VR won't even start to be good until you can run dual screens at 8-16K on your desktop...

VR won't even start to be good until you can run dual screens at 8-16K on your desktop. We are so far away from being able to do that, you may as well say 10+ years away.

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I really like the idea of Ready Player One's Oasis , I've recently got into the GTAO game , and wow , it's the Oasis just not in VR, would the Oasis actually succeed if it enforced VR , I'm not sure.
But I really wish Rockstar would make a full VR game like GTAO.

you've clearly not tried an htc vive.
i went to a, i don't know what you call it, a vr bar(?) with some friends and played this tower defense game shooting arrows at orcs and dragons--it was amazing.
the quality of the graphics didn't matter all that much, they reminded me a lot of warcraft 3, but it was so much fun.
playing in that bar was the best advertisement for the htc vive ever.
i am building a play room in my house with gym mats everywhere to set that shit up.
anyway, if good means fun, then it's good already.

I'm having fun with my fucking shitty PSVR in VR chat just fine.

lol, the Oasis might never be possible. I mean, graphically, maybe. But immersion to the level that it's like real life is extremely difficult to achieve. It won't happen unless neural interface technology is developed further and we get something like a NerveGear.

High rez screens are a must true, but with eye tracking you would never need to drive most of them, so it will be possible to bypass a LOT of the horsepower needed, and like the other user said, rez is not everything, it need to get better, but IMHO mostly for text, driving 2x4K at 90 FPS is close to possible on current hardware.

VRChat my nigger.

Not true. Even for things like "google earth," it's an amazing experience to do things like tour the Vatican in VR and be able to fucking zoom in on things and actually "tour" cities you'll never visit IRL. It will get better, supposedly Right is already working on a version with no cord to tether you to your PC. Not many great games right now, but it doesn't really matter depending on what you are looking for.

"good" is subjective.
I thought about waiting but decided to drop 500 euroshekels on a rift and a bunch of games during black friday. It's fucking silly how much fun i'm having.

Try Gorn.

it doesn't necesarilly have to have a crazy pixel density and perfect roomscale tracking to be fun, though there are plenty of people who get motionsick because of non-perfect tracking and framerates and such. there's obviously plenty of room to improve shit though.

i had a 3-sensor rift setup for a while and there were some games that were insanely fun to play in VR like
>robo recall (or how to feel like a badass: the game)
>i expect you to die
>keep talking nobody explodes
>vr diner duo
>assetto corsa
and the classic: vr kanojo - grabbing one of the points on her body you can use to reposition her during a sex scene, then spastically whipping it back and forth as fast as possible while watching the physics on her model spazz the fuck out and break

Why 8K? 2880x1440 already minimizes the screen door effect to the point where I can't imagine 3K per eye would have a visible effect at all

The Pimax 5K and 8K are already delivering really good visuals, wide FOV on a wireless headset. Outside of shrinking the HMD down.... What else is there?

foveated rendering

not really, current gpus are powerful for foveated rendering. The screen is the missing part.

Foveated rendering will make a difference, a company called varjo has patented a kind of hardware hack involving using oled micro displays infront of a regular vr oled, thus you have ultra high density pixel array in front of a lower resolution screen, simulating foviated rendering on a high resscreen but only requiring say the rendering power of a gtx1070 to get 90fps in modern games in vr with no screen door effect

>instead of this

[Screen] - - -(lens) - EYEBALL
Screen is say 2560x1440

>Its more like this

[Screen][Microdisplay] - - - (lens) - EYEBALL
Screen is say 1280x720
Microdisplay is 1920x1080 in the focal center

Thus the center of your field of view in the headset has no screen door effect and might be a pixel density of above 600 or more dpi, but the entire thing requires not much processing power than a headset now.

Its a kind of hardware solution till we get actual foveated rendering on say 4k per eye screens or multi resolution displays. If they could make a display that has like 80% of the pixels in the center circle and the remaining 20% around it this could work too, especially if the display somehow eye tracks.

The rendering approach downside will be it would require high resolution screens.. Good VR is like 3-5 years away max, once the FOV is above 100 and the screen door effect is gone in your visual center it will amaze people how immersive shit is.

Haptics area bigger problem IMO.

We'll get to actual high PPI displays before they manage to make their microdisplay move with low enough latency.


Probably true, but, its still a good stopgap, anybody with a lot of vr hours knows this.

I cant imagine how good the vive/vive pro experience would be if the focal center had no screen door. and perhaps a 110> FOV The tech is pretty close. Valves tracking is awesome at a technical level, its just the vive controllers are somewhat shitty.

Every headset already has varying PPI and it is annoying when you have to look straight to see small details.

VR is just another display/control format. The idea that it needs to literally be the holodeck or clear to the point where it's like looking out of a window in order to succeed is silly.

