When you promote GNU you are promoting communism.

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And that’s a good thing comrade

reminder the people who says this probably has never read anything about communism IRL.

wtf i love communism now

The Gulag Archipelago is all you need to know about communism. it's nothing more than a horrific ideology where godless perverts enact tragedy on mankind. that's all it exists for.

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not an argument

this is epic

clean your room bucko

Free Software is a Communist Jew trick to have the goim give up their labour for free and force others to do the same and thus expanding the ideology like a virus.

Open Source is a CapitalistvJew trick to have the goim do your work for free and still be able to profit.

how am i promoting the government claiming ownership of all assets and then poorly redistributing them so that everyone starves and nothing works correctly?

by promoting retarded memes you are promoting stupidity and the acceptance of retards spouting baseless bullshit like its normal

it a war declared by Jews on intellectual property masquerading as “freedom from the elites” so they can destroy intellectual property.
Remember, property is the source of all freedom and commies will do anything they can to get rid of that. Property is their primary target

>it a war declared by Jews on intellectual property

wtf I love GNU now

Yes, we all know jews do not gain anything from intellectual property

intellectual property was one of the worst retard-tier ideas ever conceived of.
>muh printing press makes copies nice and fast!
>i'm jewish... how can i make money off of this?
books, paintings, music, stories, etc... were all made long before copyright existed; they would continue to be made in its absence.

Communism is authoritarian. It is not possible to enforce it without an oppressive police state because no one wants what they worked so hard for to be taken away. GNU is entirely voluntary to use and many people prefer to use Microsoft Windows, created by an actual globalist institution. For those less educated, globalism is basically international communism managed by multinational corporations (usually).


You're thinking socialism. Communism means no state and no money, and we yet to see a single one of those implemented.


lol, nope.

Attached: you're a dummy.png (368x173, 16K)

No. he's thinking communism. Your platonic ideal cannot escape it's consequences.

>jew war on intellectual property
>IP has been extended 5 times in the last 100 years
How THE FUCK can you come to the conclusion that IP is being undermined? It's on its most powerful state than fucking ever. Explain to me how the fuck did you come to this conclusion.

The idea of collective ownership or criticism of civilisational inequality predates the Jewish appropriation of these ideas. Fuck Marx... but that doesn't mean that sharing is bad or that criticisms of industrial society are completely invalid.

Communists took some existing ideas and the genuine struggle of the worker, and twisted them to seize power and exploit the worker even more.

Richard Stallman is literally a jew

I know. And he's a flawed man in many respects. But he is still right to demand we know what runs on our own machines, and to oppose surveillance.

This is correct. The amount of power needed to be given to a small number of people to implement such a system creates too much of a power imbalance to not lead to corruption.


There was no state and no money for hundreds of thousands of years (So, most of human existence). With the agricultural revolution, began sedentary lifestyle, dietary changes, hoarding, slavery etc.

Communism is deeply rooted in industrial age and therefore won't work even if it wasn't so inherently flawed. We are simply no longer in that age.

Equal access to resources that require significant effort to make copies of (housing, food, cars, etc.) is not at all equivalent to equal access to resources that are near enough free to make copies of (bytes).

Never mind that free software has none of the other far more damaging trappings of communism (pretending there are no differences between people therefore kicking out competent people claiming that they stole their competence from the oppressed, removing all incentives therefore needing to force people to work with the threat of gulags, etc.).

>In the long run, making programs free is a step toward the postscarcity world, where nobody will have to work very hard just to make a living. People will be free to devote themselves to activities that are fun, such as programming, after spending the necessary ten hours a week on required tasks such as legislation, family counseling, robot repair and asteroid prospecting. There will be no need to be able to make a living from programming.

This is among the stupidest shit I have ever read and it is literally from the GNU manifesto.

That's true. Everyone owns the means of production now. Its concepts are irrelevant.

Closed source is an inherently bad idea. Secrets should be protected by cryptography, not obfuscation. It's one of the reasons everything runs so poorly nowadays. We've already seen what autism is capable of achieving even with closed source firmware, imagine what would happen if they were actually given the specs and the ability to change that firmware. It's literally free tech support.

