Want help? >State the budget & CURRENCY >Post at least some attempt at a parts list >List your uses, e.g. Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work >For monitors, include purpose (e.g., photoediting, gaming) and graphics card pairing (if applicable)
CPUs based on current pricing: >Athlon 200GE - HTPC, web browsing, bare minimum gaming (can be OC'd on some MSI mobos) >R3 2200G - Recommended minimum gaming >R5 2400G - Consider IF on sale >R5 2600/X - Good gaming & multithreaded work use CPUs >i7-9700k/8700k - Extreme setup with RTX 2080/Ti >R7 2700/X - Best value high-end CPU on a non-HEDT platform >Threadripper/Used Xeon - HEDT
RAM: >Always choose at least a two stick kit; 2x 8GB is recommended >CPUs benefit from high speed RAM; 3000CL15 or 3200CL16 is ideal >AMD B and X chipsets and Intel Z chipets support XMP
Graphics cards based on current pricing: >Used cards can be had for a steal; inquire about warranty 1080p >GTX 1060, RX 570, RX 580 are standard choices >GTX 1070/Ti if you're looking for very high (100+) framerates and you have a CPU and monitor to match 1440p >GTX 1070/Ti and Vega 56 are standard choices >RTX 2080 if you're looking for very high (100+) framerates and you have a CPU and monitor to match 2160p (4K) >RTX 2080 is the standard choice >RTX 2080Ti is better for 4K but expensive
General: >PLAN YOUR BUILD AROUND YOUR MONITOR IF GAMING >A 256GB or larger SSD is almost mandatory; consider m.2 form factor >Bottleneck checkers are worthless >rentry.co/pcbg-more
You don't but it's nice I run CS:GO on HD 4400 (haswell mobile iGPU) at 768p low 50-70fps A newer desktop iGPU should be significantly better, especially the AMD APUs with vega cores
Ethan Lopez
Looking to upgrade my 2500k build once Ryzen 3k series drops. Pic related is what I'm thinking, $0 prices are what I already have. Swapping the 2700x for a 3700x but considering picking up the rest as it goes on sale or i find a decent deal.
my first OC build Jow Forumsents I have a few humble questions for those more familiar -
>do i need a fan controller to take advantage of pwm, and any recs? >use noctuas thermal compound or any recs?
inb4 I get roasted for the gpu, I got it for 350USD a few weeks ago and it's supposed to be one of the best-cooled ones. the taichi looked like a great value with the 12phase power. also inb4 rgb and case shitposting, I'm probably not even touching the lighting options. the glass panel is to keep my neurotic ass from opening it and checking on it constantly
anyone have issues or experience with similar builds?
Wait mobo/ram as well. You want QVL ram for ryzen. And at that point, you're pretty much waiting for everything.
Landon Bailey
>intel >6 threads already outdated
Hunter Ward
Hello Jow Forumsustomer service. Will the GPU pcie cables from the ATX PSU on the right be compatible with the sfx PSU on the left? I want to use the ATX's clean pcie cables instead of the triple head Medusa cables that came with the SFX PSU
Why take a screenshot when you can just link the thing?
Josiah Ortiz
>ryzen >not a 8700k >not a 9700k Enjoy your shitty FPS I guess.
Blake Hall
I look at this, and I say "this is a good set up for video editing, and playing those games from years back I liked", but then I remember I need another three hundred quid for a monitor and a 1TB SSD and even more RAM and I think "what is even the point of trying".
Is this actually a decent video editing set up though?
Is video editing not memory bandwidth sensitive? Single channel is half the bandwidth. Other than that it's fine i guess.
Alexander Collins
He said he plans to upgrade to ryzen 3xxx when they drop in the coming months. You don't expect then to meet or even surpass current Intel offerings?
Nicholas Bennett
I need new/more RAM, but my motherboard's old enough that I need to upgrade that too before I can. I currently have an AMD processor, but I heard the past few years that Intel is better. Is it worth switching to Intel when I get a new motherboard?
Nathaniel Nguyen
For 100% gaming Intel is still better For other tasks AMD has an advantage in cores and threads But I would wait(TM) until CES 2019 announcements before making a final decision
Landon Watson
There are a lot more questions you need to ask yourself beyond "which is better?" when you're buying one or the other.
Jacob Carter
Alright, sounds like AMD will fit my needs more since I use Clipstudio and I'm always watching shit on my second monitor while I don't often play too many CPU intensive games. Thanks! It'll be nice to not have to drop another hundred bucks on a new processor too.
Brody Kelly
Purolator's website doesn't let me do anything. I guess i'll call them wednesday then.
Gabriel Ross
>But I would wait(TM) until CES 2019 announcements before making a final decision Why not wait until 2020 just to be sure? Or 2021? Let's not rush things.
