I replaced my 1366x768 panel with a 1080p one on my thinkpad X-series laptop and I regret it...

I replaced my 1366x768 panel with a 1080p one on my thinkpad X-series laptop and I regret it. Linux for HiDPI displays simply does not work. everything is too small. making modifications with xrandr just makes shit blurry or visually inconsistent. what a shit show. seriously considering going back to my older display.

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>i use a dogshit OS therefore fuck this new display i'm going back to my old one

no joke I'm considering just installing W10. at least Microshit software works consistently.


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change your DPI retard

Sad to hear, I can understand the frustration.

show me how? I'm using MATE

check display settings

>1080p considered high dpi
is it a scale model of a laptop or something?

Just install the pop-os theme on wayland

>Linux for HiDPI displays simply does not work.
I have been using Linux on an X series 1080p display, never had any issue.

>everything is too small
Have you tried increasing the font size?

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface scaling-factor 1

>I am retarded, the post.
I use Linux on a 4k laptop and I have 0 issues. You are literally retarded .

People still use this shitware?

There are certain DEs that simply DON'T support HiDPI. Mate, Xfce, Gnome (it does have scaling but only 1x, 2x, 3x (ie useless)). KDE has the best HiDPI support of the bunch, but still years behind Windows.

Consider OSX too, it's surprisingly easy to install in Thinkpads.

What the fuck.
How much of an eyelet are you? I use no scaling on a 10in 1920x1200 just fine.

>10 inches

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do you use a DE? I've heard GNOME and Unity were great for HiDPI, but I'm not a fan of either. I like XFCE and MATE, but generally I find that while some application look okay, others look awful. plus there is no easy way to adjust the size of titlebars without making your fontsizes huge. I know its possible to get it to look okay with the right themes, configs, etc, but it really seems like more of a hassle than its worth

this seems in line with my experience

lold at this. I think I'm just getting old but by default without any DPI adjustments, its a huge eyestrain trying to read stuff.

not everyone is born with perfect eyes user
no need to insult people if they don't find 1080p at 11in comfortable without scaling, most people wouldn't

But it isn't actually that bad even, most people don't complain when I show them shit at work on it. Maybe I guess I have special eysi run smallest scaling on my phone too.


Not everyone is 21 you zoomer faggot. Fuckoutta here

>do you use a DE?
No, just i3.

Older then that eyelet

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all the normalfags at my job use 1024x768 or 1280x720 on monitors that are 1080p or higher....because "The text is too small" at the higher resolution

but you're using Windows when the discussion is very obviously about scaling on Linux.

damn.. sorry to learn you're retarded.

Damn, sorry to learn you're retarded
no scaling in windows is the same fucking thing as no scaling In Linux.
10px tall is 10px tall

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>hey there coworker user!
>looks like your output resolution doesn’t match your monitor - i’ll fix it for you and everything will be sharper!
>thank you tech-literate user!

two days later it’s back to xga.

>I replaced my computer with a higher quality product and I dont like it.
Just admit you're a retro faggot like the rest and dont pretend you're too dumb to understand how to scale linux properly.