We could already live post-scarcity but the truth is, ((( they ))) will always find work for us to do because it's the way they have power over us. There's literally no good reason that we still have to work 40 hour weeks, other than that it drains energy from the masses, keeps them occupied and stops them asking too many questions.

If it's not producing goods, it'll be competing based on adhering to some dystopian code of behaviour. There is no escape, there is no freedom, only the tightening of the yoke, with each step forward, with every new technology.

(By the way, I'm not against work and I'm not one of these faggy leftists who wants to sit around all day, everything automated, just jerking off. But I want my work to be meaningful and not just to line the pockets of some lazy manipulative fuck.)

No, I promoting individualism which is the most capitalistic thing

no, he is an autistic atheist

(((They))) will never let us create an libertarian society, which will let to an post-scarcity society (i hope).

> *sips coca-cola

> *sips apple juice from local farmer*

glad soicalists protect your community

Nah man, I'm libertarian, my family that farmer from government, that wanted him to kill his own cows, because some reach fuck wanted monopoly over the 2 cities

Is it wrong for a man to wish for complete control over his hardware and software that he himself paid for? Is it wrong for a man to wish that one's privacy will only be invaded when there is legitimate concern that warrants this, and only by the authorities concerned? If it's wrong to wish for freedom, to help your fellow man and to expose not only the flaws in one's system, but the corruption and evil, then the gulags really need to return.

Stallman is a weird man that goes about these things in a weird way, but this does not make his cause any less right, any less just.

>Remember, property is the source of all freedom
Correct, however you fell for the common trap of using the phrase "intellectual property" which is a meaningless buzzword used to trick you into equating physical property with intangible things that can't be property. You can't own the contents of someone else's brain, and it's an affront to human rights to suggest that you can.

Remember than in order to have freedom, we also need to set limits on what can be property. Centuries ago people would have claimed that abolishing slavery was against freedom because it was their property right to own slaves. We know now this isn't true because it requires stripping another human (the slave) of their freedom and property rights.


GNU promotes the highest of both leftist and free market ideals. Respects privacy, encourages sharing organically instead of via mandates, free to profit off of and share your work;

gives middle finger to NSA sleuths, DRM, proprietary software;

enables competition against the Evil Empire (apple) in the mobile market, brought riches to big business and individuals alike while still allowing peasants to use its service completely gratis.

Stallman is the harbinger and conveyor of freedom and justice in the software space, and with his invincible determination he will free this world of the evil despite base gainsays.

FrEe MeaNs CoMMumISm

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Attached: marx chan.jpg (480x476, 45K)

>The Gulag Archipelago
Comrade I

Attached: the gulag archipielago was fiction, the authors wife confirmed.jpg (500x409, 41K) tasty the commies can't resist.

Thanks for the invitation btw

Attached: trotskypepe.png (528x624, 15K)

What is a good distro without GNU communist shit?

I already use Void but it has some.

Glorious RedStar OS

Attached: 범안리의 선경.jpg (1024x768, 100K)

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Is this the commie and proud thread?

Attached: commietux.png (340x384, 100K)

No such thing as intellectual property

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IP is the most (((commie))) shit

Read "Poccия в кoнцлaгepe" by "Илья Ильин" then.
To be honest, as Russian, I can agree with "Гyлaг-apхипeлaг" and "coбaчьe cepдцe" second one is the most accurate representation of soviet union in that era.



Hell yeah

You also forgot to add

nice photoshp

Oke incel-sama

>it a war declared by Jews on intellectual property masquerading as “freedom from the elites” so they can destroy intellectual property.
>Remember, property is the source of all freedom

A distinction must be made between IP and physical property, firstly. Next, property isn't, necessarily, the:

>source of all freedom

If one owns all is the world free?

No one forces you to participate in GUN projects. Communism though, requires forced participation to survive.

Open source is literally libertarianism, it's completely voluntary. You are free to make closed source software and you are free to make open source software as well. Linux is made through the voluntary contributions of people, whereas under Communism for example, Microsoft would be forced to release the source code of Windows "for the good of the people" or some bullshit like that.

I think there were a bunch of people who lived in America once who believed what you believed. Not sure what happened to them though, they spoke a lot of different languages and all died out real fast

You gonna get v8

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