/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

What are you working on, Jow Forums?

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Attached: lisp.png (562x522, 116K)

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Shit image, shit language. Kill yourself.


Not this time, merchant.

Lisp is the most powerful programming language.

Stop shilling lisp. If this language becomes popular I will have to switch to another one

Please start shilling nim


Attached: mark2[1].jpg (200x200, 18K)

>not smart enough to learn lisp.

i would be mad too, user.

Attached: John McCarthy lisp man.jpg (630x630, 49K)

I'm interested in it as well, seems to take the general python idea into a good direction

cute OP
although I have a preference for pure girls

Attached: 1545159663578.png (1000x1300, 710K)

Kentucky Fried Lisp

>pure girls
girl who has drawn this pic works for microsoft

JavaScript rocks!

Attached: js-rocks.png (1000x494, 286K)

starting to learn some PHP, such a fucking garbage looking language. My boi Scheme is the most good-looking Aryan man

I am a Cnile, hurr durr

Attached: seaman.png (376x341, 102K)

ur point?

epick maymey user, show it to your family too

idk, thought that /gee/ anons hate ms

OCR with python, its basically copy paste but still a pain in the ass to install

I learned Python as my first language (Chemistry/Physics/Materials Science is my core field), and now I struggle to handle deeper programming languages that don't babysit me. I'm actually struggling to understand how to even setup something as simple as Electron for frontends.

Why did people shill this fucking babysitter language I'm so mad right now I feel 3 years behind the curve.

Attached: Python.jpg (1484x989, 114K)

Should I include everything I need in every .c file for documentation, even though it's already included in several of my headers?
I worry about later removing an include in a header and suddenly my .c file isn't compiling...

>Why did people shill this fucking babysitter language
cuz they are retards

read SICP

All painters of Saint Mary are sinners, does this make the virgin unpure?



Attached: giphy.gif (400x231, 1.96M)

ur right my bad

You actually have to manage dependencies and setup an actual runtime. Python babysitted me and I just press F5 to run the program. It's objectively simpler.

I started with C++ when C++ wasn't as standardized as it is now
I got into python recently and I have no issues going back to learn other languages
except nim

>I just press F5 to run the program
it's your fault for using an IDE and not actually scripting
you can learn CS and programming with python if you avoid the pitfalls of it's superficial nature

you underestimated programming and CS

read sicp

The joke was that Haskell is a "pure functional language". RDRR

It also became my fucking problem after deciding to learn compiled language. Learning Scheme babysitted me either, just F5 and you'll know your output. But when I installed C, it became a headache. I realize that its my job as a learner to adapt in all kinds of language. Just stop whining and start reading books. You're showing that you're a fucking lazy faggot, if you were then use Python and Visual Basic because that's appropriate for you

what is your favorite language?


library IEEE;

entity cla is
generic ( width: integer := 4);
Port ( p : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (width - 1 downto 0);
g : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (width - 1 downto 0);
cin : in STD_LOGIC;
carries : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (width downto 0));
end cla;

architecture Behavioral of cla is

signal gcin: std_logic_vector(width downto 0);

gcin(width downto 1)

and for programming?


It's cool how heavily they can optimize objects in V8 based on the premise that they're typically used in one of a handful of ways

Non-english letters in codebase are absolute cancer

I mean, what is your favorite programming language

C# and C

>Chemistry/Physics/Materials Science is my core field
>I'm actually struggling to understand how to even setup something as simple as Electron for frontends.

Attached: smug-blonde-haired-anime-girl.jpg (1021x574, 45K)

>started with Java in goddamn BlueJ in high school
>not braindead enough like Python to focus on algorithms
>not low level enough like C/C++ to work with the actual machine
Took me the first two years in uni to unlearn all the bullshit.

user, I...

really don't understand how people can even struggle to learn languages in the first place.

he probably just means that python makes a lot of things a lot easier

Why haven't you learned mandarin yet then?

well you know i meant programming langs.
>learning bug speak

I mean in the sense of "the language is so braindead that I can focus on the actual algorithms instead of worrying about BufferedReaders and abstract classes". I learned more OOP than I'd ever want to know before coming to things like sorting algorithms or even how to use a command line. This was in the era when Java was the biggest dog in the software market and my teacher told me that it's the future of coding.

