What is the best GNU/Linux distribution and why is it Void?
>just werks
>truly minimal
>no systemd
What is the best GNU/Linux distribution and why is it Void?
Compiling on Gentoo is a pain
Arch is bloated and has shitty devs
Debian is for boomers
People who recommend Fedora can go die
The fact that this thread is dying with no replies PROVES that you non-Void fags are insecure.
I need a GF...
Nnnnnnnngggghhhnnnn void pls penetrate me!
does it support apt and xfce?
if so, I'm pretty much sold
I know it supports xfce but im not sure about apt since it uses xbps by default
Stop trying to make void a thing.
Void is pretty good, I switch between it and Arch Linux. I like runit a lot better than systemd but the aur is pretty convienent.
Whats wrong with systemd?
It's huge and it's slow, runit is much smaller and more efficient.
spotted the autist zoomer
OP, i will use void if you post a screenshot you using blender
It's very bloated and grew so fast that it hasn't really been sifted through.
Some think it could be NSA spyware.
It doesn't use apt as it's not a Debian derivitive
>tuly minimal
>proceeds to install i3 on it
I just don't get it.
Babe, cmon, you know that's not the distro's fault
No. If you're such a fucking h@cker that you can't use systemD, then you should be using either Gentoo or BSD. Otherwise, just use Debian. There are no other valid choices, except perhaps Fedora which I don't know much about.
But I am OP
xfce yes, its included in the installer. Apt, no, probably not unless you fork in bedrock. Not sure why you would want it though, apt is slow and unstable, XBPS isn't fantastic, but it works well.
I think i’m going to install elementary on my new ssd. I’ve heard it’s pretty light weight and the stuff on their website says it comes with only a few basic apps which are all pretty much what i want. Minimal and looks nice. OP’s is too minimal and looks bad
>except perhaps Fedora which I don't know much about
Yes you do. Obvious Redhat/Pottering shill is obvious.
Babby's first linucks and its a shitty macos clone.
At least use Plasma 5 while you learn to appreciate open sores culture.
btw i use void
Who cares? They all do the same shit, it’s just a matter of what you think looks better.
>630mb of ram used
Pick one
Thats probably with a music client and a (bloated) browser running too.
Some can do it better than others.
You just refuted your own point.
debian for pretty much every use case
i don't think something being bloated is a strong criticism. if bloat (whatever that means) is truly problematic, you should be able to point out flaws that it causes
I don’t think he even knows what bloat is. Bloat is literally just extra software that comes with distros that you may not use.
i don't think that's the only definition of it
the general definition when people talk about individual software projects like systemd is closer to a feature scope that is too large
but i'm not convinced systemd has that problem either
That's just Ubuntu with a macos theme...
I know it is. What’s your point?
bloat is just bad/unused software.
Yea it's so minimal it doesn't even have a developer
It's a distro based on a distro based on a distri.
It's just a shit macos clone. Can't even customize anything, in the true spirit of apple shit.
Why would I install Void when Devuan exists?
heh now I know your IP, prepare to be hacked kid
Fuck fuck fuck fuck dude PLEASE I'll do anything!
using Void would be like being a girl letting a nigger (void) take her to dinner. It would be all smiles and laughs and romaaaantic ! and then theyd fuck and the next morning the nigger would refuse to get out of bed and would start saying "hey fuck you biatch I own yo ass now muthakukka," so you try to end the relationship and install whiteboy linux but just for a laugh the nigger trashes everything and shits in your moms rubber-plant before writing "whore" on the door in red paint and leaving
No thanks man, I will just stick to ubuntu
>white linux
>ancient African word
>just werks
>access to AUR
>no systemd botnet
>not abandoned like void
Using Void is like making sweet white love to a qt 3.14 virgin that you met at church.
Using Ubuntu is like throwing a hotdog down a hallway.
>I will just stick to Niggerlinux
Install Fedora
OP here, I just want to let you guys know I'm a furry.
wrong muthafukka
ubuntu is a white south african word
used since around 1870
Hey voidfag, your meme os is dying. check their forum. Oh wait, it's already down lmao
>no 64bit wine
i-it, hurts bros...
Calm down, cuckold
Try running a mongodb instance with a block compressor and then tell me Voidlinux is best.
I use Slackware.
Fuck u
Void Linux is bretty good, but I believe it can be made better and even more minimal. I mean, the only issue I can currently see is its package manager that is absolute trash and its dependencies. Like, there's dash installed already, so why make bash yet another dependency? Choose one of them, not both! Or even better, let users decide which one they want!
I don't understand how you faggots have a linux superiority complex while also trying to make it a winshit clone
>guys im white
nothing wrong with systemd. i bet you use nano
lol enjoy the total void of packages, documentation, and devs. Void is the only distro I know where the head dev killed himself because it was so bad.
>Compiling on Gentoo is a pain
only if you don't know wha you're doing
More bugs and vulnerabilities. Look at systemd.