What are some languages that are widely accepted on Jow Forums...

What are some languages that are widely accepted on Jow Forums? Every discussion of a programming language seems to be blasted into a shitstorm of bait and criticism. Are there any programming languages that Jow Forums actually likes? Or do you faggots just not get any pleasure out of coding.

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>Or do you faggots just not get any pleasure out of coding.
Well this

But I think people are generally ready to suggest Python to a would-be programmer. At least Jow Forums used to but I've been away for a bit.

I'd second this

also, pic related

Attached: rust evangelism strike force.png (419x300, 128K)

You clearly haven't been on Jow Forums for very long. The only things you can unironically like and not get flamed for are things so obscure no one has an opinion on it. That's why the Jow Forums approved languages are all things no one uses like Haskell, Forth, Lisp, etc. Conversely, the things that get the most flak have the most people with opinions on them so Jow Forums likes to shit on things like Java, Python, C++, etc.

Rust seems like a great language, but Jow Forums seems to think its syntax is ugly (when imo it's just different from C), and can't get over it being backed by Mozilla

perhaps they're just functional programmers

The rust language itself offers nothing new and is poorly implemented. So what's left besides marketing wank and the community full of shills who harass everyone.

They became functional programmers because it was obscure, not the other way around.

>writing C

Attached: whack.jpg (630x630, 44K)

aw, well I'm sure understand pointers with enough practice! :)

>C++ offers nothing new over C
>Haskell offers nothing new over lisp
>scheme offers nothing new over lisp
>LaTeX offers nothing new over M$ Word
>Python3 offers nothing new over Python2
>Python2 offers nothing new over Python1
>Assembly offers nothing new over machine code

You are an absolute weak fucking faggot if you care about some anonymous shitstains neighboring the asshole of the Internet thinks about programming languages to the point where you are genuinely reluctant to talk about languages you use or like. Any and every language has and will continue to be shitposted on Jow Forums and you're dumb for exerting any amount of mental effort on asking questions like this.

>pleasure out of coding
writing code is like mowing a lawn
you gotta pay me to do that shit

The problem is that Rust's syntax is similar to C. They could have easily done it without [shit] (like) {this}. But yeah, I suppose they targeted programmers that are only familiar with C-like languages. At least it seems consistent.

If I found out the language I make my living off of was widely accepted on Jow Forums I would fucking kill myself

>What are some languages that are widely accepted on Jow Forums?
Only hated by Rustshills and Lispfags, but those hate everything so it's a moot point.


Attached: rust.png (200x241, 40K)

Everyone hates C++ and java, it's not some hipster contrarianism.

Attached: cat++.png (200x209, 34K)

Forth and lisp

I like Go

Attached: go.png (200x241, 40K)

C and Go are the only acceptable general purpose languages, fuck you if you think otherwise

And Python is a scripting language, fuck interpreted languages

why do you care about us liking programming? You should focus on YOU liking programming. Are you a basic bitch that needs everyone telling him that he is doing right?


I like C# and Python

It's a pleasure until you land a job and are pressured to do it fast instead of making it good

Python's cool for a first language. It's like any noob status: You don't have to care for performance, you only need to get shit done.

Hate to break it to you kid, but Jow Forums isn't the whole world.

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By your logic, the CPU can't offer anything new over pen and paper