Your move, Jow Forums

Your move, Jow Forums.

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Other urls found in this thread:

[x] Follow her

How do I overcome my fear?

What are we doing at her house? Math homework?

[x] Resell that shit to some stupid /v/tard kid

spit in her face get that nvidia trash from me

Biology research

anime is for fags


Damn bitch trying to burn the poor kid's house down with that crap.

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[x] Fuck onee-chans pussy

>being into 3DPD

Attached: 1534886058294.png (822x1233, 438K)

-Go to her house that night
-Manage to get the card without having to fuck her and bail, never coming back.
-Resell the card to a dumb goymer and keep yhe monies
Simple as.

>being a virgin

t. fags

best thread on Jow Forums all weekend.

Go to her house, obviously.
And ignore the GPU.

>he gave up his wizard powers for few fleeting moments of pleasure

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>extremely unrealistic situation that's too good to be true

Would be bait af to take this offer. I can't imagine as a young child falling for this shit or being suspect.

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>those balloon tits
has the artist actually ever seen a woma-oh of course not they draw anime silly me

if her chest was smaller I would take up the offer


There's nothing good about wizard powers
t. wizard


Off yourself

Good you have inferior genes anyways. No girl wants to be with you.

Stop projecting, user.


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>t. shitty anime ""artist""


Reminder that this is an anime website.

Forth post best post

Reminder you can suck dick

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>change one (1) pixel
>no longer works
simply epic

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I'm not saying you should talk about anime on this board, but if you don't like japanese culture you're probably a newfag and should get out.

>being a nigger

but which pixel?

Attached: 4chan_is_an_anime_website_faggots.png (800x2810, 746K)

Many anime artists never saw a human woman in real life. The anatomy is all sorts of fucked up.

0.3 rupees if you work it out

>we wuz anime n shit

Attached: c33.jpg (680x680, 36K)

Anime gay lol


Go away

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This is a good thing. 3D is disgusting.
2D anatomy is top tier.

this should rile them like a pack of niggers

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Anti-anime fags BTFO

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Anime fags BTFO

>thinking someone must be a virgin to have good taste

based and redpilled

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Full image.
Things to note:
Frogposts were deleted
Anti anime posts were deleted
Anime posts were left unscathed

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Yeah baby, I've got something to give you too if you know what I mean. ;^)

Yeah show me pic of your gf oh wait you don't have one lmao

based satania poster. Also checked!

>being a stupid nigger

If you hate weeaboos I'm sorry, but this is not the website for you. You're free to go to reddit for anime-free technology discussion.

Why instead of posting weeb shit, why can't you post irl hot women?

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you got me, user, I broke up with her about 5 months ago. It's been nothing but (((tinder))) since then.

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He just posted her you retard, in the image.
What, you expected disgusting 3D? He doesn't have horrible taste like you.

That would be off topic.

>irl hot women
This is an oxymoron.


Attached: shut_up_nigger.jpg (400x400, 25K)


>only hardware exposed in the comic
>mac-linux-windows friendship
Yup, this was made by a retard that doesnt know how to fizzbuzz

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Imagine being this pathetic

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Kill the girl. Keep the shota and the card and play vidya with him.

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They are if you're not a faggot.

Gotta love how weebs get easily triggered by obvious bait

>being a faggot

Disgusting, uncute, and ugly.

imagine quoting a dozen troll posts because you're actually THAT mad

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True on the first count, false on the second one.

That girl looked too suspicious to leave her alone with the boy.

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Jews out in full force today with divide and conquer tactics. Stay strong brothers and remember we are all on 4channel

Imagine being this mad to answer bait


i already have the 1080ti. also, i have no guarantee about what she's gonna do to me. it could be or or

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Absolutely based mass replier.

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based friend :]

This but unironically

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>troll posts

If you don't go with her in hopes of being put through something like that third one, you're living your life incorrectly.

Neck yourself

>the third one

Attached: upset.gif (300x300, 313K)

>le epic sad panda xdDDD
When will this retarded trolling end

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hello newfriend

Are you retarded

Just a little bit

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Imagine thinking I'm mad about incel virgins


No thanks

mad at internet people.
how pathetic

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But that's why it's so great. Other anons have said it already, but idiot /v/tards will pay a premium for it. You don't even have to use it yourself.

do you have the xorg.conf to run this bloathog?

Also, you may need breast reduction, or you'll get back pain.