okay I'm curious
so I'm a newfag to coding
I'm self-teaching myself java
but people say it's dogshit.
I chose java because .JAR files can run on any OS as long as the JRE is installed
But people say that it's shit because idk.
Should I switch languages?
Other urls found in this thread:
Learn Kotlin and C++
Java isn't going anywhere. I can't think of a website that dosen't use Javascript in some form.
Java gets used in alot of corporate environments and isn't bad to use, but the language itself is kinda a mess. C is Java but more granular
Basically don't worry, just learn a language to get some foundational skills and then think about what you want to do.
Most skills you learn from one language translate to the others. So don't worry, just code.
JavaScript != Java
It's not bad. People will shit on any language. Java is as popular (if not more) as ever.
It's not the language, it's the programmer that's bad.
Did this fag just confuse Java with ECMAScript
Learn Lua. Stop being a newfag. Learn something else.
This then this
Just man up and learn a real language.
As a java dev, learn kotlin
>next generation proprietary memory allocation techniques.
all this shit slow as f-ck
then use em for creating memory leaks everevere
C++ is only used in HPC and legacy codebases and neither places are where you want to be if you're a neophyte. There are no meaninful web or ORM frameworks for it. Microsoft has been shitting all over the face of its C++ users for nearly a decade now (despite the fact that they nearly all reject .NET out of sheer spite when they have to give up C++).
That he did.
I don't even like Java, but it has a long life as a backend language if you're looking for work.
See, I just don't understand why all you fuckers don't program in assembly. You all seem to be worried about optimization and speed, so it seems to be the perfect language for you all.
On a side note, even if Jow Forums did, they'd probably get the same amount of shit done: nothing.
A lot of us who were fooled into getting compsci degrees need to do something that earns us a living. There is only room for a handful of production compiler writers on the planet. You might as well ask "why doesn't everybody become a vehicle or fashion designer?"
>why doesn't everybody become a vehicle or fashion designer
Everyone can do that. Maybe a bad example.
Perhaps Poe's law is in full effect here, but that post was made in spite. OFC there's need for abstraction, but fighting over languages is just glorified bikeshedding.
Languages change, theory usually does not. I don't understand why people foolishly lead others into thinking it's all about languages.
>Everyone can do that. Maybe a bad example.
While getting paid a living wage to do so? There are about two dozen spots combined on the planet.
>it's all about languages.
Yeah, long term is all theory, but if you want to get past HR and the whiteboard, you have to gitgud enough to get over that hurdle.
If you're programming hobby projects, that's another story.
Java is the most popular programming language right before JS, you can target all platforms with write once run everywhere software, there are tons of third party libraries and frameworks to use. It's awesome, and my favorite language to program in.
C# cuck babies can suck it.
>I base my opinion on being a fanboy because it's what I use
Java is not terrible. I think it is really comfy actually. It's kind of verbose but at least it's not cryptic.
That said, I think the reason people hate Java is more because it's abused in over-engineered, enterprisey software. Also when you're employed, you will often deal with POOS in India as your management tirelessly attempts to outsource portions of your department. And then you have to deal with Indian code stinking up and breaking everything.
muh sides...
If you've played around with GNU GCC compiler optimizations, you must have realized that compiler optimizations can offer like 10x or more performance boost. That is why C/C++ can often be a lot faster than assembly, simply because in order to just match their speed in assembly, you need to write all that optimizations in assembly by yourself.
I like you enjoying your language, Rakesh.
There are only 24 people getting paid 60k+ for their automotive and fashion work?
Aren't there multiple jobs. Isn't it like, pattern maker, concept artist, person that sources the fabrics, person that sketches curves on paper, person that designs the NURBS in CAD, person that complains to the NURBS guy that the molds are too expensive... which one exactly is the automotive or fashion designer?
As someone who learned kotlin and tried to get a job, learn java
Here's the thing, OOPcuck codelet. Sure, a compiler could do a better job then you writing in assembly...but that is assuming that A) the compiler was competently designed and not created by other retarded normies such as yourself and/or B) the person writing the assembly is shit at it and learned how to do it from some shitty x86 code someone made in the 80's. You're basing your absolute statement of off fucking assumptions.