Go Debian! We will not stand for that kind of behavior. Make way white man, your time is OVER.
Weboob removed from Debian over CoC feud
What a bunch of pussies. This is why I don't use Debian.
Marc Dequènes, the ducklord and maintainer of the packages is telling them to fuck off. Nice. Will still get removed, I'm sure of it.
And who would've guessed that the Anti-Harassment team wants to ban this trivial shit.
>Could anybody clarify the scope of these new censorship measurements?
>Is it just $PATH that needs to be purged of forbidden words or is the
>whole filesystem affected? The similar youtube-dl tool for example
>contains plugins for Slutload and other porn sites:
Based Ingo
We did try to warn you Jow Forums. You laughed it off and call us shitposters. Enjoy, we told you so.
all from OP's link to the bug report.
literally nobody on Jow Forums supported it, Jow Forums is just powerless to change it
>severity: serious
Oh come on..
>Severity: Serious
These people are literally insane...
>literally nobody on Jow Forums supported it
I did and do. This kind of purile garbage doesn't have any place in the modern world.
Debian died with Ian. Let it rot.
this is the future you chose
Documentation for weboob is enough to keep it
Babahahaha clapistans btfo
2/10 bait. It's not engaging in any way. This shit happened a while ago and nobody gives a shit about it any more. Atleast you tried op.
The future is OpenBSD
I would love to see these harpy SJW cunts try and take on Theo, the assblasting would be amazing
>caring about someone caring
Got too excited. Didn't post the image
OpenBSD will be fucked with Theo dies or leaves. Just like Debian when Ian died, just like the kernel when Linus dies or leaves.
>humor has no place in the modern world
preach mate
>my """""wacky""""" sense of humour should be inserted into important software or you're oppressing me!!!
Fuck off. Quit your job and become a stand up comedian if you want to make people laugh. Maybe you can open for Louis CK.
tldr: we complained, didn't get our way, so now we're complaining again and claiming that everyone else is complaining too
like goddamn remoaners this level of pettiness
I hate myself for actually agreeing with someone obviously trolling for (you)s
why don't they just change the name and icons if it is a problem?
Every white man you fire i hire.
Why don't you jump up and change your software to the wishes of the first person to complain loudly.
This "issues" importance is practically 0, people have better things to do then renaming their logos and names on the wishes of some random outraged spergs.
Because the (obviously) male maintainer's fragile masculinity is at stake if he comes to any sort of compromise, so he's throwing a tantrum and consigning his packages to the dustbin just so that he can say he didn't back down to "da ess jay dubyaz" (even though near-unanimous consensus has been reached saying that they're unacceptable).
If it's not a big deal to name the packages like that then it's not a big deal to have them changed.
If you're going to cry over muh freeze peaches then at least choose a more relevant subject
Giving into bullies only encourages them.
I still remember finding out how he died. One of our own, fallen victim to police brutality only to be forgotten a week later and have his legacy wrecked in the name of political correctness.
>he's throwing a tantrum
Oh so he's the one throwing a tantrum... kek
Imagine actually caring about this, I know that there are some trolls here pretending that there actually is a "serious" problem here, but there are actually people alive who are so outraged over the name of a package containing something vaguely sexual, that they spend hours upon hours trying to get it changed...
Yes. He received a polite request to make changes because he was making other people feel uncomfortable, and decided to go off on a rant about "white knights" and "SJWs" like every triggered alt-right snowflake does when you ask them to stop being such a massive shit.
Projection: the post
"I don't have an argument": The Post
>He received a polite request to make changes
Please, dear kill yourself.
I have made a polite request, now oblige.
My argument is that you are projecting onto the maintainer the behavior of the tantrum-throwing snowflakes who were triggered because the package name contains the sequence of characters 'boob'.
Nice false equivalency.
That isn't a coherent argument, nor does it represent the reality of the situation at hand. Try again.
>Nice false equivalency.
I am asking something of you and you don't want to do it. You are asking something of him, he doesn't want to do, but you think he should anyway.
We saw many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many times what happens when you don't comply with the "polite request".
It all ends with a mob using their power and influence to get everyone fired.
It's literally like the italian mob "polite requests".
Nah, some people on Jow Forums way back when were eagerly mocking Jow Forums oriented people as paranoid losers who should be put in a corner and ignored.
I wonder what happened to those people... did everyone just get redpilled over the last few years?
Jow Forums does not use debian, the shittiest distro out there.
GIMP should be removed for being derogatory towards physically disabled people.
>boobs and humor have no place in my dystopia
how can the future be female without boobs?
>ironically posts an unironically good idea
Can we get this campaign going?
>Gimp, a drawing program, has no business denying the humanity of those who sexually identify as center of trans-motorly disabled gender queer artists
I never thought someone could make Guts look like such a faggot twink, let alone someone would save such a gay picture on their computer.
