/fbt/ - Friendly BSD Thread

Welcome to /fbt/ - Friendly BSD Thread

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about BSD and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly BSD Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out BSD you can do one of the following:
0) Install a BSD distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the BSD distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the BSD distribution of your choice along with Windows or GNU/Linux.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with BSD.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% --help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Jow Forums's Wiki on BSD:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>How to break out of the botnet?

Previous thread:

Attached: uss-puffy.png (306x265, 131K)

Other urls found in this thread:


first fr netbsd

Appreciation. Wonder if ARM has this issues when some Thumb instruction set used.

Probably not

>BSD "distribution"

Attached: IMG_20190104_100153_801.jpg (624x351, 48K)

In other related news: it's fucking happening.

They are distributions of the BSD operating system, I.E. BSD distributions

GNU/Linux is OVER
Year of the BSD desktop!

definitely Linux nerds btfo to all eternity.

Reminder that OpenBSD is lacking the following things:
>A robust filesystem such as ZFS, btrfs, or HAMMER2
>Any kind of journaling FS
>Support for more than one core on various parts of the OS. The firewall, pf, is confirmed to be one of these parts, although there may be more.
>802.11ac networking
>Nvidia graphics from this decade
>AMD Vega graphics
>Certain Intel graphics, at least judging from comparing the manpage to the wikipedia article
>Broadcom wireless
>Linux compatibility layer
>Mounting ext filesystems
>Proper virtualization (vmd/vmm is awful compared to KVM+QEMU or even Virtualbox)
>and probably more

Attached: NOpenBSD.png (1000x1000, 168K)

Reminder that GNU/Linux is:
>maintained by idiots
>slow in version 4.20
>full of normies who think they are cool cause they can install ubuntu
>not anywhere as good as dragonflybsd

i liked openbsd's default theme for fvwm so much that i tried to translate it to fvwm2

>green text is less than to the post being responded
Get fucked retard.

I havent used gnu/linux for more than a week so I dont have a list of things I particularly dislike about it

BSDistribution Distributions

Berkeley Software Distribution is a UNIX distribution.
There distributions of this UNIX distributions for smaller niches, or sub-distributions.
In the end, they are still BSD distributions.

Some Linux distros are certified UNIX. None of the BSDs are

>>full of normies
OK fedoralord, whatever makes you feel special.

The only reason they arent certified is because the open group is still asshurt that berkeley "stole" the source code from at&t unix for bsd unix

I hope this will fix my two finger touchpad scroll (or rather, the lack of it )

What? In a lot of documentation for OpenBSD, it explicitly states that it is NOT a BSD distribution. They just all have a common ancestor, but they don't necessarialy share any particular peice of software in common like a kernel

Heyo, I'm a debfag wanting to escape the poz and how's Net or Open for a bsd beginner? I've heard many good things about Open but I also heard Net is the most unix-like (something i kind of look for). Also
>muh retro windies games

Attached: 116056-105295-i_rc.jpg (416x234, 29K)

Try out GhostBSD. Its easy for beginners.

OpenBSD is good for giving a second life to some oldtimer hardware like powerbook g4, etc.

But even this is not much reasonable because "new" intel stuff is dirt cheap.

Lenovo has 330s models with i3 (the same core2duo with bigger caches) and FHD IPS screens for less than $500. Good enough for running Emacs, watching pirated full hd movies under Linux with intel iHD drivers, and whatever it is.

OpenBSD neglected video drivers, so it lost any appeal.

Friendly reminder BSD is shit, let this shit die

Attached: bsd rationalization.png (507x692, 93K)

Yeah, I dont use OpenBSD personally, FreeBSD stays up to date and there are a lot of distributions based on FreeBSD if you dont like FreeBSD itself
NetBSD is also very good

Two thirds of these aren't even true

look at this shit from 80's
who use it?

Attached: openbsd.png (1280x1024, 15K)

anyone who isnt a zoomer

What is the reason to use BSD over GNU+Linux?

Attached: nolan.png (1144x772, 267K)

They are very similar so it's all about personal preference. You gotta look into the benefits of both and find out which ones fits you better.
I personally prefer BSD because it is more like UNIX than Linux is, BSD also tends to be more minimal and take up less resources. I only use my home computer for internet browsing, so if I can use an OS that uses as little of my system resources at idle as possible, I shall use it

>They are very similar
Why you lie?

Attached: BSDsupport.png (1266x589, 67K)

>The only OS that actually takes security seriously and doesn't have trannies working on it constantly gets FUD and bot replies
Really makes you think

No, they are both UNIX-based, which makes them very similar, but they are indeed quite different on a smaller scale

I am not a bot, YOU and your IRC channel on the other hand is littered with that.

Also, if you weren't such faggots lying people about what to expect nobody would be angry at you.

Attached: unimpressed.jpg (851x478, 104K)

Also, lets talk about security you so much proclaim. OpenBSD has a fucking backdoor Theo the Rat himself uses. The story about the FBI is known by now.

Attached: Why-I-left-OpenBSD.png (831x1234, 335K)

>I am not a bot

Attached: bot.png (949x955, 136K)

Not me, and is probably another user angry like me though. You fucking scammer.

Everyone knows that OpenBSD is not as good as other *BSDs
Why does everyone talk about OpenBSD when they enter these threads though

cry some more tranny

>not me
uhuh sure it isn't champ

Attached: 1.png (515x821, 59K)

I want to run FreeBSD or TrueOS (old name: PC-BSD) as a secure host to do all my activity in Linux VMs.

Am I able to install KVM and Virtmanager as easy as on Linux (like Debian)?
apt-get install virt-manager libvirt

Some idiot around here is tricking people by saying OBSD can replace Linux on the desktop just fine. I would take they be honest and say "hey, not everything will work but you can help us making it better", not lying like scammers.

Fuck off, your thread sucks and your OS is shit.

Attached: bsd_is_shit.png (1280x720, 123K)

Yeah, KVM has official FreeBSD support
And if you are asking about package management, it's exactly like Debian
apt-get install xfce4

On Debian is
pkg install xfce4
On FreeBSD

we're not talking about freebsd
>fork bomb
not exclusive to bsd
fixed with a simple restart
wouldn't even work because of kernel process limit

Take your FUD elsewhere retard.


Why are you so butthurt?

Attached: not an argument.jpg (480x310, 39K)

>le epic non proven backdoor maymay xDDD

Nice projection. Now take your dank investment terminoligy back to your containment board. g is for people with IQs above room temperature

Why the fuck is my friendly BSD thread so unfriendly
GNU/Retards get out, you are upsetting everyone including yourselves

Anyone tried OpenBSD on a Raspberry Pi?
I’m using QubesOS at the moment, but I want to get rid of Linux.
But I really like the idea of Isolation, so I thought I just take 4-5 Raspberrys, each one for a single purpose.

I’ve read that OpenBSD runs ob ARM, but how well does it perform on a Raspberry?

>no argument
>resorts to buzzwords and insults
like clockwork

this tranny shits up every bsd thread because theo doesn't tolerate retarded degenerates like linux does

Why does everyone shit up these threads, its exactly why they havent taken off as much as Friendly GNU/Linux threads have

OpenBSD runs absolutely fine on Raspberry Pi
I think NetBSD is what you are looking for though if you are planning to put BSD on a Pi

New thread

Well, I took my way through QubesOS with a reason, I take security really serious, also I like theo for not beeing retarded. But still thanks for your hint, I’ll still take a look at it, even if I’ll probably stay with OpenBSD :)

Well, thats what these threads are for
Be sure to come back if you ever have any questions

>$ ulimit -p