Get hired as a software engineer

>get hired as a software engineer
>boss requires programmers to spend time doing data entry
>automate the data entry, show to boss, explain how much time and money will be saved
2019 is going to be great, I know it.

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Your mistake was showing it to the boss. You should have just used your free time to watch anime.

>itt things that didn't happen

You were fired because you were supposed to waste time and be inefficient. Had you not shown the code, you would still had a job plus free time.

>You should have just used your free time to watch anime.
This is what I would have done.

Where do I find men that look like this? I wouldn't even feel gay fucking that

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apparently having programmers do this data entry was our way of massively overbilling customers.
imagine McDonald's charging 4x as much for a Big Mac because they had PhDs flipping burgers.

>you will never be a cute anime girl

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I would've created a migration script and sold it to the office cuties for oral sex. Pretty weak thinking on your part, user

Get another data entry job, and ask to work from home. Keep adding jobs until your computer explodes.

wouldn't it be funny if I snuggled her from behind and kissed her neck? hahahah

>because they had PhDs flipping burgers
They do. Where do you think all the math grads end up?

on /sci/?

As teachers?

>explain how much money will be saved
>surprised when he saves money
Wow, Capitalism sure is an efficient system. Lmao


It honestly doesn't matter anymore.
If liking cute traps makes me gay, I am gay.

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more like
>have data entry job
>make myself and a bunch of other people obsolete
>wtf i got fired

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$200k start

they get any job they want at $300k starting

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It's always been my fantasy to piss side-by-side with my beautiful cosplaying trap girlfriend. Instead I got a lame ass regular girlfriend with a vagina.

I'll trade ya

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Only people that are afraid of fags are closet fags themselves.

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You have to go back.

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You can go back to plebbit anytime, tripcuck.

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it was a test to see if you'd follow instructions (data entry only, no programming). but you didn't. marked as a troublemaker so fired. he wants programmers that do as they are told, not go all willynilly and do things not on the itinerary.

_donald wants you back

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how can this be a boy
fuck he is so hot

>pushing teh ghey

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anons: *has a preference*
trumptard: REEEEE I KILL U

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>you are not allowed to have an opinion outside of NPC guidebook

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FYI I am a christ-hating fedora tipper. Homosexuality is degenerate prima facie.

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Why is Jow Forums here? Why can't we have things without politics?

Technology is fundamentally political :^)

actually having sex with traps is totally different
you might jerk off to them all day, but when you actually see one naked your dick shrivels up into nothing

Nobody is afraid of fags.
>if you find this runny piece of shit disgusting it means you secretly want to eat it
GRIDs kills braincells.

Speak for yourself.

>ever doing anything to save your company money or reduce their need for workers
Honestly you deserve it, you retarded cuck

Unless your boss is clearly open to automation (or pushing it), automate and don't say anything.

>Has literally no basis for hating gays
>Still spends his time posting about how much he hates them
Should've pretended you were christian, now everyone knows you're just an insecure faggot possibly closet homo

>show to boss
Dumb move, you just automated your job away and told your superior.

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Still doesn't make sense. Keep on charging the same, do it in less time, and have your personnel do something else that you can't easily automate.
Op should start a small company that just offers data entry and auditing services for cheap. I know a few companies that do that already

That was the first thing my teacher taught us in my "Computer Logic" class.

This. Shoulda kept it a secret and spent the time relaxing or studying something new.

she's a girl user. stop living in the past. learn about what it means to be trans. there have always been trans people as a part of the human population, they just never felt safe enough to live as themselves until now.

a place that only hires programmers who obey without question isn't a place where anyone with a shred of competence in programming will ever want to work.

LMAO wtf. Work is not like grade school. Jesus Boomer run companies are atrocious.

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You got fired from somewhere awfully managed, enjoy. You can put on your resume that you were laid off because you automated away menial tasks. A competent company will recognise that as a good thing.

wait, so is it a girl or not?
in the other thread i thought it was a girl but someone told me it wasn't, is this just a guy crossplaying as a girl or is it a guy cosplaying as a guy?

I dont think it is men you are after, you filthy fuck nugget

then it would be fraud

This, you can be a okay code monkey as much as you want, but in the end you're still a dumbass.

Traps are gay and so am I.


>If liking cute traps makes me gay, I am gay.

We know user, we know

user why are you talking about the OP? this is a cuteboy discussion thread

>Assblasted mathtoddlers

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That's highschoolers and undergrads
That's dropouts
Get your may-mays right
That's the one grad who wasn't autistic enough to spaghetti out of interview.

How is management going to burn through the budget if you show him shit like this?

i want to marry astolfo

Supposedly there's some on but I'm not sure, also be nice to them on there.
also exists but it's mostly /tttt/ so if you're strictly looking for men it might not be such a good choice.

>automating yourself out of a job

I automated some DOT shit and they never used it, lol

The mistake he did was notifying his boss and not enjoying his newly found free time.

Or doing freelance programming shit, boosting your income.

Are you me?
>get hired as software engineer
>data entry comes around the corner
>cant be fucked doing it by hand
>craft a quick script in 10 min and automate all data entry
>female manager sees this, loses her shit
>why? the result is the same and take 0.000000000000001% of the time
At first I was mad but then I realized I didn't want to work for complete retards. Since then I have found way better jobs/companies. You gotta close a door to open a new one.

>showing your progress to your direct superior
>the one with most to lose if you prove yourself more competent than him

You can bet he used "his" idea to show it to his boss 2 levels higher or he kept it for himself to have time to watch anime.

ok, i give up. would totally make out with *her*