What language should i learn next? i started with x86 assembly and have moved onto C since then...

what language should i learn next? i started with x86 assembly and have moved onto C since then, C is a great language but it is old and as far as i know C is not used much outside embedded applications. what language would you recommend?

Attached: babelprogramming.jpg (397x471, 43K)

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English, Muhammad.

Julia's the future, mate. Kill or be killed.

Attached: julia-language-inside-the-corporation-21-638.jpg (638x389, 39K)

LISP is most powerful language.

Great for mental masturbation and a lovely post-climate disaster ecosystem

Horrible advice to ask what language to learn next on this forum. All this forum has become is x_language is better than y_language because (insert stupid autistic reasoning that makes no sense). What you should be researching and asking around instead is what you want to do and what language is used for that. If you're just learning languages for the fun of it, go at any language. If you're learning languages in hopes to get a job, you're better off learning data structures first, then applying those skills toward learning a language. Learning languages are easy once you're good designing data structures.

Also, what projects have you done wtih x86 assembly and C? Anything useful?

There’s a language called LOLITA?

Hey this is Jow Forums no real advice allowed

get a clue before you continue

>i started with x86 assembly and have moved onto C since then
what is this larp?

This looks cool as shit!
>It's an ungodly mess and nenets are better for basically everything these days

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-01-01 at 8.31.31 am.png (1165x435, 152K)


Feels like something only worth it if you have a PhD in physics.

actually i have a text only editor i am making with C and the ncurses API. it is almost finished, i just need to figure out how to preserve the formatting of the text (whitespace) when the text data is saved to a file, ncurses fields won't validate whitespace in fields so i need to hack together a way of preserving formatting when the text data is saved to file.

when i'm finished with this program, i want to make my own messaging board client/server program. my idea is to make a text-only messaging board with ncurses, users will post messages to the server with the client and they can browse/comment on the posts other users have made.

>i started with x86 assembly and have moved onto C since then
>i started with x86 assembly
sure ya did

yes i do know x86 assembly, albiet i am not a master and i only know the basic instructions. here is a program i made that stuffs a file with text forever kek
.section .data
.ascii "pickle beet soup \0"
.ascii "0\0"
.globl _start
movl $0x14, %eax
int $0x80
movl %eax, name
movl $0x05, %eax
movl $name, %ebx
movl $0102, %ecx
movl $666, %edx
int $0x80
pushl %eax
movl $0x02, %eax
int $0x80
movl $0x04, %eax
movl (%esp), %ebx
movl $stuffing, %ecx
movl $17, %edx
int $0x80
movl $0x05, %eax
movl $name, %ebx
movl $02002, %ecx
movl $666, %edx
int $0x80
pushl %eax
movl $0x04, %eax
movl (%esp), %ebx
movl $stuffing, %ecx
movl $17, %edx
int $0x80
jmp stuff_loop



Then make something more useful in assembly.
Write a boot loader or something.


Not true. And it's a shit lang.

I tried using Julia for an applied matrix algebra class, but wound up just reverting back to Matlab.
There are a *lot* of things wrong with Julia, but my biggest gripe is some of the weird-ass decisions they made. Like, you can't change variables declared outside of a for loop inside of the loop (due to some weird scoping issue. You have to either make it global or put it in a LET block). There's just a bunch of shit that hinders enjoyment of using julia, and added together, kinda makes you just use what you know works.