Apple treats you like a user, Android treats you like an admin...
I just realized
Cool reddit thread faggot
Depends on if the bootloader is unlocked and rooting is available.
Aka fuck samsung
The difference is Apple respects user privacy
get out reddit
Bullshit troll post. Name one (1) thing you can't do on iOS
Apple treats you like an extension of Tim's wallet.
open webms lmao
You're just now learning Android is superior? Better late than never I guess.
Download apps larger than 150mb over 4G.
I literally never used that feature in 6 years of using Android
Can you send pics by Bluetooth yet
Change your launcher
Download and run app files directly
>"name ONE thing you can't do in iOS"
>user names one thing you can't do in iOS
>"omg like who cares?""
Store whatever you want on the memory, access the file system, plug the phone on your PC and just transfer shit without a bloated and slow software, install whatever you want from external sources, etc.
Keep your virginity.
This, worst part about owning an iphone.
How can you be an admin when most Poodroid phones are locked down?
Fucking transfer files to PC without a fucking bloated program
chroot an entirely Linux distribution increasing your powerlvl by 8934
Both treat users like nigger cattle.
native mkv support? i could be wrong but I read that on apples own website. file renaming?
Yeah and snake oil works, they do not allow audits of their code so they cannot be trusted and are botnet
you just can with chrome on ios.
As much as a terrorist respects your rights
fucking based and redpilled as always
You faggot shills make me hate Apple more and more, I've already convince two family memebers to switch to android. Pat yourself on the back for that.
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