And how long you expect it to last and be useful.
>Ryzen 7 2700 non x
>3-4 years maximum
Your CPU
I7 8700K
I7 2600(non K) still don't bottle neck 1080ti too much, so I think the 8700 be good for at least 7-8 years, but I hope I upgrade before then
Define useful
>Still does everything I need it to
You just defined it yourself bruv. If it can do everything you want it to, then it's still useful.
6600k @ 4.5ghz. I can push it to 4.6, but core voltage goes too high. It can handle 4.7 for like 30 seconds before it crashes. Feels bad, man.
I'll be building a new rig at the end of the year, so I don't care about stressing it a bit these days.
>Intel core i3-2330m
I think she's got a few more years in her at least.
i5 2500k from 2011
Probably 1-2 years
I've got a 4770k from...2013 I think. At this point I really see no reason to upgrade it, it does everything fine.
Until it broke
Got a 2400G a few months ago, have it running at 1.5V because I planned on buying a 7nm Ryzen CPU from the start and idc if I kill it.
i5 4440
6 years and still going.
9900k. Maybe 8 years? I only upgraded from x79 because i wanted new i/o like usb 3.1, usb-c, nvme and avx2/tsx.
z390 has everything i want except for pcie 4.0, thunderbolt 3 and 10gbe which aren't released/really that useful currently
i know certain boards on z390 has 10gbe, the board i have doesn't though
i have a 4790k but with only 8 gigs of ddr3 shitty ram that i really need to upgrade.
the temptation to upgrade to a current cpu is too high bros, hold me.
hold on to your money until 7nm lands desu
7nm would last for a good 4~5 years until 5nm is ready
A really, really long time since I've completely quit gaming for like 3 years
A10-7800K. Still useful.
1950X->2990WX with 128GB RAM. The dataset I'm working on is growing much faster than new PC parts are getting releasesd. Gonna have to switch to an actual server at some point.
i5 4460
It will be usable for another 10 years, but I'll move to AMD in a few years for power efficiency.
E6550 @4,0GHz
I will swap to AMD Zen 2 probably in 2019, but my overclocked still works fine
excellent processor
2600k at 4.5ghz
when it dies or i actually upgrade away from my GTX 970 and get a new monitor.
i got a ryzen 1600 a little after launch and still does what I need it to well.
5280k early adopter
Infinity years, suck my quad channel dick
this is what i had before I went ryzen, it did well but it got old on me.
>Athlon II X3 460
>10+ years
Based anticonsumerist
i'm the same as you but with 16gb of shitty ddr3.
we gotta stay strong
i7 4770k
It can do everything I need except run Cities Skylines with mods so probably a couple more years.
i5 7600k
as long as fucking possible because I'm a fucking retard and bought a mobo that can't go past 4.2GHz or some shit
4790k running for 4 years now, planning upgrade to zen2 if it delivers
I just don't see the point in upgrading something just because it's old.
Is it bottlenecking my system? No.
Do I need hardware support that it's lacking? No.
Will extra processing power be put to good use? No.
Then should I really consider upgrading just because it's 8 years old? Obviously no.
It's gonna take at least 10 years before current instruction sets are phased out. Very rooted in market.
Hence my estimate.
R5 2400G
I dont gaym so it should last me atleast 5 years
I use the intergrated graphics
>Ryzen 7 2700x
Considering how I used an FX-6350 until half a year ago, I'd say another 5 years minimum.
Intel i5-3230 @ 2.6 GHz
I hope at least a year or two so I could save up for a new laptop. So far no serious problems with the current one, except that cooling now works like ass,
Until it broke or i become billionare.
Threadripper 1950x
Maybe till q4 this year
i3-2120 @ 3.3GHz
4 more years
Some amd apu from 2011. I hope it lasts at least 10 years.
2500k @ 4.3GHz
Until black friday + 2 days
>AMD A10-6800k
I do everything I want to decently on it. I don't game. Mostly web browsing, school work, recording with audacity, sometimes video editing and yes the render times are long as fuck. Still gets it done though. Maybe one more year and I'll upgrade the desktop and repurpose this computer.
