What is Jow Forums's opinion on the Django framework for backend web development...

What is Jow Forums's opinion on the Django framework for backend web development? What other alternatives would Jow Forums recommend for someone trying to just access basic data from a db?

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Don't use if your skin is brown

Check out Flask. Much simpler if all you want is backend stuff.

unironically just use php

My skin is pretty white. I learned PHP for my first language, and I'm just trying to see what other technologies there are to learn.

Learn golang

Flask has shit extensions and you will end up maintaining most of it yourself.

Give it a try white man. Just use it with Postgres for the best experience.

Cool, why postgres n specific?

It has the best builtin integration for Postgres specific data types. Very useful stuff.


well, if you want to see what's up why don't you check it yourself and form your own opinion? i think it's pretty good but i'm sure there are others who disagree with me. if you decide to run it in production go with pypy.

python/ruby backend is a meme

It's pretty fucking good. Django + PostgreSQL is pretty much the golden standard for a back-end stack.


Ruby is actually a sane language with true thread support and OOP that wasnt hacked together from nothing.
Still slow. Miles ahead of python for anything serious.

>golden standard
You are an actual retard. Im not insulting you. I mean you actually have a mental defiiciency.

why not mysql?

Mysql is Relational and Postgres is Object-relational.
TL;DR the latter is more flexible and much more widely embraced by the open source community, while MySQL is more often used by enterprise giants that cant migrate.

why is Django bad when compared against, say, RoR or Symfony? I read somwhere that PHP7+Symfony scores way higher than Python+Django in all sorts of benchmarks

Literally all the faggots at compsci who did not know web development went with Django because they don't know how databases work.

Now you know what kinds of retards choose Django.


this is not really the correct answer
the correct answer is MySQL is a shit RDBMS that you should only use if you don't care about data correctness or performance

In layman's terms, postgres has better native support for 1:n or m:n in django. It's a fine framework for low volume webapps, but as many posters observed, you need additional tools to handle distributed threading for high volume and django. It's less a less complex/more purpose-built to use php or RoR in that case. Fortunately PaaS has enabled the 'throw more money for needless compute scale' so depending on your cost system, you can just stay on django forever

>Using Django in the year of our lord 2019 when you can just use Node or .Net core

>using any of the above when you could just write a webserver in sepples

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-05-09 at 7.28.58 PM.png (1078x1586, 232K)

I used both and can't stand flask
End up reimplementing all missing features manually or have too many does which are often out of date
The only plus is SQL alchemy, much better than djangos orm

My experience is extremely positive with this framework. Once you learn all of its functions inside out, it becomes really comfortable. Also, it has the added advantage of using python, which lets you add an incredible amount of functions to your web service.

>What is Jow Forums's opinion on the Django framework for backend web development?
It's ok.

> What other alternatives would Jow Forums recommend for someone trying to just access basic data from a db?
Scala got some really nice frameworks.


They also generally can be tied into really nice in-memory in-app [SQL or noSQL] [async] [big data] databases and frameworks and computation engines if you want to do even more later.

The downside is that real scala gets on the nerves of FP and OOP purists, it's best used in a hybrid style where you do FP where you can and OOP / procedural where performance matters or where you find FP difficult.