>clearly a conisseure of chinese cartoons
Nothing "happens" beyond what the people behind the project agree upon - in this case the removal of the offending packages. The maintainer has already made clear that he finds this preferable to compromise, so where exactly is the "mob" here? Everybody's getting what they want.
What if the guy refused to change or remove?
Who the fuck cares, just reinstall it if you actually use it. Less bloat if you don't intend to use it.
Okay, you gave up the argument, fine with me.
i use debian.
you don't have to support someone's politics to use their software.
>Who the fuck cares
Exactly, who the fuck cares about the name of a package.
>August 2018
A lot of "important" software has easter eggs, but we know you wouldn't understand anything about that.
true that. compatibility issues may arise if they alter too much shit, though.
>I wonder what happened to those people... did everyone just get redpilled over the last few years?
They just left and took the knowledge with them. Now all you got is all these redpilled people with endless threads about SJW and laptop stickers
Speaking of debian: Did they ever find out why Ian Murdoch killed himself?
Seems you forgot that chromosomes are a social construct comrade.
You've been submitted for re-education.
I mean Araki could since he did the same to Kenshiro
Ian Jackson was always this triggered fag, but unlike you, he actually contributed to FOSS.
Literally who the fuck cares.
Maybe post in 2020 too. Basedboi.
>They just left and took the knowledge with them
They were never here. Those you are referring to were (big surprise:) not actually regular users of the site.
Technically there are 3 genders: masculine, feminine, and neuter; but, there are two sexes: male and female.
So when addressing someone, make sure you make them aware that you are addressing them by their sex, not their gender.
he wasn't even involved with debian anymore at that point
I'd like to manage your ass
It's not his decision whether it gets removed or not. He declined to change the offending items, so they're being excised from Debian. Nobody's rights are being stepped on here. He's free to develop his packages as he sees fit - and Debian are free not to use them.
Most "easter eggs" aren't offensive. Name one piece of software equivalent to or great than Debian in size and scope that includes outright offensive content as an "easter egg".
All these fucking newfags don't remember hotbabe and pantyshot
It's all so tiresome.
The issue isn't about "debian", it's about a package in their repository.
Completely different.
Take the stick from your ass.
K, at least you accept that you have lost the argument, so why not stop posting and rethink your position?
That's how it works mechanically, but i'm pretty sure that they're still hunting him like a whale on the wrong asian seas.
Oh man, gimp's twitter is run by a beta male.
I feel like it would seriously change its name if pushed harder.
I guess they don't like NES games too
thanks for the tip. Im installing hot babe rn
I guess they should remove libcaca too
How about libass?
Do you know about the toxic program called "cp", it stands for "child pornography".
because of Jow Forums I cringe every time I get to work and see a bunch of people with thinkpads
We don't even need to get GIMP to change its name. We just need Debian to drop it and watch the shitstorm that ensues.
This seems very achievable.
Yeah he should rename git.
We should compile a list and send it to the Debian packaging team for removal of all sexual/obscenity allusive programs.
So far we have:
youtube-dl (can be used to download porn, thus enabling sexual exploration of women)
libass (references 'ass')
libcaca (refrences 'caca', Spanish/French for poop)
gimp (insensitive to the disabled, also a reference to bdsm)
Install Gentoo.
>Lack of professionalism gets called out
>muh evil coc
I get letting that shit fly in some toy os but Debian is clearly trying to treat its product like any software company would
Yeah. He does write some niggerlicious programs.
I like how I would've never known about Weboob if not for SJWs getting triggered by it and actually promoting it that way.
still not using it
We should get Debian to drop git too. We should also go after Microsoft for their service (which they recently acquired) GitHub and Apple for integrating git into their development tools.
In fact, Apple should refund the $100/year developer membership fee to every developer for bundling git with Xcode.
This is why Jow Forums exists and Trump won the election
this is fine, it's crap software that pollutes repos with many packages with the name 'boob' in them, most used as silly puns. I doubt people have used most of these boobs in years.
>j-j-just let me be a shithead!!!
They're not doing anything to him. Someone raised the issue after finding the content offensive and opened a dialogue with the maintainer. His response was to refuse and get pissy, talking about "white knights" and shouting down opposing views (including those of women who spoke up), making it clear that he wasn't open to compromise on the matter. As there was an impasse, the Anti-Harassment team were asked to step in and make a judgement, which they did - in favour of removing the offensive content.
An entirely democratic and transparent process, which has been resolved to everybody's satisfaction. Where is the issue here?
Why are you still trying to argue, after you accepted that you have no arguments for your position?
Free as in Freedom.
What kind of loser gets butt hurt about the name of some arbitrary 3rd party software enough to insult random strangers on the Internet?
So would porn-get be unwelcome these days?