What do you think of this creature?: Should this creature be taken seriously?
What do you think of this creature?: Should this creature be taken seriously?
why does he only brush the top of his head
uwu, what's this?
She looks cute, whats the name of her channel?
According to Jow Forums, he is the ultimate trap, but likes Thinkpads and supports libre software, so he is forgiven for being a trap in the first place.
> girl
Who is this and why the question?
Oh fuck. Just heard the guys voice, how the fuck did i fall for this in the current year.
>implying any mentally ill creature should be taken seriously
Just let it die
Cute AF, would date or smash if given the chance.
>hapa trap
>not Jow Forums material
who she negros
gas chambers have been invented for subhuman trash like him
Why do autistic computer nerds who watch anime become trannies so often?
Dude needs to be upping the estrogen.
People think my fetish is traps.
They don't know that it's mental illness itself that I like to witness. The more broken the more better. The more degraded the better.
I can tell just by looking.
she is currently on a break, but will start taking T-blockers soon.
it's the final redpill
incels becoming what they can't have.
I would go down on him, no homo haha.
Not a girl in my book tho, never will be
Ask and ye shall receive. This is a legitimate problem. Autistic kids are being groomed by other autists that they can solve their low social standing by becoming trans. And it works because being trans is in vogue. Read this article, its a legit issue among autists:
The short answer is that they are mentally ill.
Are you also aware of the discord group that blackmails Jow Forums posters?
Scary stuff.
Fuck this guy
I miss xsauc
He may not have been as good of a trap but at least he did his shit because of his love for thinkshit, and not just to catch retarded virgins, unlike trapcode.
these posts kept me from failing nfn
>Pic related
Don't report me faggots
that's a person
kys nig
Fucking hilarious. I wonder how many have been blackmailed into transitioning.
would tongue
Probably not that many, worse thing was the spam they did on the board itself, any group with 5+ members that can easily coordinate and have a lot of patience(free time) have the potencial to shit on a entire board and spam at any given hour more than 10 active trap threads baiting people in and making a complete fuzz.
He fixed Lukes thinkpad and corebooted it so he is alright by me.
just a regular ol twinkhon that puts no effort into her voice
Arbeitslager !! Schnell !!
so where's this discord?
Is that skrillex?
does someone here know where these pictures are from? I watched a few videos from his channel when I heard he fixed lukes thinkpad. He seemed to be a little more on the his feminine side but didn't expect him to pose like this in his videos. I just skipped through his channel, the only weird video i found was the one he installed hannah montana linux (pic releated).
Seems like a nice guy, but he should really abandon this "tranny" thing before he goes insane or kill himself.
Can confirm with firsthand experience uwu desu senpai
That's the great thing about trannies. You don't have to worry about breaking up with them.
>citing tabloid journalism as fact
more importantly, are they single and into guys?