>Requesting purchase advice
>Jow Forums headphone wiki
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>Requesting purchase advice
>Jow Forums headphone wiki
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*sniff* *sniff*
Second for Nikita.
0/10 not enough krokodil scars
first for phoneheads anonalona
Holy shit
First for abusing bad headphones.
Based and snappilled.
I dunno what to tell you mate but if you don’t know what mould lines look like you might be mentally stunted.
The part that is the most prone to snapping? Placed where it is getting constant pressure? Who thought that's a good idea?
And that’s how I know you neither have never owned a Stax headphone nor know how plastic moulding works.
*sniffs* good feet
cute drawing of me
Didn't know my gf posted here
>Use electronic device incorrectly
>Handle electronic device improperly
>It breaks
It's tension, not pressure. And that's not a joint.
Can anyone recommend some bluetooth headphones good for active use in the $80 US range?
In-ear headphones with a dangling cord while moving around is the worst listening experience I've ever had.
who here wants to discuss HEADPHONES???
Can we wear headphones on our feet?
user dono, headphones belong on your head just like anime girl feet
niggerbass generators can be used for massage and mudcannons like hd600 for mineral baths
>niggerbass generators can be used for massage
but unironically
Is a $180 pair of used HD600s worth the price
>is 180$ a good price for mud?
$210 is the actual price because you're going to want to replace the pads right away for both hygiene and stock sound.
Also if you have a narrow head just forget about it because if the clamp is loose you won't be able to restore it to stock without buying further spare parts at which point you've paid the full price.
I didn't like them new so no.
They're the best measuring headphone so that's a good deal.
Still about $100 off, and I'm more concerned about the sound quality anyways
I'd probably be buying pads anyways
The Sony MDR-7506s are so fucking based holy shit.
Currently blasting this youtu.be
wrong headphones user
only deaf retards who like exaggerated treble call them muddy, the hd600 has the PERFECT amount of treble
hd600 is a diffuse field headphone you faggot
WTF GUYS my Sennheisers haven't snapped yet after 5 years of use, I need an excuse to buy new headphones but these are just too durable.
being sensitive to treble is a common symptom of hearing damage, user! take better care of your ears, you've only got one pair! you should upgrade to the dt1990 and turn down that volume knob
as that user said in the last thread, thats actually a punishment
What's the point of spending 500 dollars on a dynamic?
dt1990 sounds like shit, why would I downgrade to it?
>if the clamp is loose you won't be able to restore it to stock
Say what? You can actually rebend it however you want.
>want to buy l700 in Germany
>mfw projekt-akustik.de
What's the point of the harman curve when each person has their own unique HRTF?
user I'm sorry but I think you may have hearing damage. so sad. please in the future be more careful with your body. it's understandable though, I would have hearing loss too if I had to raise the volume as loud as you do just to hear any kind of detail. it's too bad you were born poor and couldn't afford something better... maybe you would still be able to hear well!
nobody hrtf looks like the dt1990, that headphone is literal dogshit with garbage treble response.
100% truthbombs
My Schiit dac doesn't work anymore, I tried with a different USB cable and still no luck. Before it completely failed I would have to plug it in and out a couple times until my computer would detect it. Is there anything I can do to fix it?
>My Schiit dac doesn't work anymore
God loves you and is sending you a message.
i use hd800s
>Buying an "american made" product that's literally shit
>Is there anything I can do to fix it?
place your schiit dac into your microwave and run it for a few seconds. it will still be broken afterwards but now you have one less problem to solve
>i use hd800s
The greatest thing Sennheiser released.
No bulli pls it lasted 5 years that's not bad
I know a guy with a vinyl hi-fi setup from the 80s that still works
greatest headphone in the world alongside hd600
hd600: raw accuracy
hd800s: soundstage god
every other headphone is irrelevant
>The only good thing sennheiser has released.
>hd600: raw accuracy
Raw garbage.
if hd600 is accurate then music and audio reproduction was a mistake to begin with
>Samefagging this hard
>About a pair of headphones
>cope, the name of the game
hard to swallow redpill: neutral headphones are for people who listen too loudly. it's why they project so hard about other people being deaf every time they see a beyer graph. they can't hear anything just like they can't read graphs!
They don't understand safe listening volumes and the Fletcher Munson curves either.
it's also why they never listen when we tell them to get the fuck out, they just can't hear us!
The haramtards don't even understand the absurdity of a "standard" curve whose own studies reveal differences that go 3dB+ variations based on age groups, gender and other things, all while doing this from a really tiny sample size of population.
Funnily enough, the truly ancient people don't like treble at all, and neither do the younguns.
How can a single set target curve be ever good enough when you have that level of variations across cultures and from the shitty sample size and influenced focus groups the haram juices are forming up?
STAX are pretty neutral
Finally, women have both the deepest hatred of bass and treble. Basically, HD600 fanboys.
today's thread is woke af
Conclusion: Sapphire is a woman, a dyke or a FTM, of german origins and fossilized.
Disgusting foot fags.
miese zeiten brud
HD 600 suck
Has a more based poster ever existed? Experts say no.
I currently have a GTX 1080 Ti, if I wanted to buy a better GPU, I'd look at benchmarks and pick a better performing one, for example the RTX 2080 Ti. But why can't headphones be the same? It's just fucking buzzwords from owners like: airy, soundstage, detail, clarity, imaging. Fuck this snake oil hobby.
>when retarded SBAF-tier deaf subjectivists decide to flood a general
Fuck I'm starting to miss Sapphire/Nikita's stax shitposts already, at least you could filter them easily :(
The haram target curve is subjectivism at its finest. There is no real science.
>there is an objective truth and we already know the answer
lmao there's nothing more audiophool and psuedo-scientific. might as well join a real cult like the church of scientology
It's hard to quantify something as abstract as human sensory perception.
you'l notice a difference if heard in person. then you decide if it's worth it or not.
You seem weirdly fixated on that curve, user. Are you autistic by chance?
>projecting onto others what one does on a h24 basis - spamming haram studies link while misinterpreting the results and having full confidence on the one single research group that's alone in doing this in the entire world with no study replication which is the basis of real science
it's funny, there's snake oil on both sides of the hobby due to the hubris of objectivists thinking they have the answer just like communists
>communism: pushed by jews
>harmantardon curve: pushed by jews
It suddenly makes sense.
That level of replication is on par with voodoo rocks scrotch taped onto cables.
egalitarianism for everyone! no one listen to anything but the harman curve
Hohohohohahahahah so much for objective LMAO
>harman curve
more like the harman shuffle
I'm not Sapphire/Nikita you fucking faggots
instead of harman curve it should be called the top ramen curve because objectivists can't afford nice food much less nice headphones
Nice one.
user pls, don't associate me with retards like yourself or sapphire
sapphire why are you calling yourself retarded? that’s not very nice...