/pcbg/ - PC Building General

!!CES Jan. 8 - 11. Strong advisory to buy after CES announcements!!

>Assemble a part list
>Example gaming builds; click on blue titles to see notes
>How to assemble a PC

Want help?
>State the budget & CURRENCY
>Post at least some attempt at a parts list
>List your uses, e.g. Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work
>For monitors, include purpose (e.g., photoediting, gaming) and graphics card pairing (if applicable)

CPUs based on current pricing:
>Athlon 200GE - HTPC, web browsing, bare minimum gaming (can be OC'd on some MSI mobos)
>R3 2200G - Recommended minimum gaming
>R5 2400G - Consider IF on sale
>R5 2600/X - Good gaming & multithreaded work use CPUs
>i7-9700k/8700k - Extreme setup with RTX 2080/Ti
>R7 2700/X - Best value high-end CPU on a non-HEDT platform
>Threadripper/Used Xeon - HEDT

>Always choose at least a two stick kit; 2x 8GB is recommended
>CPUs benefit from high speed RAM; 3000CL15 or 3200CL16 is ideal
>AMD B and X chipsets and Intel Z chipets support XMP

Graphics cards based on current pricing:
>Used cards can be had for a steal; inquire about warranty
>GTX 1060, RX 570, RX 580 are standard choices
>GTX 1070/Ti if you're looking for very high (100+) framerates and you have a CPU and monitor to match
>GTX 1070/Ti and Vega 56 are standard choices
>RTX 2080 if you're looking for very high (100+) framerates and you have a CPU and monitor to match
2160p (4K)
>RTX 2080 is the standard choice
>RTX 2080Ti is better for 4K but expensive

>A 256GB or larger SSD is almost mandatory; consider m.2 form factor
>Bottleneck checkers are worthless


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Other urls found in this thread:


I fell into the Ryzen meme but now I kinda regret it because of DDR4 rip-off cartel and Ryzen platform instabilitiy issues in Linux even in most recent kernels.
Talk me out of returning my 2200G build for a used Xeon meme.

Attached: ryzen vs used xeon meme.png (830x902, 117K)

Why is OP shilling so hard for AMD?

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I got this monitor without the stand for 199 off amazon, no warranty.

best buyed.

I am using a x79 used Xeon meme ATM since I had way too much ddr3 ECC memory to just throw out. It's also cheap as chips if you are buying it.
It's comfy as fuck tbqh.

Yeah I also have that in mind though X79 boards cost double. On the other hand registered DDR3 is cheaper than udimms.

Xeon is only going to be worse as time goes on
AM4 will continue to be supported, and linux bugs will be fixed unless you are using the most obscure distro

It's like 100 AUD for a Chinese x79 if you're fine with running only 4 dimms. I have 4*16 in mine since that's all I had. E5-2680v2 since they used to be cheap. Prices have gone up on them and I'm not sure what's best now. 1660v2 and over locking used to be a viable option but isn't really now.

Fuck a duck. My paypal account is limited so I can't buy it.

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Does 1080p look acceptable on a 1440p monitor?

You can connect a service like privacy.com to your bank account
Depends on the upscaling method (and usually having your GPU do the work is a lot better than having your monitor do it)
Regardless it will always look worse than 1080p on a true 1080p screen

Not really, no. The only kind of downscaling which looks decent is straight integer downscaling like 1080p on 4K

are there any good 27-32"1080p monitors?

>AMD shill OP
change it to GAYMD general

Not that I can think of. 1920*1200 with 14bit out and 99% adobe is possible in that range iirc. Just get a smaller monitor and sit closer. Or lower game settings or whatever to get desired FPS on 1440p

Don't you mean upscaling? Also, RTX has shown to have some solid potential when upscaling using the deep learning capabilities of the tensor cores, it's just not widely available yet

Attached: nicebaitanon.jpg (432x122, 9K)

I noticed something that I don't know whether it's a glitch, something to do with my GPU, drivers or what exactly.

Basically any shadows or textures past a certain distance are weirdly rendered. Not more blurrier or less detailed, but instead kinda glitchy. I look at the distance on a big map (for instance on Rise of the Tomb Raider) and shadows move while I move the camera, instead of attaching to whatever objects might be rendered there (like rocks, for instance). In some other games, there's a very noticeable line where you can see where the textures lose detail and I thought I could fix it by turning the anisotropic filtering all the way up like I used to do with source games a decade ago, but that shit ain't working.

