/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% --help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: Previous thread:

Attached: Richard_Stallman_dancing.jpg (3888x2311, 2.37M)

Other urls found in this thread:



does qbittorrent's webui just not work, or what?
i've tried in stable and git, palemoon and chromium, but it will just not log in
doesn't matter if i change the password or attempt to bypass auth by editing the config file, it just doesn't work
with auth disabled, i just get a broken ui with a bar at the top and bottom, and none of the buttons do anything

How to convert miles to kilometers in the terminal?

Multiply by ~1.6093

Install MX Linux

I hurd her gaahnoo, if you know what I mean.

does anybody here use the Budgie desktop environment full-time? I got a persisting issue in it that I'm not sure is an underlying issue with Budgie or if it's just my old cheap laptop being a piece of shit

Try this:
1.) Plug into a secondary monitor via HDMI, if you aren't already.
2.) Unplug and replug it a few times, just to simulate how this problem seems to occur on my laptop when I go to plug it into my tv and then step away from it a few times.
3.) Now, bring up the rightside panel and from there switch from your Default Audio Source to outputting all sound to HDMI

You may not have problems immediately, but I swear to fucking christ I'll click HDMI and it'll jump back to internal speakers, the bubble will just keep going back. The only way to force it to output sound to HDMI is navigating into the sound settings and choosing HDMI there. Then it will stick and play properly.

If I disable vsync through X11 config files does that also affect the desktop?
Like when my machine is just idling is it rendering desktop windows at more than 60fps? My gut tells me that normal windows don't work like that and it doesn't effect them, but I just want to be sure.

>tfw no librehunnie to gnu/dance with


Chicks love him.

Attached: 1546452191251.jpg (804x559, 104K)

I just installed Debian unstable. Did I do good?

no. debian unstable, in my experience, has always been a buggy mess.

debian stretch is the logical choice to make

rip ian from debian

I'm a Ubuntu baby somehow learned to use apt-get and run .deb packages.

Now I want to move to Manjaro.
what do I need to know and how do I install shit on a non-Debian based system?

Can I move my shit non-destructively from Ubuntu to Manjaro?

Can someone give me a tl;dr/brainlet version of why systemd is bad?
Also OpenRC or runit and the pros and cons of each.

arch-based uses pkg.tar.xz
>Can I move my shit non-destructively from Ubuntu to Manjaro?
basically it tries to replace everything on the system, it even handles /tmp, syslog, resolv.conf, etc
what init system supposed to do is to only run program in the background, and that's it, nothing more nothing less

Can I somehow carry over my personal file folders and browser settings?

How do I properly backup?
I'm tired of starting from scratch.

you can move over everything inside /home

Compiled X and xfce on gentoo, but startx is still an unknown command. Any tips?

It's kind of complicated because systemd itself is not responsible for one of the biggest complaints against it (that too much software is now dependent on systemd making it difficult to ever replace it), however it is the same developers in many cases creating the software that depends on it and it's obvious that they are intentionally doing it to create lock-in.
It's Redhat, so it shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. They need to stay relevant to stay in business, and creating lock-in and essentially controlling PID 1 on all GNU/Linux boxes is a great way to stay relevant.

It's also kind flipped the question on its head. Everyone (like yourself) is asking "what's wrong with systemd?" when they should be asking what's right with it?
It's not logical to just randomly replace shit and then ask why not keep it after the fact. You're supposed to ask why you should be replacing something in the first place.
Why did everyone adopt systemd? It's highly political and has basically NOTHING to do with systemd being better than anything else. Every single thing systemd could do already existed.
Here is a nice explanation of the politics of it:

This kind of shit, and also the development style of Redhat developers makes many feel like they're turning GNU/Linux into windows. Many, myself included, also just don't trust Redhat. They get military funding, and I don't care if this sounds like a meme or not, the threat of them burying backdoors in systemd is very real and they absolutely have the motive.

Install arch


# emerge gentoolkit
$ equery b startx
(it's in x11-apps/xinit)

Okie. Well, you can install ubuntu

How can people use KDE?

I tried it in a VM and it's a mess.

The defaults are all over the place and the settings go like 12 levels deep.

Feels like I'd need to spend 6 hours configuring the system before being able to use it.

