>encrypted text
>encrypted voice
>encrypted video
>totally free and open source
What the hell? How do they manage to make any money?
How Does This App Make Money
Other urls found in this thread:
Same with Telegram. What's the catch?
My guess is that it's run by the CIA/NSA to entrap people when in reality it's collecting everything. Only reason I can think of that someone would offer such a service for "free." Kind of like why porn is free.
Why is porn free user?
so u can fap
Porn is free to keep men in a perpetual state of beta-cuckdom where they won't complain while America is dismantled, debauched, and enslaved.
> needs a working phone number
what kinds of clueless fucking faggots are using this shit anyway? absolutely cancerous. anything that needs a phone number to function is pure fucking cancer and defeats the whole purpose of having a secure way to communicate. read this: github.com
> how do they make money
is wikipedia down or are you just too lazy to look for yourself?
fuck ph*nes and their ph*one numbers!
> Kind of like why porn is free.
> not knowing how the internet and advertising works
fuck them indeed m8. absolute fucking cancer.
For Telegram it was initially created by wealthy dudes so it wasn't an immediate corner probably and recently they had an ICO that raised a lot of money
How is porn keeping people in "beta-cuckdom"
they grow their userbase, they'll start to monetize later
>what is a nonprofit
Porn fucks up your endocrine system, your mental health, and makes your peepee not work properly.
>>encrypted voice
>>encrypted video
those don't go over the server. it is p2p webrtc.
Since GDPR laws, you can request your data from services that follow it. Request data from Telegram. You'll be scared. You won't get the conversation, but you'll get media, contacts and many other things.
OK well what secure messenger should peapal be using your opinion?
>You won't get the conversation, but you'll get media, contacts and many other things.
You get everything including the conversation. They let you export your data. All of it. Even the voice clips you sent people. And you can have it deleted.
Is this America?
They mine data before encrypting them
t. retard
Selling users private key
how does Linux make money
Or porn could just be free because of ad revenue? lmao
This is America.
This, completely unironically.
>signal will always alert if a user uses a different identity, so there should be nothing a goverment agency can do. if they unlink and re-register, the account will have a new identity, and all contacts will notice.
Telegram BTFO.
Signal wins again.
Private key never leaves your device.
>torrenting porn
Of course that statistic will be low
based and redpilled
Self study
They are not JEWS, so they do not care about money.
The man behind signal, Matthew Rosenfield. Would you trust a man with a name (or nose) like that?
It isn't. Stop pirating shit.
Or someone with dreadlocks
This. Read about how Israel brodcasted free porn into Palestine.
I meant to the East Bank, lel
USA: 0.37% uses torrents
Russia: 5.36% uses torrents
America cannot into technology
Good goy, the bad SJW man made the software so you should just keep using text messages that we can read
I'm more interested in where this data came from than anything. It's obviously really recent because it has the first episode raw of shield hero in top torrents for Japan.
There's not really any good evidence this actually happened though, regardless we should do this to the whole middle east desu
so america just pays for porn the most?
porn sites make money from ads
wtf u talking about nigga?
>end to end encryption
Torrents are dangerous. Direct downloads or GTFO.
if you're watching porn you are getting turned on by watching people fuck, which is essentially the definition of a cuck
Get paid to support. Their algo and code into other systems.
>open source
A backdoor would be noticed, so I think the software is safe.
Why wouldn't people make something like this for free? There are all kinds of free apps out there.
> surely the app responsible of encrypting plaintext to ciphertext wont see the said plaintext, r-right?
>open source
>A backdoor would be noticed
server code is closed source
>end to end encryption
Keys are generated and plaintext is encrypted in the user's device.There are also measures against man-in-the-middle attacks,so idk what an attacker could gain by messing with the servers.
a tax evasion scheme?
all encryption happens on users devices, servers only store ciphertexts
so they only sell metadata? Such goodwilling upstanding israelites
so why can't you bring your own server if not for lockin? they can fuck off
How is porn free, Pornhub makes a shitload of money, look into how big the pornhub company is.
Also saying porn is free is like saying Adobe Creative Suite is free because you can torrent it.
Donations of the Knight Foundation, Shuttleworth Foundation and Open Technology Fund.
Privacy is not the same as anonymity you fucking retard.
VR porn
Theres no metadata to sell. They use sealed sender.
Read the fucking manual
>end to end encryption means no servers
Just a hint, but you can imagine yourself as an active party in sex. Lmao, even in your fantasies you're not the one having sex
I know you retard, it's the other guy who said that not me
fuck off back to Jow Forums you brainwashed piece of shit
so much freeduhms
>requires phone number
>not P2P
>requires phone number
Just use tox instead, doesn't require a fucking telephone number to work.
unironically based and redpilled
fork it then
Signal periodically gets huge dollar-amount donations. The guy who founded WhatsApp is the main deal-broker these days. Google "The Signal Foundation" for more info.
Telegram gets money by mining user data and selling it to advertisers.
yeah dude lemme just dox myself to literally anyone I ever chat with
you're giving them your phone number anyway
>implying my phone number is attached to my identity or my location
Good for you. You're not divulging any more information than your phone number over Signal's p2p network, so I'm not sure why you think you're doxxing yourself.
>being afraid of p2p
why are people from surveillance obsessed shitholes so fucking retarded?
funny how this Jow Forums users get cornered so easy by just asking questions.
The mental gymnastic you have to do to think that the whole planet is conspiring against you race is astonishing.
Faggot detected.