Do you try to talk to and treat your voice assistant respectfully, like it is a real person, or you don't care at all?
I find myself wanting to thank my google home every time it does anything. Am I mad?
Do you try to talk to and treat your voice assistant respectfully, like it is a real person, or you don't care at all?
I find myself wanting to thank my google home every time it does anything. Am I mad?
Other urls found in this thread:
i want to fuck alexa
I don't use any and never will
>I find myself wanting to thank my google home every time it does anything. Am I mad?
Not really, because if these voice assistance ever detect even the slightest bit of sexism, racism, homophobia, islamaphobia, etc. then you'll be put on their list
alexa for murica, google home for everyone else
I enjoy mumbling to myself as much as the next guy, but I don't want technology in my home that I have to talk to.
Fuck that shit.
My Alexa is the only "person" ive talked to for the past 6 months
these products are a way for (((them))) to spy on you
>letting a botnet into your home
are you disabled op?
>Saving the thumbnail
Are you disabled user?
what thumbnail?
>voice assistant
If you buy a voice assistant/telescreen you should be enrolled in a psychiatry.
These things are recording everything you say and sensing it to their producers.
OP is one of these people, who would thank Amazon for a free surveillance camera in his bedroom.
I tell my Mycroft off like the snaggle toothed limey cunt he is
Wasn't there a Jow Forumsuide for a diy voice assistant that keeps everything local?
>voice assistants
My girlfriend is nice to it but I treat it as it is, non-human
I must be on all the lists by now. I call that cunt a cunt all the time.
jew meme ?
That trash will never take off with a shit tier name like that. Google Now and Siri are also shit tier.
two words:
OPEN SOURCE, besides Mycroft was Sherlock's brother, better than two roastie names
I think it's just conditioning from being a nice person. If someone helps you out and gives you info on something, it's polite to thank them for going to the effort of helping you. Your assistant has a somewhat human voice and responds in english which is pretty new for machines, so I think you're just a normal person user. I remember when I first started using a smartphone for GPS in my car, if I missed a turn or something, I'd go to apologise, but then realise it's a machine and isn't actually listening to me and it'll just route me a different way anyways.