How do people unironically use pic related?

how do people unironically use pic related?
it's fucking shit, it takes years to load, spits out 100 obscure errors on load which nobody else on the Internet has had before and which pajeets say the only solution to is reinstalling.
it dumps random fucking files all over your source code

Attached: vs.png (2000x2000, 29K)

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never mind, I figured it out.

>lightning fast
>never seen any errors
I dont think we’re using the same program

It has a monopoly on Windows Development

this is my frustration, some people are absolute gods with VS and yet when I use it, it feels like it's been designed by 10 braindead pajeets.
I'm trying to retarget a Project, and it spits out a stupid fucking error
>Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute
if I retarget the whole solution it outputs
>Retargeting End: 0 completed, 1 failed, 0 skipped

Are you running it as admin? What VS version? Did all packages install correctly? Do you have many extensions? Are these errors popping up in error view or as message boxes? Did you modify a solution file from the outside? What programming language? Just neck yourself if you are seriously using msvc++

and there's the stupid fucking legacy shit. It creates a .vs directory for Visual Studio but even you're using VS17 it creates a subdirectory called v15. fucking seriously?
It's like they stopped half way and just gave up.
>ship it

Not running as admin. VS17. No packages. No extensions. First error comes up as a message box, second is in Output. Didn't modify anything outside the IDE. C++.

Install emacs

never mind i worked it out

vs is pure horseshit. i had to download the free version to compile code i was given to test. 6gb of absolute shit just to compile an executable that takes no more than 800kb of disk space. fuck off and die, microsoft. it's just retarded.

>Not running as admin
good, you're not supposed to.

do people use a laptop from 1998
why is everything for them slow at loading
holy fuck i use a walmart bargain bin pc and things load fast

>and there's the stupid fucking legacy shit. It creates a .vs directory for Visual Studio but even you're using VS17 it creates a subdirectory called v15. fucking seriously?
VS 2017 is v15:

because unironically it's good for C++, for C it's shit because the compiler is shit and there isn't even C11, lot of unnecessary work.

VS is good for medium/big projects,for small shit there are better alternatives.
Unironically it's also good for cross-platform development remotely and shit, but features like these are pretty niche for your daily Jow Forumsaymen

This is an easy one. Either:
1) An external process belonging to VS was somehow kill while working because of some file corruption OR it caused the corruption. Just reinstall.
2) A silent fail during installation/package corruption. Just reinstall (and don't play with installation path or get other toolchain support)
3) 4) Something happened. Just reinstall.
Persistent VS problems seem hardware related so you should install it on a clean/updated windows install before any drivers or programs.
If want something else, use msys2 and QtCreator


I switched from VS Code to Sublime text and never regret this decision. Also started to use vim, but this thing is archaic and good only for fast-editing. Emacs takes thousand of years to load because it was designed with hope you will use it for everything.

vs is learnable but not with it when you have vscode user, it's like vs but without the 4-8gb of ide bloat, and you get community plugins for about anything.
>electron hurr
yeah and it runs silly fast even on low end machines, and it's cross platform and open source. sounds better to me than msvs.

>but not with it when
don't edit a sentence in the middle jesus
*vs is learnable, but not when you have .. etc

VS is pure love

Visual Studio (IDE) and VS code are different things
if you are using sublime text you are probably working in something really small... (don't even need a debugger?)

>how do people unironically use pic related?
if you're developing entirely in the microsoft ecosystem its useful and probably required in most cases
>it takes years to load
when compared to something like sublime or np++ yes, but you can't really compare a full IDE to enhanced text editors. though it's probably true that the bloat that makes it load slow isn't anything that the average user gives a shit about. though i will give it this: it loads faster on my PC than fucking atom
>spits out 100 obscure errors on load which nobody else on the Internet has had before and which pajeets say the only solution to is reinstalling
don't forget the part where the OP gives up on his post and pajeet closes it after a day of no replies, marks his answer as the accepted solution, and locks the discussion
>it dumps random fucking files all over your source code
depends on what template you used for the project. i always use the empty template

the only time I use VS now is for the occasional C# program or Xamarin project. at least it's better than fucking eclipse.

use VSCode you fucking plen

Attached: ffpg.png (2784x1614, 268K)

>don't even need a debugger?