Guys, I fucked up

Bought a phone off a stranger on offerup. Met in person. Paid cash. I’m a retard with technology but everything seemed to check out. Get home and the phone is locked to sprint. Call sprint. Phone is still under lease to previous owner. Previous owner blocks me when I confront him about it. Make a new offerup account and attempt to contact fuckhead about another item he’s selling. He got spooked and deleted his account.

How fucked am I? Is there any way to track this dude down? Torn between tracking him down and calling the cops or just kicking the shit out of him until I get my money back. Got some screen shots of his account and some of the stuff he posted. Trying to get video or pictures from security cameras at meet up.

Attached: D5DA69AB-25B8-435C-9686-2CC4B7AA001C.png (1242x2208, 949K)

Attached: 30EE85FC-2644-4DCC-A144-49A4A6DFB56F.jpg (1060x794, 271K)

Just call the cops numb nuts. It's a stolen item. You lost your money but at least you can fuck him over and stop him from stealing and selling.


I should’ve mentioned it before. Called the cops and their reply was pretty much “lol, sucks to suck bro. Can’t do nothin. Pics or it didn’t happen.”

1) Give it back Jamal
2) Just unlock and uncuck it with custom ROM.

>Assuming he's smart enough to unlock it.

Attached: (you).png (840x4816, 3.63M)

I’m not smart enough to unlock it. I can barely use reddit. Am tech retarded.

Shit I can barely figure out Jow Forums. Buddy told me to post about it here because of weaponized autism. Not a clue wtf that even means.

You can post the sim card number in the box labelled "name" then post the word sudo in the main box. This will give you your unlock code. Your welcome

ask reddit

if you know type of that phone you can find combination of keys to get into fast boot mode and from there you should be able to do factory reset

iPhone xs max. Bought it for my sister. It’s locked by sprint and under lease. I apparently don’t know as much about phones as I thought.

Yoooooo guys just figured it out disregard this post thanks for the help though

Fuck off you cunt.

Seriously is there anything I can do outside getting an rsim? I’ve been told even if I get an rsim that if. The original owner defaults on his loan the phone will be blacklisted locked anyways

Give it back, DeShawn.

Give it back posthaste Tyrone

That's not me he is trying to impersonate me to epicly troll you guys I've already fixed the problem just ignore this thread guys

I guess my suspicions were right. This is where the autistic morons hang out. I thought Jow Forums would maybe produce something better that reddit did. Reddit was just “lol just buy from a carrier next time. U stupid.”

Already established I’m an idiot. Just looking for a way to fix this. People just want to troll instead.

Jamal you have to return the phone you stole back to its owner.

Give it back, Trayvon.

Unless OP posts a picture with the phone and his hand with a timestamp, nothing can be done.

>his hand
i can see where you are going with this

Thanks for the heads up OP
Good to hear everything worked out for you

Why are you guys like this

>Not knowing how to unlock and flash a new rom in 2019.

You've been directed what to do, we're not going to do it for you. Do a bit of fucking research and learn a skill on the way.

Even if you have stolen it the info is out there so go fucking look for it you retarded cunt.

Nevermind guys, I figured it out
Thanks for the help

Give it back Laquisha

I’m sorry, I grew up in a third world country I didn’t have all this tech in my life until a few years ago. It should be easy for most people but I’ve only had a cell phone for a year and a half since moving to the USA.

OP here, never mind, disregard this thread. I figured it out.

Give it back Paco.

Give it back Jamal
But seriously you bought a hot phone, stupid stupid stupid. Now your going to have to install a custom ROM just to use the fucker. And doing that's always fun.

give back the phone jamal

give it back Mbembe

Give it back Eduardo

Obligame puto

Give it back, Uvuvwevwevwe Onyetenyevwe Ugwemuhwem Osas.

Hahaha this is great and dumb at the same time. I’m not sure what I expected posting on Jow Forums

OP here is what you should do.
>Go to police station, say please arrest me I have stolen an iphone. Proceed to show them the stolen merchandise.
>Once you are in jail go tell the biggest baddest looking nigger he is a faggot and you are gonna fuck his shit up.
>Get raped.
Congrats you got what you wanted, faggot.

Jokes on you I’m into that shit. Freakin hot.

Return it to its original owner, Demarcus.

Original owner sold it to me. Then deleted his offerup account. No way to get in touch with him as far as I can tell.

Instructions unclear, got the phone stuck in my ass

jamal give it back

serves you right for buying what was obviously a stolen phone
try to be less of a faggot in the future
also Jow Forums isn't your tech support

America is a strange place. Lacking knowledge in area and gets scammed due to ignorance. Asks for help from police, gets laughed at. Asks for help from neighbor, gets laughed at. Asks for help from phone service, gets laughed at. Asks internet for help, gets made fun of and called racist stuff. What a strange world we live In.

How did they do it in your favela? Fuck him up and post pics, OP.

Is that a car he's selling? It would be a shame if all the windows became broken and someone poured a bunch of muriatic acid inside the car.

A real shame indeed.

Well usually something like this would be an ass beating. I mostly posted in hopes some computer wizard could help me track fagot down and kill him, rape his dead corpse, pull up his shrubs, and kick his cat.

That would be fun, if I could find out where this car is. I screenshot several pictures he had on his offerup account before he deleted it. I had hope to maybe google search the picture but so far it comes up with nothing.

act like a retard, get treated like a retard

Yeah I guess. My ignorance came and bit me this time. Still learning about phones and pc computers