Why aren't you done with WinRAR constantly whoring for cash, user? The real free solution is right here

Why aren't you done with WinRAR constantly whoring for cash, user? The real free solution is right here.

Attached: 1200px-7ziplogo.svg.png (1200x687, 46K)

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like anyone who uses windows gives a shit about whether they are bedding a whore or not

> forgets that RAR registration isn't compulsory
how retarded are you exactly?

Total commander handles all the archives natively, Stacy.

>not using Peazip

phew, that takes me back

for i in /pirate/stuff/*.rar; do
unrar x -o+ -y $i
rm -f $i

Because it can't even do that:

>not hacking the exe to get rid of the message


>too lazy to delete his files manually
fucking americans

Why are you using windows? You're not... retards..are you?

As opposed to a Lincucks Freetard?

thread btfo

Last time I used it 7zip couldnt automaticly open multiple parted archive

Spoiler: they are

>using .rar files
>using .7z files

Attached: 1065756786781.jpg (700x720, 47K)


forgot to mention:
>using windows

#yEAR 20XX

>winrar can do it
>7zip can't
hur you lazy dur
point proven, this is why someone would use cracked winrar over 7zip

>Not using .zip.rar.7z.tar.gz


it can now

7zip is CIA. Look into it.


Peazip is available on Linux and 7zip has a semi-official Linux port.

And? Why would you use half-baked ports of wincuck software on GNU/Linux when you can use native programs?

I'm always open for suggestions.

7zip UI is a piece of shit like most FOSS programs. Winrar has done a remarkable job resisting UI fads.

what? it's a right-click context menu.

7zip lacks advanced features I need.

that link does not relate to what you seem to imply it does.

What distro are you running? DE?

Because I simple NOP'd the code out, which asks me for money.

7zip is great!

Fedora. Cinnamon/Xfce/none depending on which device.

Since you appear to be an advanced user why don't you use tar in cli? Fastest way to do it

Thanks, user. I'll give it a try.