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Leather jacket man BASED
How do I start rocking ceocore
Why is he so angry? Oh right
>yfw Jensen and Lisa are cousins
>[When asked to comment on Huang’s critique of the card, AMD CEO Lisa Su responded: “What I would say is that we’re very excited about Radeon VII, and I would probably suggest that he hasn’t seen it yet.” ]
Damn, he is mad as fuck.
they are relatives, i bet they are laughing their asses off together while selling 2 year old performance for same old price
Literally crazy rich asians
lmao, this is what nvidia shills actually believe
Big if true
ye probably, these fucking chinks
>All that FreeSync hate
Why'd he announce support for it, if it's so shit?
its adaptive sync, totally different. so much better than what A(another)M(assive)D(disappoitment) has to offer.
He's literally complaining that monitors made with support for a specific standard don't support his own proprietary standard, what the fuck?
>required manual override
aka flipping a bit. Petty.
Yep petty bullshit like this is starting to sound a fuckton like intel circa beginning of 2018.
Jesus Christ your font rendering OP. Why do you hate your eyes so much?
I have a IPS version of one of the monitors they officially whitelisted (mine isn't whitelisted) and i can confirm that freesync actually works within it's advertised spec so I don't know what bullshit he's spouting
sounds pretty juvenile
DLSS sucks
>Nothing new
>7nm is nothing new
If a grown man writes the word "diss/es" they should be executed.
He's right though. Radeon VII is 2070-tier performance with 2080 pricing.
It is a Instinct M50 reject (ate too much power) that is meant for general compute not silly gayming.
Nvidia is laughing to the bank as they have no reason to cut prices on their current line-up.
> FYI, I have a Vega 64.
weak man intimidated by strong business woman
Vega 64 + 25% is 2070-tier performance? C'mon now, be serious.
>in ray tracing that no one cares about only
gsync and freesync do the exact same thing. How can Nvidia not make this work with 3 clicks?
Yes, it is. Turing architecture is very potent despite the whole RTX meme non-sense. Vega is suffering from the limitations of GCN.
AMD cherry-picked benches to make it barely touch a 2080.
He is just mad that a simple dieshrink is enough to compete with his billion dollar tech monster Turing.
He fears that Navi will destroy his margins.
Because freesync and gsync do not do the exact same thing, lmao
some freesync monitors have rates as low as 75hz max
imagine the smelle
>goysink is useless, BTFO by freesync
>cucktracing is useless, BTFO by AMD, Nvidia and reality
G-sync is basically Free-sync if freesync was perfect on every monitor and then some. Getting OEMs to follow your requirements is fucking hard, I work in an industry where I have to work constantly with OEMs, it's not PC equipment but close, and they're just fucking retarded assholes who treat you like a nuisance at best or a piece of shit at worst even though their entire business depends on you. Yeah, so I totally understand why Nvidia made G-sync and strongarmed them. It's better than putting up with subpar, inconsistent quality and butting heads with idiots every time they release a new product.
>jensen is seething this hard
he seems desperate af, why tho?
Jesus christ what the fuck is wrong with your font rendering? I thought Nvidia paid their shills well?
there are gsync monitors with 60Hz max. Has nothing to do with how the technology works.
>G-sync is the exact same thing as freesync lmaooooo
even just looking at the g-sync compatible monitors you can see the difference, it's just a standard on top of the a-sync standard
Many of them do not support variable overdrive, many of them do not support 1hz variable refresh, starting at 30 or 40 and going up to their limit, such as 75 or 120 or 144
it's great they're finally letting you turn it on but don't be retarded
>Nvidia is laughing to the bank
and then crying all the way home after checking their stock price
He's desperate. Look at NVIDIA stocks, lol.
he usually doesn't care about amd.
what happened?
because rt falls in the 40-50fps range.
We'll see...
anyone who uses the word "disses" is no to be taken seriously
This smells exactly like Apple being in denial and blaming everything else for failure besides the shitty overpriced product nobody wants to buy lol
Because everyone was buying freesync monitors and if he didnt support it then they would all buy AMD gpu's to pair with their freesync monitors.
If you spent 500$ on a 1440p 144hz Freesync panel over the identical 800$ gsync one then your graphics card is going to be the vegaVII instead of the GTX 2080
The only way to counter that was to offer freesync on their RTX cards so consumers would not automatically go team red.
also once a customer goes to AMD for a single generation and realizes how much better Their drivers are over geForce they will buy AMD from now on regardless of benchmarks
Vega 7 is such an ugly design. They will sell less due to this alone
Will this be like 90's console war?
>the leather jacket will have to step down from his CEO position in 2019
So he caved
one of the requirement for the "gsync combatible" is that the displays max_refreshrate/min_refreshrate >= 2.4 (i.e 60-144hz ok, 75-144hz not), that alone disqualifies most freesync monitors even when the adaptive sync and monitor itself works fine within its smaller range
It's not a surprise, the new AMD GPU is garbage
Why can't these charts be labeled properly so that you don't need to guess which one is which side
Fix your shitty fonts retard
>add support for freesync because jewsync isn't panning out as a business venture
>"FreeSync just doesn't work"
>also once a customer goes to AMD for a single generation and realizes how much better Their drivers are over geForce they will buy AMD from now on regardless of benchmarks
what's so good about AMD drivers?