>Intel I5 3470.
It's my FreeNAS server. Should be good to go for as long as that computer still works I would think.
>Athlon X2 220.
Already near useless but I think I'll turn it into a Storj node.
>Core Due T2050
Kind of neat but absolutely slow as balls and near useless AFAIK. It's an old ass laptop. I keep it around because it's neat and maybe I'll want to run Windows XP for some reason some day.
got a i5 4670k
It'll probably last me another 2 and half years
In 3-4 years the 2700x will do everything you want it to do and more, but you will upgrade anyways because you're a consumerist who has been baited by the shills that any CPU older than 2 years isn't worth keeping.
3930k from 2012, still going strong, it'll probably be the X79 motherboard dying that I wont be able to find a replacement for that makes me upgrade.
i5 4670k. It's served me well and keeps on trucking. Still not sure there's much worth upgrading to yet
i5-3570k I was hoping to replace it this year with a 3700x but I don't know anymore. Might just get a fuckin 2600x.
>i3 4370
It's already useless for modern games, but everyday use, it's just fine. My computer runs faster than the local libraries' newer all-in-ones.
9700k, 4-5 years at 1440p.
> i7 4770HQ MacBook
> 2 years
It just werks for anything but gaming
until your motherboard dies and you have to spend $200+ on a used X99 board, or $450+ for a new one.
pretty based. Those integrated graphics are godly.
>i7 3770
I'll probably be good for another 3 years.
5 years or if my mobo dies first ill upgrade probably, but for now its more than enough
Tfw bought another 990FX mobo to ride this motherfucking FX8350 until I cant shitppst with it anymore
Should last me to 2025, but I'll probably replace it with Zen 2 depending core count/clock speed.
You should overclock your FX8370! 4.6Ghz with a nice northbridge frequency bump, 2600mhz - 2800mhz (you'll need a good 990fx board) usually helps. Other wise just OC it to 4.4 :D
4.6 should be easily achievable on an 8370, my 8350 does 4.5 with 1.4v and an 8370 for sure does 100mhz more on the same vcore because its turbo is 100mhz higher. And my NB does 230mhz at default voltage to get 4.6
What is your main use for your PC bruv?
>spending a few hundred dollars on your hobbies every year is evil and consumerist because I'm a hoarder and I can't or won't get new things!
Calm down, turd. I got my current CPU basically for free after selling the one I already had and finding a sale.
i5-2500k @ 4.2 GHz, will probably upgrade to ryzen in Q3 this year
R5 2600
3 years
expect it to last at least until ryzen 3 reviews are in and the dust has settled, plus six years as a backup/family computer
4770S. Had it for 5 1/2 years.
still using a 2500k @ 4.8ghz, works great in all my stuff.
Core2 Quad Q8300 from 2009
will use it until 2025 for sure
I know the feeling, I still can't justify any upgrade given the slim performance increase and the jump to ddr4 etc.
Hopefully the next batch of ryzen is even half as good as amd claims so I can get a good new cpu. Probably gonna stick to the i5 or R5 level.
I will ride my 4.0ghz 1600 until AM5, then if it's still working (probably is) will be undervolted and underclocked to act as a NAS.
Ditching it whenever Zen2 12/16C CPU are available if the price is reasonable enough.
i5 6500 @ stock 3.2GHz
Runs fine for me at 1080p. Probably get another 2 years? Was thinking of upgrading to a 2600x however
i5 2500k, at least another 4 years
i7 3770k, at least another 5 years
8700K with advanced delid technology
4-5 years maybe more
i7-4770 probably good for another 3 or 4 years if i would be playing in 1080p. Switching to team red end of the year
About 2 to 3 years if not 4 to 5.
Sure there's bettter stuff out there. The increase just isn't worth it, and won't be for a while.
sitting here with a 4770k and a 980 and i dont think ill be able to justify an upgrade for a long time
R5 2600
I'll upgrade when the am4 support will end
I have had an i5-3570K since like 2012