Use shitdroid lollipop

>use shitdroid lollipop
>4 gb ram, pretty old soc but ok
>can't have chrome and one other app open at the same time
>nigger chrome keeps reloading one opened tab
>open a task manager
>500mb free memory
How being an androidfag even a thing? I can have multitasking on Vista with 512Mb RAM, but this pajeet turd allocates free memory to googlecrap and other bloatware.

inb4 muh root

Attached: images.jpg (228x221, 10K)

My 2gb phone doesn't have this problem

Retard, I have a Galaxy Note 1, with less than 1 GB RAM, and it works better than yours. In Android 5.1.
Learn to mod your phone and get rid of Google Botnet Services, scum. That's what you get for using Nigget Chrome.

you're retarded for posting this. also posting low res garbage images.

I have no fucking idea how they've managed to fuck the memory management in android so badly, fuck, there's a phone with 12GB RAM and it'll still kill apps and reload tabs like a fucking Droid Razr with 1GB in 2011

use Brave

begone shill

RAM does not matter if rest of the phone components suck

What really sucks about Android phones is the software.

The hardware's fine, you could take near any android phone, run raw linux on it with X and a dwm, give it a keyboard with a pointer, or just USB for a keyboard/mouse, with HDMI out, and it'd be on par, if not a better device, than the dektops of nearly every linux user on Jow Forums.
The phones are fine, they're being wasted on android.