Any clues? It's an RX570.

Repost question in hopes of getting an answer: Do I need a special LCD controller board to utilise a 120hz panel, or are your general $15 chinkshit universal ones capable of 1080p 120hz passthrough?

>Want a new case for my old PC
>Look up all the microATX cases available in my country
>All the decent budget cases have windows on them
Looks like I'm going to be forced to get a windowed case, acrylic or tempered glass if I want a case that looks clean? I'm not going to have any LEDs or anything inside. I'm leaning tempered glass but I'm concerned about how it might shatter or break, but damn I don't want a million scratches on that window. The Thermaltake H18 seems to tick off all the boxes so I'm just choosing between the acrylic or tempered glass version.

> linux bugs will be fixed unless you are using the most obscure distro

I'm not hopeful. 2 years after first introduction of the platform, people on latest kernel still have to use random scripts to disable C6 states so that their system wouldn't freeze randomly. Not really confidence inspiring.

I don't remember the exact parts but I estimated a reasonable X79 build to cost on par with the 2200g build above (it had moar coars though)

Is NZXT S340 at least as good as a Fractal Define case for airflow? I like simple boxy designs

It has good airflow but mine gets a little dusty often

I think I can live with that. Do you recommend nzxt over FD? I like the aesthetic of each. Is NZXT also good for noise, heat etc?

yeah, probably fake, but paypal eats it.

Put some window tint film on it, five bucks

Currently on a build from 2012. Now that I have expendable income, it's time to get something new.
Bought a Vega 56 on black Friday and want to get a new rig with zen2 CPU.
Should I wait for an X570 board or will an X470 do fine? What would the differences be?
Since ill probably replace the Vega56 in a year or two, how close are GPUs to utilizing PCIe 4.0? Other than the GPU upgrade i'd like the build to last me 5 years for gaming & VR.

For the tempered glass you mean? It looks like for the H18 it's already got a dark tint on, I'm just asking how worried I should be about cracks and breakage even without the film

fractal r5

Their stock fans are loud but I havent bothered changing them, I would get the h500 if it's the same price.

Yiff in hell faggot

Well, certainly not if the spec of the connectors doesn't support 120Hz (e.g. VGA, older HDMI, DVI single link)
I wouldn't gamble on the cheapest ones unless you can contact the seller
Which country? Also, you can get a smaller ATX case and use a micro-ATX board.
I would go for tempered glass if that's the choice you need to make
The next gen (7nm) of GPUs will be PCIe 4.0 capable, but that doesn't actually mean anything for performance (A GPU only really needs 8 lanes to function at its full extent, or 4 at PCIe 4.0 bandwidth)

I'll convert something near my build to USD using actual current prices since the AUD shat itself and all that
2*16 GB ddr3 ECC - 65
X79 mobo with 4 dimms (I'm sure you can find cheaper) - 115
2011 cooler - 20
E5-2680v2 - 200 since they've gone up in price

However there is also budget mode.
2dimm mobo + e5 2650 combo - 115
2*16 ram - 65
Cooler - 20

Ryzen will give you a better upgrade path though.

No. When it comes to furfags, americans are always cancer, euros are a mixed bag of cancer and awesome, japs just want to draw cute or porn or cute porn.

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ok so overall NZXT H500 is more desireable than a Fractal Define C?

Nah for the acrylic to protect it from scratches, though the film itself can still scratch up it'll protect the acrylic and not draw attention to the lightless guts of the pc. Otherwise just go for the glass, film will stop it shattering everywhere if it does break but a glass window on your desk is only as vulnerable as, say, your monitor, unless you keep the tower by your feet and wear steel toed slippers

tldr> don't sweat it, just get something you think looks cool

Philippines, I would get a compact mid-tower ATX case, but I've already done the measurements for the PC compartment under my desk and almost none of them fit, which is why I'm going with a microATX mid/mini-tower to be safe. In any case it's the same problem, almost all of the decent ones come with windows, just concerned about how well TG can take some bumps with kids using the PC.

How young are these kids to not know to avoid kicking the glass? It's not going to shatter unless they're hitting it, but you have bigger problems in that case.
It really shouldn't be an issue

It has kinda better thermals but I guess pick what you like aesthetically the most

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What's the best 24 inch IPS monitor for a UK/Ireland customer for office work (have a HD6870 so no Freesync required)?

