Write down an advanced programming topic. The poster above you has to dedicate two weeks to studying it

Write down an advanced programming topic. The poster above you has to dedicate two weeks to studying it.

Attached: User_03_Flaming_Vault_Boy.gif (373x367, 11K)

Implementation of isogenous elliptic curve cryptography. Have fun.


Racist AI chatbot


Penis in Vagina.

OS Scheduler

Easy I'll just do round-robin

apparently javascript is super advanced

not fair, you could have a text editor that needs tiny processing power, and prime95 that needs all of your CPU, how do you determine how much time each program gets?

Improve the C syntax in a way that is not niggerlicious

>replace -> as the dereferencing operator with .
done. pointers have no members anyway so it's unambiguous

I don't think you know C

making an IRC

round robin

Seconding this

Parsing basic subsets of HTML with regex (Chomsky regex and then modern contextures regex)

both ugly
nice and readable

*Context free

They don't mean the same thing

Any industrial-strength JIT is complex

I guess I should restate it as
>pointers are implicitly dereferenced
because 99% of the time you are not going to be doing pointer arithmetic.

Hard mode: Improve its semantics.

You do pointer arithmetic every time you access an array. Doesn't' matter if it's implicit, you can easily write it explicitly. Your proposal breaks the language and is dumb

Any essential and nontirival part of an operating system. Enjoy


Decision trees

Nintendo Homebrew (Any Console)

ray tracing

Ab initio molecular calculations