I agree that gnome's way isn't the best, but it's miles ahead than KDE's

>doesn't want to overcomplicate things
>uses de

Autists like you are the reason why people stay away from linux

For the love of RMS Jow Forumsentoomen please help me. Nothing I do will get my ~/.Xresources or ~/.Xdefaults to load.
>not working with xrdb
>not working in suckless-terminal
>changed background and text in urxvt on reboot
I stole it off github and the syntax is exactly how it's supposed to be. PLS Jow Forums save me, I don't wanna use a DE
In other news creating a symbolic link to my pulseaudio service turns off my mute key lught but nothing else, even with everything unmuted in alsamixer

I checked out my processes and noticed something odd. What are these entries? Did I fuck up and installed a bitcoin miner?

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I've got a Corsair M65 mouse with a dead middle mouse button (known design flaw on this model). On windows, I use Corsair's software to remap the thumb button to a middle click, and I'd like to do the same thing on Linux Mint. The usual function of the thumb button is to lower the mouse's dpi while it's held, for precision, and that function works normally in Linux, however xev doesn't register it as a button, I think. Any ideas on how to remap it to middle click?

You know, we can read timestamps.

Attached: 1527110188825.jpg (2400x2400, 966K)

Using Jow Forums X filename randomizer.

its very funny bro

what's the problem with gtk3 and bold fonts? I can't get them to work

What do you think you're gonna do in Manjaro that you can't do in Ubuntu?

Pretend he's an Arch user

What name do you call the extra mouse buttons on the side of a mouse in the mpv input.conf config?

do a web search on the names of those processes. it's just gnome stuff

can I ask *BSD questions here?

Linux and BSD both use the gnu kernel, sure. Basically the same thing, except Linux has better documention and BSD has better hardware support

this asshole again
the colors in my xresources apply to vim and ranger, but I'm still stuck with this ugly font and no colors in st.
digging around suggests I should modify its config.h but neither it nor config.def.h exist
wat do?

What program could be used in a systemd user file to generate the current date in the format ot"01022019"? To be used as a filename for backing up?

date +%Y%m%d
you probably want the year first so that it sorts properly

xrdb ~/.Xresources

Based and gnupilled.

Attached: 1543900912965.jpg (608x456, 31K)

What's the easiest way of wiping a distro installation?
I want to remove Debian and replace it with something else. The laptop uses UEFI.

I think you can just increment them 3,4,5,6 etc and test which is which. Not sure, reply if it works, I'm a buttonlet.

Run xev to find out

Why would you want get rid of such a good distro?

>gnu kernel
You mean the one that has been in "development" for over 40 years , hasnt reached v1.0 milestoneand only just got sound support in 2016? That "micro" kernel?
There is no mainline support for the gnu kernel

If you didn't build st from the source yourself, you will (likely) have to do that to use your own config. Assuming you didn't already install from source:
git clone git://git.suckless.org/st
cd st/
Do this, then read the README file in there. After you follow what it says, you'll have a file config.h that you can edit. After editing just do another make clean install.

I tried that already.
My mouse has 12 side buttons. Mouse button 8 and 9 ar the scrollwheel rocker buttons.

I first tried this but MBTN_XF86_LAUNCH1 didnt registerr in mpv.

What is the appeal of Slackware?

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The GNU kernel is the kernel used in the Windows system. If you run GNU/Linux, it's Windows, if you run GNU/kFreeBSD, it's MINIX, or if you happen to run macOS, it's NR, and if you run Windows, the Windows kernel is GNU. All these systems are build for the same *nix processor, developed by the Unix project.

I dont use gnu in my system

stability and knowledge base

Managing dependencies: The Game

damn lucky Stallman

Attached: khazar_milkers.gif (600x400, 3.53M)

Can I install Linux in Android?

>brainlet: the post


Why is Hurd being hyped up when Linux libre exists?

What's wrong? Did Slackware get a package manager already? Not that it isn't bad to do things yourself if you want, but it doesn't make a false statement.

Memes. Since the 90s when Linux showed up, HURD became just a hobby project some people work on in their free time.

However, HURD is a very interesting project because of the real-life microkernel thing. You have a set of servers around GNU Mach, that give you much more control and speed. If you're interested, there's a Debian GNU/HURD qemu image you can run for dicking around.

>thiniing GNU can't be used with other kernels

shell script-based build script

If you dualboot with Windows, you're still a winfag. You must go balls deep like a man.

I've done this a million times. vim and ranger will use the right colors, but st only uses background and foreground, plus everything has such a tiny, ugly font.
Thanks for the useful advice. I got xst (a prepatched fork) from the void repo. Supposedly one of the patches allows for configuration via /.Xresources. Do I still gotta build it?

i have assignment to create bash script that make incremental backup using diff

am i a brainlet or just get trolled?

