What's the best Password Manager that isn't KeePass since it uses .NET Framework?

What's the best Password Manager that isn't KeePass since it uses .NET Framework?

Attached: KeePass.png (600x338, 49K)

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i use google chrome sync. :)

KeePassXC which uses the Qt framework

is bitwarden good?

It recently passed a security audit. I use it and have no qualms.

You can also self host it if you're into that - help.bitwarden.com/article/install-on-premise/ or github.com/dani-garcia/bitwarden_rs


>giving Google access to all your passwords
Yeah, no.

Can you import passwords from XML format so I don't have to do it manually?

No dice, only CSV or keepass1. But I trust you can write a line of regex 2bh.

pass is the standard unix password manager.

Android-Password-Store is a decent android client.

Have you been to the KeePass website?

The .NET version is the 2.x series.
They also still update the older, non-.NET 1.x series.

So, to answer your question, OP, KeePass Classic.

pass is the only good one, stop shilling botnet

bitwarden if you want something less autistic

my notebook

I use it


your brain. It's easy to remember unique passwords for every site. If you have too many passwords to remember you probably shouldn't sign up for more services (and get rid of some of the ones you have)


Thanks Grandma

>Qt framework
nice aids


Enpass because fuck cloud storage

.NET shouldn't be the reason why you don't use it


>what is keepassxc

hopefully locking the database removed it from the memory (since it requires password to unlock I think it is the case) would work too

Attached: kek.png (783x589, 59K)

About the same as LastPass

I just use the keychain in OSX.

doesn't work on recent CentOS due to some dependency incompatibility :(

Is last pass any good? I kind of just want something free that I don't have to manually keep in sync

lastpass sucks ass, if you want a similarly simple service use bitwarden

This is what I use.

Bitwarden is quite comfy and solid. Actually feelsa bit more polished than LastPass, and a much better choice overall

a text document

A postick

>requires physical access with an open and unlocked database
Wow, it's literally nothing.

t. GTK bloatnigger

That's fine since no one actually uses CentOS as a desktop OS.