>you live in an apartment in one of major cities on Earth
>you know that the building you live in will be off the grid for 9 hours because of maintenance a week later
>you have a shit laptop with only 4 hours battery life at best, a smartphone which can supposedly lasts for half a day, and several portable chargers
what would you do?

Attached: london___the_city_of_perspiring_dreams_wallpaper_1920x1080.jpg (1920x1080, 842K)

You can get good data-to-enjoyment ratios out of roms and e-books.

If all else fails, you can just go to a museum for the day.

Go to work

sleep for 9 hours.

Attached: kitty_cat_comfy.jpg (1109x1479, 236K)

funny thing that sometimes I spend more than 9 hours per day reading webnovels on my phone

I am sure I could last 9 hours no problem, and that's before I even have to pull out my external battery, mainly because I read white letters on black background with low luminosity


>reading ebooks in the dark
enjoy your cataract

I go out and hang with friends, girlfriend, go have some beers, etc. I live.

>gets cataract from reading in the dark for one day

Nature didn't want you alive anyway just kys

Even if OP wasn't a hikki, they're probably doing this during work hours.

OP here
forgot to add a statement
>you are on vacation on that day, which is a weekday

Get out of your apartment, go see a film, go on a date, do literally anything outside of your apartment you huge sperg

>go see a film, go on a date, do literally anything outside of your apartment

I swear, it's the permanently-online nerds who are the most mad about how people spend their time.


>sleeping for 9 hours
how do you do this?
do not sleep for several days?
genuinely curious

I don't know, I can sleep up to 12 hours when I want


really what boggles my mind is that there are people who think that 9 hours is a long time to sleep, and who routinely live life on 5-6 hours a night. If I try to go with that little sleep, then after a few days I'm dozing off at my desk, at the wheel, or basically anywhere I sit down.

anyway I got some books I've been meaning to finish, I'd probably just chew through one of those. If its gonna be nighttime during the outage I already have a flashlight and way more than 9 hours worth of batteries.

If it's during working hours then i'm at work else i either meet friends or sleep.

Meet my NEET friends or just use my 4 hours of laptop + 12 hours of smartphone.
