# let's write a Python 3 script together, one line per reply
# let's write a Python 3 script together, one line per reply
answer = input("What's the best programming language?\n")
Makeclass: enemy
console.log("Hello, World")
class NPC:
printf("im gay");
cd ..
cd .. code
cd code
cd ..
def concatenate_strings(string a, string b)
syntax error line 7: printf("im gay");
char buf[80];
buf[81] = 'g';
# user wuz here
# op is a faggot
# will this script even work
# just run fuckit.py
def faggot(self):
for i in range(100):
print ("It's not gay to love traps")
The fact you thought it was necessary to write to [81] in order to bork things and not just [80] shows just how much of a brainlet you are
gay = 69
OP = gay
if OP == gay:
print("OP is gay")
print("OP is not gay")
would it actually fuck things up, or would it just change that spot in memory?
Well, first of all I'm not sure it would even compile.
Assuming it does and all compiler fail-safes are off, define "fuck things up". You are writing to a spot in memory you shouldn't. You can casually write over critical data and make the program behave differently or crash.
10 GOTO 10
>indentation error
>indentation error
any language that does this is cringe and bluepilled
(lambda _, __, ___, ____, _____, ______, _______, ________: getattr(__import__(True.__class__.__name__[_] + [].__class__.__name__[__]), ().__class__.__eq__.__class__.__name__[:__] + ().__iter__().__class__.__name__[_____:________])(_, (lambda _, __, ___: _(_, __, ___))(lambda _, __, ___: chr(___ % __) + _(_, __, ___ // __) if ___ else (lambda: _).func_code.co_lnotab, _
Subprocess.call("dd /root/pony/porn sda -y ", shell=True)
Why is python so shit? Fragmentation between 2.x and 3.x, pip being a massive dumpster fire, code feels like you're writing a 200-line bash script, and its fucking interpreted.
python ok, but perl better
Because it's a language basically made for writing less shitty 200 line bash scripts.
If you're using it for "serious work" you're dumb.
>Fragmentation between 2.x and 3.x
this prevents me from taking it seriously
import os
while 1:
3 won, end of story. Those who still insist that there is a divide are retards.
import hack
import world
sudo mv -f $XDG_CONFIG_HOME /tmp
import os
os.system("rm -rf / --no-preserve-root")
import muslims
>one line per reply
How do you kode, if you can't even read
I simply refused to use 2.x and move on. Use pipenv as well.
raise Exception("ur a retard")
This is a python thread, get outta here
No u
Op = 'Op'
dick = "8======D"
if Op == dick:
print("Suck a cock Op")
class CDNFD:
def __init__(self):
self.NFD = {}
def make(self, *, loc):
def wrap(op):
self.NFD[loc] = op
return op
return wrap
dec = CDNFD()
def task_lock1(*, ans: bool):
task_1_1 = lambda x, y: x + y
task_1_2 = lambda x, y: x - y
if ans:
fd = {'1-1': task_1_1,
'1-2': task_1_2}
return fd
def task_lock2(*, ans: bool):
task_2_1 = lambda x, y: x + y
task_2_2 = lambda x, y: x - y
if ans:
fd = {'2-1': task_2_1,
'2-2': task_2_2}
return fd
calc = dec.NFD[0](ans=True)['1-1'](1, 1)
raise SystemExit()
op = faggot
print(f”OP is a {op}”)
On Thursday, we kode
# the line below dates all the singles in your area