Will this new technology completely change our lives?

Will this new technology completely change our lives?

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A better question is does it matter whether or not you like or dislike it. You will be forced to use it anyway. Open for the choo choo train.

seems like some meme they're trying to get normies to buy up

Getting cancer tends to change people's lives, so yes.

I hope so, my life is so SHIT.

Whether it fails because it will constantly drop signal, or it fails because of the gigantic health related class action lawsuits that will inevitably result, it -will- fail.

pretty sure theyve been saying this after 3G.
it will seem fast at first but then everyone is gonna complain how slow it is.

Yes, much shorter range, signal quality will be shit everywhere.

I dont think faster wireless speeds will help it though

>muh better speeds and less congestion
The thing is carriers care about money so even if they switch over to 5G they're not going to waste money on their infrastructure so they'll have the same capacity and thus you'll get the same speed. Basically like having a 100/100 mbit router and upgrading from 100 mbits to 1000 mbits.

It will enable more meme tech like self driving cars
No more cable, just 5G receivers in houses

yes it will turn our life into death.

won't mean shit to me
i've literally only used 600k of mobile bandwidth in my life


user I'm still using a phone from 2001 m8

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red-pill me on the 5G brain cancer meme?

It's not the 5G you get cancer from, it's the high powered cell tower that has to be every 1/4 mile.

microwaves can't give you cancer tho?

bad bait is bad

Cancer is pretty life changing, so yeah.

Won't change a damn thing unless you believe every single bit of Telco marketing nonsense you read.

I don't download 60 GB video games on my phone, so no.

5G Internet with unlimited bandwidth >100 Mbps speed for

It will make you sterile. Close enough, right?

will it change how you chew gum?