Two nephews 8 and 10 years old, it's under the desk so they might end up kicking it unintentionally since they're not tall enough for their legs to reach the floor while on the swivel chair. Wouldn't want them to get cut. Thanks though, I think I'll get the tempered glass, probably just put some padding in the compartment to keep them from hitting the side panel directly.

Tempered glass is designed to shatter into tiny chunks, safer than large sharp shards. Film on one side will help keep the glass stuck together when shattered.

I love this artist
The cheapest one, if you don't care about integrated speakers:

Attached: IMG_20190104_034738.png (1050x1000, 308K)

Okay checked aliexpress prices now

X79 mobo $100
2x8GB $40
E5 2650 v2 $75

Downside is it has significantly lower single thread perf.

2680 v2 has better ST but costs $100 more

>No VESA mount.
>thicc bezels.
>expensive on Amazon.co.uk, the only way Irish people can get any tech without being raped on shipping costs.
Oh well, thanks for replying, senpai.

Whats the fastest way to clean case fans?

cleaning fans wiping each blade would took me an hour

You brought up none of those things, asking which is the "best" could be interpreted in dozens of different ways
Also, Irish pcpartpicker has basically nothing on it and I have no clue which stores Ireland can use
Would you care to list your online hardware stores?

Attached: IMG_20190104_034344.png (723x1280, 298K)

kys furnigger

Compressed air, just how many fans do you have? Unless they are super dirty you only need a quick wipe on each blade, should only take 15 minutes for 5-6 fans

This, a painters brush is also useful

My current setup:

>CPU: i5-7500 3.4 GHz Quad-Core Processor
>Mobo: MSI - B250I GAMING PRO AC Mini ITX LGA1151 Motherboard
>Case: Corsair Crystal 280X MicroATX Mid Tower Case

CPU Bottle necked. What do?
>Upgrade to i7 kaby lake best available (+2 years old tech)?
>Buy new Coffe lake mobo and cpu?
>Wait for Cannon lake?
>Go AMD?

plz halp

Currently thinking about upgrading my case. Should i go with the Be quiet DBP 900 rev. 2 or the Phanteks evolv x?

>paint brush
i feel stupid, thanks

buy 1440p monitor

I will do, but its still gonna bottleneck on some high frame rate games tho right?

I'm planning to build a Ryzen 3xxx system when it releases.
Is there any point to X-series chipsets? Looks like I could overclock on a B-series motherboard if I wanted.

Buy a 1440p 60hz monitor.

>You brought up none of those things,
Sorry senpai. ;_;
Amazon.co.uk is really the only online retailer to Ireland I can think of that has free shipping.
Irish online retailers are scalpers.

Attached: sadrice.png (997x781, 426K)

>Is there any point to X-series chipsets?
I haven't owned a Ryzen CPU yet, but do X-series chips have better overclocking headroom due to binning?

I meant chipsets, not CPUs.

Stop posting furfaggotry

>buying 60hz in 2019
oof, unless it's an OLED, just why.

Would I be better off selling my GPU separately and just slap everything else into a cheap case and sell it as someone's Facebook machine?

Upstate NY doesn't really have the reseller market to try and sell this as one package.

Attached: Speccy.png (918x697, 43K)

Unfortunately, the only monitor I can find with VESA is 27"
The rest are pretty expensive
I don't think the 24" model has VESA, and it's also £15 more


I'm guessing the rx 590 isn't enough for 1440p 60hz? I was going to get a 1070 but I already have a 4k freesync screen. The free games with amd cards are also tempting me (mainly resident evil 2)

>stop making pcbg OPs and go outside
>furfags take over
Jesus fucking Christ the state of Jow Forums

I remember seeing that monitor during Black Friday sales, would be actually perfect (in case I wanted to get a RX 57/80 later for the Freesync) for my needs but shame about the lack of VESA.

Maybe just put it on top of books tdk.

Thanks for all your help, kind foxposter.

Attached: Sataniawface.jpg (1275x966, 116K)

>buying TN panels in 2019

Seriously hope you personally haven't done this.

AMD > furfags > shit > Intel

Of course not, IPS mainly, VA if I need a gaming panel.

Fair enough then

There are plenty of cheap VA and IPS panels that are over 60Hz.

>I meant chipsets, not CPUs.
Yeah, I misread "chips".
My question still stands though, as someone who's considering switching to Zen 2.

