I don't get suicidals. The idea of dying makes them happy, but when I think of death it fucking terrifies me...

I don't get suicidals. The idea of dying makes them happy, but when I think of death it fucking terrifies me, I wish I was alive eternally.

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I had it explained to me via the "high window in a burning building" analogy and when I was depressed I could definitely see the logic there

just fap m8

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Being alive for eternity sounds like utter hell to me

my wife chino is so cute

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Life hasn't kicked you in the balls hard enough yet and if you want to be terrified of immortality then how about drifting in space after the Sun goes nova?

I'm already bored of life

I don't get suicidals that don't go on shooting sprees.I promised myself that I'd steal a truck and ram it into a faggot parade if I even got bored of life.Shooting jews would be fun too.

I don't care if I'm on some watchlist.Fuck you,agency faggots.

Do a lot of hard drugs until you get some mental illness and then you'll understand why people want to die. Had a temporary psychosis once and you're feeling distanced to everybody, the world feels surreal and degenerate, you think "why can something like this even exist?", you are emotionally numb and depressive thoughts are coming by themselves. I even thought jumping in front of a train. Now I wouldn't anymore of course and my reasoning seems stupid now because I've been living well with these facts which made me so depressed all my life, why kill myself suddenly because of them?

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I knew you faggots who post the same pictures over an over again had brain damage.

Dont aim for some unimportant synagogue. Aim for your country's (((federal reserve bank))). Those are the kikes with power.

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I looked into it already.The people in control live in villas in Austria and they have very good security.
It would be a waste to sacrifice myself just to kill a bunch of stupid cashiers and guards in a bank.

If Switzerland is so great, as you swissies claim, why are you always depressed?

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If they were really suicidal, they would of off themselves by now

>forever working a 9-5 to sustain yourself
>having seen pretty much everything worthwhile one day
>having experienced the same boring shit with people over and over
Forever is a long time user.

>forever working a 9-5 to sustain yourself
you could marry women and wait for them to die so you get money

Mentally completely stable, a psychosis can hit anyone though and fuck someone up short- as well as longterm.
That experience made me realize how fucked up mental illnesses are.
Studies showed, that countries, where students and workers have to fill higher requirements, are more suicidal. Funnily, the suicide rate in switzerland is lower than that of the USA while having a meritocracy.

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Imagine all those things in your life that make you happy and you look forward to, not existing

I don't get Mexicans. The idea of being Mexican makes them happy, but when I think of Mexico it fucking terrifies me, I wish I was alive internally.

I hate the floss, so fucking much

like just be happy lole

>I wish I was alive eternally
watch this maybe it'll change your mind. I find the idea of eternal life pretty fucking scary.