Debian unstable

seems like its the only way to go

Attached: softWaves_wiki_banner_v3.png (680x340, 95K)

debian testing + just works + up to date + more stable + more binary packages - partial upgrade break system - freezes -> broken for weeks - huge influx of packages from unstable -> potentially breaks system debian unstable + stable + does not freeze + fix comes quickly - 'partially frozen' when testing is frozen debian testing/unstable mix + get missing/broken packages from another repo - difficult to set up - not recommended arch linux + fix comes quickly + more vanilla +/- DIY - always broken in some ways - less stable

Install Gentoo

and install dpkg + apt so that i can install .deb packages?
cuz compiling sucks

>compiling sucks
>liking bloated shit with all the configure flags enabled
>no -march=native
>no LTO
I mean, if your main machine is an actual toaster, it's understandable.

>compiling because muh bloat
>power usage of computer skyrocketing
>takes minutes or hours to install/update
no thanks

Keep sucking that bloated systemd cock then.

How much better gentoo benchmarks, vs, for example CentOS?

whats in the pastebin

click on the link and see it yourself