Talk to me when you are proficient in Coq.

don't need it, as Idris is superior in every way, and doesn't need F# or Ocaml for code extraction.

>doesn't need F# or Ocaml for code extraction.
neither does Coq

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-05 coqasm pdf.png (415x302, 33K)

Fuck sorting algorithms.

It's still just a proof assistant. You have to rely on other langs to actually run things.
>Figure 1 presents code that computes the factorials of 10 and 12
and prints them to the console using an external printf function

Sort out your life.

You always rely on assembly anyway tho. And this proves that you can generate any lang you like.

int main(void)
char asdf[] = "abc" "def";
printf("%s", asdf);
return 0;

what the fug is this declaration

It's pretty unrealistic though.
You'd be better off using F*'s Low* as i've shilled before.

don't use C
use C++

String literals automatically concatenate when placed next to each other. This lets you split string literals across multiple lines.

I wish other languages had this too instead of having to either escape the newline or concat at run time.

python has it
ruby has it
lisp has custom string delimiter on the fly.

Why can't more good langs have it tho?

then she's based and redpilled

Haskell too: hackage.haskell.org/package/raw-strings-qq

why ruby is garbage?

Attached: file.png (500x631, 496K)

I bet he never used it
Jow Forums just loves to hate nice langs


Lisp is the most powerful programming language.
You're just bitter because you're not smart enough to get it, or resourceful enough to use it where you're employed.

Read SICP and The C Programming Language, do all the exercises and stop embarassing yourself

Does anyone here telecommute full time? When I first got this new job I went in every day, but 6 months later and now I'm only in 3 days a week for the mornings only. Does it really just get this good? My former coworker said he would only go into work once a week.

its syntax is polarizing, and rails pretty much dominates all discussion and attention.
and the obvious dynamic shitlang mention.

Is Rust basically modern C? Then I might try it

Why would you want to be cramped up in your home all day? That would set off huge red flags to me as an employer. Are you antisocial, or do you just enjoy fucking off a lot?

>to be cramped up in your home all day?
do normalfags actually think like this?
You literally can't do anything but sleep and shower at your own place without feeling "cramped"?
Also most tech jobs will be telecommuted eventually, it just makes sense, especially when VR/AR gets more mature.

you forgot to suck my dick

It's more like C++.

What languages you mean? I don't know any which doesn't have some way to split strings to multiple lines.

I'm not actually in my room. I go to a different cafe each day.

It's object oriented? Bleugh

No, but it has generics, traits (= concepts), and lambdas.

>traits (= concepts)
What is this?

>116 KB

Attached: 1546688751891.png (562x522, 36K)

Same thing as type classes in Haskell. Lets you bound generic parameters so that they have certain properties. They're kind of like interfaces, but used in a different way.

Common Lisp

>Common Lisp

what have you made with it?

#.(loop for i from 1 to 100 do
(format t "~:[~:[~a~;Buzz~]~;Fizz~:[~;Buzz~]~]~%~@*" (= 0 (mod i 3)) (= 0 (mod i 5)) i))

macrolets on suicide watch

>looking up resources on mathematical induction in logic programming
>everything relates to "inductive logic programming" which is actually machine learning bullshit

Attached: 1499831841349.png (400x416, 41K)


>(= 0 foo)
>not (zerop foo)
shiggy diggy doo

Jesus, is that really how C++ommon Lisp does predicates?

>more characters

oh shit i understand your struggle.
> Python was 3th languages i learned ( C# ,---> C++ ,--> Python)

Python is like bicycling with 3 wheel.

found the schemefag

Do take a look at APL

Macros and functions let it do them however you want it to do them, honey

you cant do that when you are coding Big projects.

Try to draw whole struction and how different parts interact. it will help alot.

maybe have a spreadsheet for every include you used and comment on what it is and who is using it.


Put includes where you use them