The X470 line isn't much different at the chipset level, except for SLI capability
The main reason to buy X470 over B450 is that manufacturers don't put their best components on the low-end. You're never going to see an external BCLK or phase doublers on B450, and the max real phase count is usually 4 (X470 goes up to 6 or 8, and 12 with a doubled 6-phase)
Slightly better overclocking headroom (but not too much, maybe 100MHz on average, some even do worse than the non-X chips), the stock clocks are higher which matters when using PBO, since that is based off of stock performance and can beat all-core OC sometimes (depends on motherboard though)
Your next best option is waiting for a sale on this
Which is 23" and has VESA, but the price is so much higher than the 27"

Attached: IMG_20190104_035355.png (1000x958, 283K)

>lovely thin bezels.

What the hell PCPartPicker
Why is the price so high
>Last updated 28 months ago
Yeah ok

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Jow Forumsentlemen, I seem to have come across a problem

see, I bought myself a secondhand ASUS H81M-D motherboard to transfer my i7-4770 from my old Gigabyte mobo

now the problem is that the PC boots up long when I have the graphics card (an Asus GTX750 PHOC 2GD5), an error report about a bluescreen appears when windows fully starts, and the PC doesn't recognize the GPU. It did appear once as an unknown device, let Windows do the driver updating thing that somehow worked, and nVidia control panel came up and everything. Satisfied, I turned it off, switched the VGA cable over to the graphics card's port, and it was once again fucked and I'm back to square one.

Am I doing something retarded?

he doesn't use uk.camelcamelcamel.

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Not really a building question, but my parents' old Dell Vostro 430 recently started having some issues. When the PC first turned on, we wouldn't get a signal from the monitor. It would eventually turn on, but sometimes only after an hour or more. When the PC was restarted, it would be fine- so it seems after it "warmed up", it was okay, which pointed to a hardware issue.

Just the other day we stopped getting a signal altogether, so I replaced the old NVS 310 with a GTX 710 I got from a liquidator. I'm still not getting a video signal and I've tried 3 different monitors. Is this a dead PCIe slot I'm dealing with here?

Stare down all caps on the mobo. If it looks okay it's probably the PSU.

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Are TN and VA panel monitors as bad as people here make them out to be?

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Anyone got any newegg promo codes? Prices are relatively ok, but international shipping is killing me.

does your pc have foxes on it

TN is goat
VA/IPS is trash

It all depends on what you're looking for.
Anyone saying anything else is retarded and his opinion should be discarded.

VA is fine, TN Looks trash in comparison.

l337 gamers only want 'muh speed' as cheap as possible.

could use guys recommend me the best prebuilt ~1500$ computer? im honestly fucking retarded and would mess up building one.

I cant seem to find one without all those LEDs though.

I've ordered rx590 and can't decide on a monitor.
I'm fine with no ultra details just to get a smoother experience so I was thinking about 144hz.
But also I would like to try an IPS or VA but my budged would limit me to a 60-75hz one.

>join the PCMR discord
>immediately see a tranny called Satan blogposting about dick removal surgery
peak reddit achieved

TN is the most optimal in terms of response, good for fighting or FPS games. Colors can be washed out on most of the cheaper/older ones, with high-end ones being fine but not anything special.
IPS has the best colors and is generally fine for games
VA has the deepest blacks, but has the worst response times by a lot so it's not the best choice for gaming, better for movies. Colors not as good as IPS but better than TN.

Where are you from?

Florida, so heat buildup is slightly an issue. I want to play older games in 1080p and very high frame rate and plan on getting a 144hz monitor

Do you know anyone who could help you build a computer? A 1500 prebuilt is like 800-1000 worth of parts

kys furfag

Does anyone know of a case reviewer that tested all cases with no fans/stock/maxed_with_same_fans on cpu/gpu temp at low/stock/maxed speed and noise level/cooling_perf_on_barely_audible_noise, with and without filters and tested on same ambient temp? Someone had to be that autistic right? I keep seeing conflicting information from different reviewers and it's bugging me. I already know what case I want and that this isn't important, I'm just curious.

Gamers nexus has a lot of case reviews

I hope CES announcements have some improvements to the monitor range we have now

jannies are also AMD shills

This is pcbg, why are you here
Nobody is dumb enough to not know how to put together a computer, there are 4000 guides on it