Name a better scripting language

Name a better scripting language.

tip: you can't.

Attached: Lua-logo-nolabel.svg.png (1200x1200, 72K)

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Chicken Scheme's interpreter mode


wow, that was hard, with the search tab opened
Literally that doesn't conflate arrays, hashmaps and objects goes, though.

nice quads

Lua is faster than all of these though…

>muh LuaJIT
>caring about speed beyond a basic bytecode compiler for a scripting language
You are doing it wrong, user. Looks like you should have deployed native modules or IPC addons instead.

>meme obscure languages

op said better, not more popular

>unknown languages are bad
Don't you like progress?

LUA can't even do bitwise logical operations without a fucking library. Fucking worthless.



Each for their own reasons.
>bu bu but lua is fast!
Its not. Its piss slow.


based and redpilled

they're shit though, to be honest...

kinda ok
awful, a scripting language should be simple
problem is it is hard to find a simple interpreters
there are few on github but incomplete
Python might be a better option

Lua is not fast but simple and there is also luajit. It is near the top for me

raped and fagpilled

bad language
fantastic JIT compilers
bad embedded interpreters

lily isn't shit. it's lightweight, statically typed, and has an elegant interpreter.

I like ruby, but it's speed is miserable
is it still worth learning perl5?

It's fine to test out new ideas in obscure languages, but the new features/ideas should ideally be merged into a robust production ready (like lua) and people should use that instead
Take Haskell vs Idris for example. The ideas of Idris (dependent types) were merged into the lang Dependent Haskell and will hopefully be added to vanilla Haskell in the future. So you should just use Haskell.

Pike, it looks interesting to me, kind of like c. I've never used it though.
int main()
write("Hi there! What's your name?\n");
string name = Stdio.stdin->gets();
write("Nice to meet you, " + name + "!\n");
return 0;

>using interpreted languages
the absolute state of Jow Forums no wonder everyone needs 32g of ram on this board

>using wooden computer with 32KB of RAM.

it looks interesting

The whole point of a scripting language is a sacrifice of speed for ease of writing. If you really care about speed write everything in C or assembly

What if I want static typing and ease of writing?

my nigger

>indices begin at 1

type inference

just bind the functions in your host program

Okay nigger.


Attached: Ruby@2x[1].png (782x614, 23K)


Attached: 8QUEENS_SCRIPTBASIC.png (556x504, 21K)

the arrays are indexed at 1 for fuck's sake

Tcl gang represent
Too bad about its shit performance and 0 libraries but Tcl is amazing

>it's speed is miserable
either you wait for ruby3 (which supposedly 3 times faster), using different implementation (which run on JVM) or just convert your script to Crystal (a statically typed + compiled language which nearly identical to ruby) when you need it.

I don't think speed is that important.