>can i move
make a copy of your ubuntu /home folder and selectively copy/paste your configs to your new /home. Configs are stored in hidden files and folders like .vim or .config/ .local/
Manually installed packages you have to reinstall, maybe google how to get a installed packages list from apt.
>how do i install
manjaros package-manager is called pacman, install with: pacman -S package, update: pacman -Syu.
Fortunately it has a really great GUI wrapper called pamac. It even has inbuilt AUR support for user packages outside of official repos but you have to manually enable it.

diff doesn't get incremental differences between binaries though, or does it?
I guess incremental in that case just means if diff says the files are the same ignore them, if they're different then overwrite the whole file.

st doesn't read Xresources; you're supposed to patch it, write the implementation yourself, or use a terminal that works ootb

Tell them to fuck off with their 80s lessons and use a vcs.

Well then I'm not really sure for st. You shouldn't have to build it yourself if the package was already patched. You can see what resources it's looking for here st.suckless.org/patches/xresources/
Just look at either diff there, the list of resources is the same in both of them. Hopefully that helps.

Actually, scratch that. I think xst actually doesn't use that patch. This should be a list of choices and defaults github.com/gnotclub/xst/blob/master/doc/Xresources


>or use a terminal that works ootb
I tried urxvt first and it has exactly the same issue--backgrounf and foreground work but not the font or any other colors, but again vim and ranger work (with the shitty default font)
Thanks friend! Trying it out right now

>not the font
Be sure you got the font name right and that is correctly installed

The gtkfilechooser seems to have been sent to an invalid folder location in chromium because no matter what website i am on when i click the button to upload a file, it immediatly hardlocks and has ot be pkill'd.
Where would this configuration in the profile be at, so that i can change it to a valid folder location?

the font name should be right
st -f Inconsolata:size=16 will open a new terminal with a font that's not an eyesore.
didn't help
Even urxvt and xterm have the same problem. I really feel out of options. i just wanted a minimal system and I've spent all day trying for naught

Get a browser that isn't spyware, then fix your problem.

Make mozilla source based browsers with modern performance and perhaps you have a platform to which to shit from.

poke around in dconf-editor, I think there's a setting for it in there (last-used directory or your home directory, something like that)

Is there a quick and easy way to determine if there's an active wireguard connection? I'm trying to switch from openvpn to wireguard. I have a script for my status bar to determine if there's an active vpn connection, which just runs a "pgrep openvpn" every few seconds, but I don't seem to get any results when I run "pgrep wireguard", at least not if I start it from the terminal with "wg-quick up .conf"

Have you not tried firefox since the quantum update or something? firefox is faster than chrome for me, excluding google sites, which i don't use anyway

That's unfortunate, I don't use it anymore but I remember always having issues setting up Xresources. Nothing wrong with taking a break though, it'll probably be good to come back with a fresh set of eyes and a different mindset.

Firefox shits on any media you load in it. "Forcing" it to use hwaccel is buggy as fuck and crashes the browser 99% of the time media is loaded
Using teleconferance portals is impossible
Using any website in which you upload files breaks firefox
The interface is shit in quantum, even setting 7 ui processes caues ALL GUI elements to lag. Try opening the download window when you have more then 10 donwloads,FORCE KILL.

post your xresources

I found

And changed it to a valid folder, restarted chromium and tried the filechooser again and it locks up still

Is there somewhere where I can learn about each distro and what they stand for so I can choose my perfect Linux distribution? I get that most of them will be for open-source software but I want to learn what other values there are which each distro holds close to its heart.


install gentoo

Hey /fglt/, I was recommended to ask my question here by some user from /fglt/. Is there somewhere where I can learn about each distro and what they stand for so I can choose my perfect Linux distribution? I get that most of them will be for open-source software but I want to learn what other values there are which each distro holds close to its heart.

Attached: Mint.jpg (957x421, 199K)


>needs to pay bitches for shilling your cuck OS
Fuck off

If you're really curious you can check something like this out:
But honestly if you're new to linux it doesn't matter as much as you might think which distro you're using. Start with something basic like ubuntu, research some different desktop environments if you're curious (these can all be installed on ubuntu), and learn the basics.

Thanks for the help. I'm already quite advanced with Linux, just not knowledgeable of its whole community and how deep it goes. For a long time I used Fedora since it looks pretty at install but now I know you can literally just change everything about how it looks and how most of the OS works as you can with all real Linux distros.