to it is by doing the captcha. You're telling me I'm consenting to being discriminated against because my only source of pension (I've been employed by the government 6 times. I get sacked or told by the boss to 'just attend, dont do any more work' within a week) because my pension is held hostage fortnightly by a welfare service that uses captcha. Theres no way this isn't highly illegal.
How the fuck exactly do you contact google. exactly
Tried. Still blocked.
I cannot see fucking tiny cars and crosswalks in tiny little jpeg images. The text i view on my monitor is blown up one word at a time. I have an entire monitor dedicated to magnifier, and another for navigation with my mouse, every page zoomed in and OS scaled up
I could solve a visual captcha with a gun against my head. The only problem is it would probably take me upwards of an hour. You see old captcha was good, because i could expand it really big and just type what i say on the big screen. But now its all just a mess.
Jow Forums is not the only site that has captcha. dickhead.
When i click the headphones it says "your computer is sending automated requests"
I totally haven't seen this before. Jokes on you, I'm not a text-to-speech-tard. I have a massive monitor so i can see everything word for word. I just skip over your comment but I thought I'd reply to let you know how miserably you failed.
Your gramps is me. If i didn't have my magnifier, I probably wouldn't be using computers. narrators are terrible, listening to a soulless machine drone on for ages and it barely knows how to skip over things that aren't important. Iframe 243 by 345 embed video youtube dot com play forward seekbar closed captions theater fullscreen oh its hell
Even if it is in terms op agreed to, shit like that is waived all the time in court. You can't be bound by a contract if said contract breaks the law.
Do you really think I have a chance against google though? I don't even need to ask you. You already know the answer.
For what it's worth, I sympathize with you. I however doubt that a lawsuit or any kind of activism or will help with this. Google is too big to fail for now, and considering you're using irregular settings for a browser that is becoming increasingly rare, you don't have much of an argument.
People will say all kinds of shit about tinfoil and whatnot, but I too give up a bit of usability for more security and privacy - something more people should do. What you can do is try the noscript captcha. 4chanx is a user script with an option that forces it to show up in place of the regular one. You only need to solve it once, and there are no grainy pictures like in the normal one. There's also eugenox.appspot.com
For something like this if a decent enough case was made, they would just give you some money to shut you up before it went to trial or summary judgement or whatever. Google has lost lots of legal battles in the last few years, if you got the right judge I dont think it would matter.
I'm more interested in how to avoid the Yandex "muh automated requests, solve captcha every 3 seconds pl0x" dogshit, and i don't even have resistfingerprinting on.
Does anyone know how badly this fucks shit up on mobile?
what's illegally blind?
It's when you're blind against the law. You're under arrest. Open your eyes, it's so beautiful!!!!
I've tried the noscript captcha option with 4chanX but no matter what I do, it never shows up. That's the old one right? The one they used to archive books? I don't have problems with that one, except getting it to load when i run 4chanx. I just hate being reliant on someone else to collect my benefits or pay my taxes on said benefits and investments I have. I'm an adult and am independent in every other walk in life, I may be practically blind, but I'm not fucking dumb. I know how to use a computer. I've heard about morecaptcha but this doesn't help me. Maybe it would in a situation where I have no-one around me, but a captcha takes forever for me to look at all the images one-by-one in a magnifier, then go back to check the ones that faded to white. It's just pure pain. Morecaptcha is like putting a dash of salt on a lemon. It's still gonna be terrible, but maybe a tiny little bit less. Old captcha and audio captcha however are an absolute breeze for me. Is the noscript captcha the one that was used pre-2013ish?
I don't even own a phone (too small, tablets too), but I've heard the clover """app""" has a less cancerous captcha.
No, the noscript captcha is very similar to the normal captcha you see today, but you have checkboxes and you only need to solve it once - it doesn't have any fading shit nor do you have to "paint" a part of the picture that has, say, a bus. You just select 3-4 bicycles and that's it.
okay thanks, how do i get it working?
When i click the option it always just loads a blank space where the captcha should be until i uninstall 4chanx
You're on the latest Firefox, right? If you're not using it already, install Violentmonkey and use 4chanx through it. Depending on your other addons like uMatrix and uBlock Origin, you will have to do some unbreaking to get it to work, so tell me what else you're using. In uMatrix, you want to disable 'spoof referer header'. Enable image, script and frame for www.google.com and CSS for www.gstatic.com.
"Copy this code and paste it in the empty box below"
There is no box below.
What do i do about this
4chanx should paste it automatically for you if it's properly configured. Enable 'captcha fixes'. I have to enable scripts on www.google.com for that to work (for some reason). If you don't see the box, scroll down; it's a simple white box for text input.
If you're American then the ADA provides information about the Americans with Disabilities Act and enforcement since they are part of the justice department.
It's still 9 boxes to check one-by-one but its better than the other captcha's bullshit
I do not live in America. I'm Eurofag.
see Thanks for all your help guys, now I will soon test the audio version. Thank you all and fuck oogaboogle
4chanx wont let me update the thread now
I'm glad it's working for you. If it's easier for you, you can use the numpad to check the boxes (7 is top left for example).
What do you mean?
>using the word 'meme' correctly
You have my utmost respect.
I just turn off resistfingerprinting when I need to do a captcha...
reCaptcha is such bullshit, and Google is fucking evil. It should be nothing more than a simple mechanism to determine if you're human or not. 'Fingerprinting' shouldn't have any fucking effect on the equation.
I hover over the [Update] button and it says javascript:;
clicking it does not update the thread.
i have to zoom in far on boxes to see whats in them - im so close i might as well click it while im there lmao, but yes i saw the option to use numpad, thanks you - feel proud user and every other user who helped you have made my life so so very much easier :)))))))
I think it's a sort of "you dont want to give us data, well fuck you too" scenario
I'm not sure what update button you're talking about. Do you still have the native extension enabled (4chanx disables it by default)?
4chanx updates the thread every 30 seconds by default. There's a countdown for it to the left of the post/images/IPs/page numbers in the top right corner, if you click that countdown, it will refresh the thread immediately.
Google probably sees your fingerprint as very common, so they make it harder because you're more likely to try and blend in like a potential bot would. I do agree that they're probably forcing you to participate in the data mining with this shit though, otherwise they would have improved it already.
It's time to lawyer up
The ADA compels web sites to be accessible but you’ll have to sue them to get them to comply.
>be Jow Forums
>start solving audio captcha using Google's own voice recognition
>Google starts blocking people who use audio captcha
>Google gets sued for billions for breaking ADA
Top kek. How weaponized autism can take down one of the biggest companies in the world
In that case it is likely indirect discrimination on grounds of disability, and therefore unlawful in Europe.
If you're American, sue the motherfuckers and win the easiest millions of dollars in your life.
Make a big fuss for them in terms of PR, they'd get absolutely slaughtered by people when hearing that they block people who are legally blind from using any part of the internet.