Because CES is like a week away. But you're right, the waiting wont end there. I dont think we'll even get much at CES. Last time around AMD announced Ryzen a month after CES and didn't release anything until March, and that was on a mature 14nm process they had almost exclusive access too. I doubt they're going to be able to get that much 7nm TSMC that quickly now that it's so new and in such high demand. It's not impossible just unlikely. Chances are you'll be waiting til April/May
I've got a line on a used mining card for a good price. It's a gigabyte Vega 56 the guy is selling for $250. I've been reading some reviews and apparently people have problems with the card but this guy says he can demonstrate it running fine. Should I pull the trigger or pass? Am I gonna get stabbed or my kidneys stolen?
Liam Johnson
Also no, you most likely don't need any controller, ceck your motherboard (don't buy z390 taichi is overpriced) website/manual. Yea use the noctua paste it's fine.
Ethan Young
Brandon Edwards
Get the demonstration and if it works, maybe. And if they had an ulterior motive like organ harvesting they wouldn't offer it for a reasonable price, it'd be somehting triedier like an iphone at an amazing price to attract stupid young juicy organs.
Jack Brown
Austin Barnes
No, it's just expensive.
Cooper Ross
I do a bit of GiS stuff for work that benefits from the higher thread count.
Hudson Phillips
It's suffers the the aggressively meme-tier pricing that all nvidia cards have, especially the rtx line. Would be a solid deal at $300. t. unpaid amd shill
Parker Ramirez
>$300 for a 1080 tier card even VEGAy doesn't go for for that little
Mason Lee
I picked up a second hand 1080 for $300
Kayden Smith
Vega64 isn't a that bad of a value at $400, since it's measurably better than 1070Ti at $365 Thoughts?
Nolan Robinson
Oh you're right, a new card that's faster and more expensive to manufacture than a 1080 should sell for the same amount as a used 1080
Brody Moore
Depends. If it's a blower you'll want to be not too sensitive to noise or have one of those cases with sound dampening material lining the inside. Even with undervolting a blower card is still a blower card. If it's open air you'll want to have good airflow too. Other than that they're okay, they're compatible with freesync monitors so you can get good monitors for cheaper and you'll get good boy points because Buying AMD graphics is kind of like giving to charity
David Young
Noah Price
Probably not although I wait for the new APUs from AMD with more graphics cores. Also check benchmarks
Angel Butler
probably in a few days, it drops quite frequently, likely means stores are trying to clear of AMD CPUs
Did they say it was delivered because then it's probably the property of some culture enriched individual
Alexander Cook
Need a portable pc that can do video and audio production and also play games. The most demanding stuff i play is stuff like EDF, Xcom 2, and Hitman. Is this build decent enough for all this? pcpartpicker.com/list/vyRtdX
Chase Turner
Can’t get Far Cry 5 to 60 FPS on my 1050 TI without dipping down to about a 53 minimum.
There’s a refresh rate setting for 50Hz. Will a 50 FPS cap be fine, or will I get stuttering if I don’t go down to 30?
Joseph Mitchell
can't beat the price/performance of a good ol rx 580 at $130 dollaroos
Charles Powell
MSI b450 gaming plus has better VRM and heatsink which you'll probably want for an 8 core. Double check that CPU cooler is compatible with that case since pcpp is flagging it. Also blower cards are usually a safer bet with builds like this so double check to see if anyone else got a open air card with a similar or greater TDP running well in that case first. Finally, make sure 16GB is enough ram for that video and audio stuff you're doing
Cooler is fine cuz im gonna use an sfx which gives me more room.
Carter Russell
is it better to get a slave/master setup or a really high end pc
Carter Ross
ryzen 5 2400g should be enough for source and even AAA games before 2016 i think
Nathaniel Hughes
If the game uses vsync then it will stutter. you're better off using MSI Afterburner Overlay's FPS Limiter feature to get good framepacing.
Ryder Fisher
Guys i just checked again and i realized it says: >LEFT AT: OSNR Front door I'm fucking paranoid that shit cost me almost $200 and it might have been stolen.
no, buy a 2200g then you can upgrade to AMDs new shit when it comes out. easily enough for source or pixelshit
Oliver Gonzalez
>LEFT AT: OSNR Front door what the fuck is wrong with america? If someone over here left the package at the front door I would get full refund and even more in less than 5 mins.
Gavin Morris
Report the package stolen to the delivery company and to your local law enforcement. I had a fedex driver steal an expensive laptop I sent in for repairs and the faggot stole it pretending it was delivered. A few days after I filed all the reports the package magically appeared on my doorstep.
Probably, but you'd have to know the pinout. Contact EVGA customer service instead
>You don't expect then to meet or even surpass current Intel offerings I don't, although that doesn't mean Ryzen is bad.