Everyone who's actually tried VR likes it just fine, even on a shitty PSVR.

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Yes, but whats different about this tech/idea is that it eliminates the screen door effect in your focal center by simulating a 16k per eye displays by using a micro oled array to show 60 pixels per arc degree in your center of vision.

You can read eye charts on the damned thing like you were stood in a doctors office, you cant do that on a htc vive, i know because i have a vive.

software foveation is already a thing, but isnt helpful when the pixel density of the screen is too low.

Using a micro display overlay in the focal center of the vr display is a good stopgap solution.

>Every headset already has varying PPI

Well not so much ppi, but focus artifacts of the technology yes, a sweet spot so to speak, but imagine how good the vive pro would be if it had no screen door what so ever in that sweet spot.

The figures floating about on the VR forums are that if the entire varjo display was the same resolution as the focal micro oled, it would be a 70 mega pixel vr headset.

>pic related, its kind of how it approximates. it uses optics and twin displays per eye to overlay a ultrahigh resolution micro display in your focal center.

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t.Doesnt read anything about VR

Foveated rendering with perfect eye tracking is predicted to arrive at around 2021-2022 by Oculus estimate, which is why theyre pushing their gen 2 headset to around 2022. Foveated rendering is predicted to be able allow headsets with panels exceeding 4k to use as much processing power as a gen 1 VR headset. I predict that Oculus, Apple and Vive will be releasing headsets in the 8K range by then, and itll use a little more processing power than 1st gen Oculus rifts.

And this is just one trick to reduce processing power use, VR companies will be using multiple tools to reduce the processing burden on CPUs/GPUs. In 10 years, VR exclusive headsets will be redundant as a result of Microled powered lightfield AR headsets, like those being developed by Apple, which will do both MR and VR.

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this whole thread is a meme

>falling for AR meme invented by silicon valley jews to milk investors

Rift feels like a tech demo. Even playing Skyrim VR is clunky as fuck. Easily the worst $300 I've ever spent on a piece of technology. Literally used it like a dozen times since I got it two years ago. FUCK

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>I predict that Oculus, Apple and Vive will be releasing headsets in the 8K range by then
Why would Apple hurt their already dying image by releasing a literal toy?

I can see something like the tactile feedback suits becoming a thing. You'd have to have a mesh mapped to your player model model and whenever something interacts with your model (e.g. shot, touched, etc.), the game sends feedback to the corresponding spot on the suit. Feasible, but not likely to happen anytime soon.

Apple has bought several companies in the field of tech glasses and shit, I'm guessing they are going to become interested in this.

They could just acquire a company like how they did with Beats. Besides, they already own PrimeSense.

They bought Beats because of Apple Music. They rightfully realized they were too incompetent with streaming music to do it themselves. The headphones were just a cherry on top for them.
VR has no serious uses currently. It's just a cute, expensive toy. Maybe that will change in the future, but I don't really see what most people would do with them outside video games and a few VERY specific niche case uses.

Have you no imagination.

There will be VR movies. Movies that you can walk around in, imagine game of thrones where you can look up maise's skirt. You will be totally immersed in the movie as though you were there

that's just the begining

People realized that was possible for video games decades ago, but only recently have developers actually stated to put GOOD stories in their games (not just "good for a video game" stories either).
A big part of entertainment is being entertained with others as well. I don't see much effort being put towards something that is inherently personal. You could spend less making a traditional show/movie and sell it to a MUCH wider audience.
VR is too niche. It will need some serious killer app if it's ever going to be taken seriously. Hopefully it'll get something like that, but it certainly isn't here yet. If you compared VR gens to console gens, then we're in the Atari 2600 era of VR.

nobody is saying otherwise, everything that out now is an experiment and there is no content

VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over. Deal with it.

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it hasn't even started


How the fuck does no one know about this yet?

Literally this thread, you fucking shill.

You guys just need to get into racing sims.


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Racing sims are fucking boring. I played them all. They're atrocious. It's not even like driving a car, it's like driving a fucking tank. The physics in these games are completely wonky. Yes I know you can't make a 90 degree sharp turn at 60 miles per hour, but you also don't spin out taking that same turn at 30 miles per hour either.

t.asian granny

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The only people who want racing sims are /o/ autists. Everyone else wants something like Burnout 3 but in VR.

>"racing sims are boring"
>i don't know how to fucking play
lol retard

If I wanted to drive I would go in my car. Driving a shitty, real car is far more fun than driving a virtual car in a landscape that looks straight out of a PS2 game.

