What's more secure?
>offshore VPN
>mobile modem with a throwaway SIM card
What's more secure?
>he knows
all 3 in combination
If one uses a mobile modem with a SIM card bought with cash and no personal info provided, isn't it even more secure than Tor?
But (((they))) can triangulate your position with cell towers
Hacking a chink or indian satellite and use that for communication
Tor can be traced, too.
Tor servers can have their routers' firmware hacked.
Until the police spend 5 minutes and bring up the security footage and see you buying it. Plus it provides no security, all they have to do is look at the logs of the tower that relayed the connection and see your device location.
You're retarded and clearly have no idea how Tor works.
Haven't followed Tor in years but seem to remember hearing about it being compromised — a paper talking about how over a period of 24 hours someone running a node could deanon users or something. What was that about?
>You're retarded and clearly have no idea how Tor works.
This is the Dunning-Kruger effect in action.
A retard with no higher education projects, not knowing how router firmware is compromised to sniff the network traffic.
Not to mention the correlation attacks.
Dumb retarded idiot.
Hey dumb retard.
Insulting the more educated ones and then not wanting to reply?
Fucking retarded idiot.
The entry guard has layers of encryption so it's not possible for it to see any of the traffic. The exit node has to connect to the relay node so it doesn't know your IP address, only the end point. This means your traffic can only be sniffed on the exit side, so it's very hard to connect your IP address with the outbound traffic.
I go to a top 5 compsci university. I've worked on multiple research papers relating to cryptography, more than you've done.
This was because your entry guards changed rapidly meaning the probability of you connecting to a malicious entry guard was very high in past years. It would take a lot longer than 24 hours, maybe months, depends. This has since changed and you now use the same entry guard for an extended amount of time. The attack is known as a sybil attack and has several fixes. The Tor Project runs a program known as Sybil Hunter to get rid of these bad nodes. It's also computationally very expensive to become a entry guard, so the likely hood of you being fucked is low.
Not only that, but look at the frequency of correlation attacks, it's fairly low. There's only one instance of it being used, and that was patched. Most people get fucked because their opsec sucks ass. If you're paranoid then just run your own bridge and you're good. Another thing you can take a look at is the vanguards addon.
This is just a broad overview, I could cite everything and explain in more detail. It's not worth my time dealing with retards.
Saved, lmfao
Jow Forumsiamverysmart
>The entry guard has layers of encryption so it's not possible for it to see any of the traffic. The exit node has to connect to the relay node so it doesn't know your IP address, only the end point. This means your traffic can only be sniffed on the exit side, so it's very hard to connect your IP address with the outbound traffic.
Are you a fucking retard? Do you even know what a router is?
One can easily compromise the endpoint router firmware, sniff the traffic, and then recover the IP address of the previous router, and hack its firmware, until one gets the original user IP.
Fucking retarded moron.
That's not how it works.
yeah I am
But it is how it works, fucktard. Do you know what a fucking router is, and that the router's firmware can be compromised?
Do you know that the traffic can be sniffed from the router alone by introducing convenient shellcode?
Tons of routers have firmware vulnerabilities.
Dumb idiotic moron. You don't know how even basic computer networking works. You just parrot things without even knowing what you're talking about.
>Posting 4channel stuff to Reddit
What are you, a middle schooler?
>yeah I am
All three servers would have to be compromised before you connect, which is extremely (so unlikely it's not even worth considering) unlikely. If you tried to use these servers in a sybil attack the probably of the sybil hunter finding you is fairly high.
Do you know what a fucking ROUTER is? A fucking HARDWARE ROUTER.
This is a whole new level of idiocy. How did you get to that point, retard? Is it all the marijuana smoking?
Holy shit kill yourself redditor
Tor nodes don't run on routers. If you're saying routers as in the routers in data centers are compromised, that doesn't matter because all the traffic is encrypted. It's not possible for unencrypted data to pass through Tor.
Wow, what a fucking retard.
Do you know what the IP header of a packet is, you idiotic moron? Have you ever performed packet analysis of encrypted data?
IP headers aren't encrypted by their definition.
Wow, what a fucking moron.
Is this bannable? This is fucking scum.
Tor uses TLS so the IP header of the packets are encrypted... now you're just trolling
TLS is a session level protocol, you fucktard. It does not encrypt the IP headers. In fact, for packets to be forwarded properly, the IP headers must be cleartext.
What a stupid moron.
my god you're dumb
Not that it even matters because the payload is reassembled into cells so you're not going to be able to get shit from one cell on Tor even if you are doing analysis.
How about you study how Tor works then come back and talk
>I don't know basic computer networking, larp as a failed comp. sci. student, and am an overtly flamboyant faggot, while telling others they're trolling when they try to correct me
Why are you linking me to fucking session level specifics? Are you mentally deficient?
The IP header of TLS packets is not encrypted.
Are you some kind of a moron?
The IP header is irrelevant
Fuck this was a good thread anons, thanks to all who played.