Luis Mitchell
Kind of meh for a lot of reasons I would get the 2600, 8GB 580 (or 570 if you want to save a few bucks), monitor too small, PSU slightly too weak
Adrian Harris
Considering buying a used Z77 motherboard from china odd eBay to overclock my 3570k which is currently stock sitting in a z68 chipset How likely am I to get chinked?
Use the adaptive Vsync setting, where Vsync is on when the framerate is over 60 and off when it's below 60
Nathaniel Collins
You can OC on a Z68 board, so I don't know why you'd buy a new one
Nathan Collins
I cant OC on mine, I updated the BIOS to the most recent a few years back when I upgraded from the i3 2100 to the i5 3570k and it doesnt let me change the core multiplier
Gabriel Ortiz
Unless something's up with that particular BIOS revision, you're doing something wrong. Z chipsets always have OC capability
Nathan Gomez
I have the in-game V-Sync off but the NVIDIA control panel V-Sync on. With no Vsync I get really bad tearing. I’ll try adaptive tho thx.
I’m at 50 FPS cap and 50Hz refresh rate. My FPS itself never drops below 50 according to Uplay’s FPS Counter, but I’m stuttering really bad when I’m moving etc. Going to try the set priority fix, but I need a regedit work around because Ubishit’s anti-cheat denies access to the set priority feature.
I love getting threatened with a ban for trying to optimize my game’s SP experience lmao.
James Allen
Nah i believe him. Had a z77 mobo that lost the menu option for RAM overclocking once. Tried rolling it back and reapplying the update but nothing worked.
You choose the literal worse CPU. Either go down a tier to the 2200g and buy a faster GPU, or go up to a 2600 for 2 more cores.
The Noctua L9i does NOT support AM4, you need the L9a-AM4.
Double check if the ram is on the motherboard Qualified Vendor List for memory compatibility. If its not on the QVL, do not expect it to perform faster than 2666.
Your motherboard is shit because there are no CPU VRM heatsink, it will improve the longevity of your board. I recommend the asrock pro4m.
If your building in a tiny case, heavily consider buying a SFX power supply to make your life less miserable.
>buy 144hz VA panel >"now I'll have the best of both worlds!" >realize higher refresh rates only make ghosting way more noticeable and distracting >curved screen makes the backlight bleed worse than an IPS >overdrive causes flickering and destroys image quality by dimming the screen to a ridiculous level
It had so many good reviews across the board, only a handful of people mentioned some of the things above. Now I've learned never to buy VA 144hz, especially not curved. The ghosting at 144hz felt like 75-85hz on a TN, totally pointless getting a 144hz VA if you play online FPS. I still love VA's for pretty much anything else including most games but for online FPS I'm switching back to my ancient 85hz TN panel.
>Lots of heat >Fuck all space Why bother. Unless you live in a cuck shed.
Robert Edwards
Lol we told you that tn is the only good choice.
Joshua Young
Please forgive my transgressions against TN, I shit talked and besmirched TN's all over the internet ever since I got a 5000:1 contrast VA panel TV years ago. Once I decided to get a new 144hz VA monitor I assumed sheer refresh rate could make up the difference and make TN truly obsolete, I had no idea how wrong I was. TN's are just so much faster and clearer with motion regardless of the refresh rate.
Brody Young
>curved screen makes the backlight bleed worse than an IPS Actually monitors just generally have terrible black uniformity, the curve probably has nothing to do with it
Daniel Young
/sqg/ offered me no help to my problem, can you guys confirm anything for me?
You're right that monitors do have shit black uniformity but the curve on my monitor definitely makes it worse. There are four big blobs of backlight clouding outlining a square shape in the center of the screen at the deeper parts of the curves, I'm pretty sure the curve makes it have that kind of pattern.
Yes, I flipped the switch and power cycled it. Still nothing
Liam Bennett
Yeah that does look like bending stress. Y've convinced me.
Parker Powell
Motherboard is dead, power supply is dead, or both.
Chase Adams
>can you guys confirm anything for me? Nope. Almost anything could have failed. Let the PSU cool down completely if it hasn't already then give it another try and if it turns on, i'd say it's probably that but with nothing turning on and no spare parts to troubleshoot you've either got to take it into a shop or buy parts one by one until you fix it. It's most likely the PSU, though as you guessed it might not be the only thing dead now too.
Easton Rivera
Follow silverstone instructions to see if your psu is dead.
>Months after my ancient GPU has passed away and I had to use integrated graphics for a while >Find RX570 8GB on ebay for 125€, just not the greatest model >Buy that shit as soon as I can, it's not like I need 1080p 60fps on ultra settings >Looks barely used, just a bit dusty >Start some games >Graphical glitches here, some stuttering there, some object or texture pop in, weird fucking shadows >Thinking to myself "damn, that was too good of a deal I guess" >Find out every single game I tried has those particular problems under certain conditions and that has nothing to do with the card >Also find out AMD drivers are as shite as they were 3-4 years ago