>If I wanted to drive I would go in my car.
you totally own a f1 car, true story
>Driving a shitty
>real car is far more fun than driving a virtual car
ok but i want to do it in the comfort of my moms house
>in a landscape that looks straight out of a PS2 game.
i remember the PS2 era well, cool arcades and shit, but there was nothing as remotely intensive as VR, graphically, technically, or whatever you name it

>ok but i want to do it in the comfort of my moms house
That's fine. It's still a simulation. I wouldn't find a forklift simulator fun because that's my job. I can't find car driving sims fun when I have to drive a car nearly every day of my life.

>i remember the PS2 era well, cool arcades and shit, but there was nothing as remotely intensive as VR, graphically, technically, or whatever you name it
In a real car I can drive wherever I want. In a VR game I'm limited to ugly, unrealistic tracks that are visually bland and no fun to drive on. They spend so much time on the physics they miss most of what makes driving a pleasurable experiencing: Getting to see all the scenery and places around you. The fact that VR headsets don't have HDR is also pathetic, considering how much more realistic things look with accurate lighting.

>I wouldn't find a forklift simulator fun because that's my job
i don't care about your life as a wage slave
>I have to drive a car nearly every day of my life.
i don't care about your life as an american
>I'm limited to ugly, unrealistic tracks that are visually bland
the tracks in dirt rally, project cars and assetto corsa (the 3 biggest VR sim titles i believe) aren't ugly, much less unrealistic (quite the opposite), nor are visually bland, maybe pick a good VR game
>In a real car I can drive wherever I want
sure you can race yourself into being fined for speeding
>Getting to see all the scenery and places around you.
that's not all there is to it, the fun in normal circuit racing (as opposite to arcade) is in applying the rules (from real life racing) and your individual skill, if that wasn't pleasurable then those games wouldn't sell, not only they sell how they killed arcades off for usually being too simplistic and not requiring any skill
>The fact that VR headsets don't have HDR is also pathetic
but that's you, everyone else normal cares more about the screen door than trivial shit

>the tracks in dirt rally, project cars and assetto corsa (the 3 biggest VR sim titles i believe) aren't ugly, much less unrealistic (quite the opposite), nor are visually bland, maybe pick a good VR game
Then you are easily pleased and really need to get outside more. Not to mention Dirt is fucking awful, especially if you want to race, and not have to learn the technicalities of rally racing.

>sure you can race yourself into being fined for speeding
The fact that driving a car at the speed limit is far more fun than driving a VR supercar is a pretty good example of how shit VR racing sims are.

>that's not all there is to it, the fun in normal circuit racing (as opposite to arcade) is in applying the rules (from real life racing) and your individual skill, if that wasn't pleasurable then those games wouldn't sell, not only they sell how they killed arcades off for usually being too simplistic and not requiring any skill
They're for an extremely autistic niche. Almost like fantasy football. Not surprising considering some autistis will spend more on a VR motion simulating racing rig than an actual car.
Racing simulations are not fun, they're simulations. The fun you derive from them is because you have a very specific interest in circuit racing. The only racing game that isn't circutshit is Dirt, and that is even worse because it's rally shit, so you need to understand the shorthand directions being given to you if you even want to be able to drive.

>but that's you, everyone else normal cares more about the screen door than trivial shit
Screendoor is resolution. Resolution and HDR are what VR needs before it will ever be anything other than a toy.

OP is a faggot

>Foveated rendering is predicted to be able allow headsets with panels exceeding 4k to use as much processing power as a gen 1 VR headset.
That's kinda pointless when GPU's by that time are probably twice as powerful as the current ones
For instance, my 1070 Ti runs twice as fast as the 4 year older 770

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>by the time VR has advanced decently, we are all balding sipping white Monsters

>"Crypto is a meme gimmick fad that is already over. Deal with it."

>i really need to get outside more.
real life isn't a game retard, you said the graphics were ugly and unrealistic, they objectively aren't, all real life tracks in project cars 2 were laser scanned, and those other 2 games i mentioned both look several times better than anything out of the PS2 era, in assetto corsa you can even add your own tracks and cars, you're just obsessed over low poly shit because the physics are "fun"

>Dirt is fucking awful, especially if you want to race, and not have to learn the technicalities of rally racing.
lol that's your fucking problem fucking casual

>sims are niche
denoting or relating to products, services, or interests that appeal to a small, specialized section of the population.

no they aren't, and arcade racing is dead

>you have a very specific interest in circuit racing
i actually don't, i had maybe a mild interest back when my country had good pilots, but the reason i just play those games is to experience it myself, it is because i enjoy cars and racing, not rosters or flags

>you need to understand the shorthand directions being given to you if you even want to be able to drive
if it is annoying or burdensome then disable it i don't care, you do you

>Screendoor is resolution
not necessarily

>Resolution and HDR are what VR needs
the priorities are resolution and fov

>be anything other than a toy
it should forever stay a "toy", it is entertainment

Lower the graphics, raise the resolution.

Funny how this works. The Rift is one of the best tech purchases I've ever made.