>be me
>never, ever downloaded something suspicious
>or entered suspicious sites
>while using eset, noscript, ublock, sandboxie
>no bloat running in the background or """"suspicious"""" DNS
>removed all drivers/services related to remote access and the usual bloat windows services
>eset firewall replaced windows firewall
>got a virus this morning that literally forced me to format my pc
how in the motherfucking fuck this happened
Be me
Gentoo doesn't have this problemf
Been a shady nigga for 20+ years
Never had this problem, you must be gay
Ya dun goofed nigger, that's what happened.
You probably did something obvious.
Like plugged in a freshly-bought new device (mouse, keyboard, pendrive, hdd, whatever, it's all equally likely to carry a pre-installed virus)
And what? Do you think that if you plug in a USB device it forces the OS to run arbitrary code?
>pretty much the best protection around
>>a pre-installed virus
i dont think so senpai
>pass user
>refers to self as nigga
OP is a giant faggot and yet you managed to outdo him.
>best protection around
who made this claim? You’re using a proprietary OS with proprietary programs, you’ve been infected for years without realizing it.
>Do you think that if you plug in a USB device it forces the OS to run arbitrary code?
It literally can.
>a 0 day antivirus with a built-in firewall that (also) works with the windows firewall
>mixed up with sandboxie -- which is more than enough to have 0 incoming viruses
>plus removed anything related to remote access -- which is also a huge plus, since most security holes comes from said remote drivers/services/etc
>>who made this claim?
can't tell if bait or Jow Forums illiterate
That's why I said OP did something obvious.
Like, perhaps he forgot to setup a password.
There's lots of obvious things he could have done.
What kind of manufacturer would have a virus in their products retard?
av is like a spellchecker, it makes you act retarded in regards to security and forget how to spell
>what is a rubber ducky
China. It’s literally state sponsored.
>buying chink shit
Where is your mouse manufactured?
oh no no no
Why do you think
Was it an instant reaction to an action when you got the virus?
Anyways I blame eset, why replace windows firwall....
you can't possibly be this stupid, can you?
Nope. Everything was fine and dandy... until I had to reboot my PC and got a black screen. Had to resort to usb sticks w/ backup right after, etc.
>why replace windows firwall
Because it's Windows.
>I blame eset
>a 0 day AV
Are you sure that Eset Firewall isn't just acting as a front end to Windows Firewall?
A lot of firewalls now days do that.
Pretty sure it's a standalone firewall and does not act as a complement to the windows firewall.
my Retina MacBook Pro® with Time Machine® + iCloud® backups doesn't have this problem.
stop setting your machine to dmz just cause you're too lazy to manually forward ports
Well a black screen after a reboot doesn't indicate a virus, it could be many things.
>black screen with nothing else other than a weird "beeep"
>it could be many things.
Uhh... I don't think so. And before you ask... I haven't touched drivers, software, bios;I've done nothing unusual.
You again, I'll say what I said last time, you stick out like a sore thumb. just because you use kali linux and are the resident "ebil haxxor" at your high school dosen't mean you fit in. Jow Forums dosen't have a secret hacker legion.
go home kid.
Literally not out of the ordinary on a Windows install, particularly over 4 years.
>something that wiped out all my drivers and added a "bogus" OS
>>Literally not out of the ordinary on a Windows install
Atop replying and start reporting.
Jordangerous !DAnGERoUSk is currently evading a permanent ban. Please report and hide all posts made by ÅŝŠ !BurgerOXOY or any of his aliases.
jill !Benis/mb/Q
∩(◣_◢)∩ !imYOUrDICk
jodan !.DESkTop.2
25 and !VIRGIN/FJM
))(( !upoooooooo
フo尺dム刀 !7ZCOOLduDE
jordan !jordanZUq2
Peerless !PHANTOM2V2
jordan !OneeChan9.
( ಠ益ಠ) !imYOUrDICk
whiteICE !imYOUrDICk
∩(◣_◢)∩ !OneeChan9.
Soldier of Fortran !OneeChan9.
ຈل͜ຈjordan !WRoNgDOiNg
visje !/caNCeRoUs
bless you lad
Sounds like a component failure. Did you check to make sure your display was plugged in all the way? Did a HD die?
This is, sadly, the case with recent Windows releases.
Yes. And no. See
>This is, sadly, the case with recent Windows releases.
>Wiped out all my drives
>Added a bogus OS
Talking to you is frustrating when you don't even explain the situation with any detail then call me an idiot.
By wipe all your drives does this mean all partitions were gone? You used a disk for data? Any raids?
And the bogus OS? you mentioned you booted to a black screen which indicates there is no bogus OS. But also indicates something had a boot record on the drive or you would have had an error message for no bootable device.