ITT: Your favorite/useful TUI software

ITT: Your favorite/useful TUI software.

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Other urls found in this thread: font


What's its name?




fd is better


that is pretty cool.




Attached: mutt-1.png (128x128, 10K)

The looks extremely comfy

Looks amazing.


can i use this shit as journal? no homo

Batty boi

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>first result on jewgle was luke's channel
dumb lukefag

org mode because I took the emacs pill recently
tmux and vim out of habit

gotop on the left. gtop on the right. which is better?

Attached: gotop-vs-gtop.png (1366x768, 25K)

how do I make my computer this comfy?


lemon font. this colorscheme.

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if cli counts:
mpv, feh, ffmpeg, sox (soxi and play are handy), id3mtag, etc.

gtop is javascript bloat, use gotop

zsh (shell)
neovim (text editor)
fzf (fuzzy file finder)
htop (process manager)
gotop (activity monitor)
tig (git client)
ranger (file manager)
pgcli (postgres cli)



>>> emacs can suck a fat dick cause it sucks period

Attached: 2961835.jpg (2560x1600, 338K)

Literally what is the appeal of this program? Nobody is impressed that you read the wiki to set it up in 5 minutes.

What is
Why don't u fuckers say what the software u r mentioning is and why u like it, you fucking faggots

> (OP)
>gotop on the left. gtop on the right. which is better?
Whichever one is better is whichever one meets your needs better you tard

>zsh (shell)
>neovim (text editor)
>fzf (fuzzy file finder)
>htop (process manager)
>gotop (activity monitor)
>tig (git client)
>ranger (file manager)
>pgcli (postgres cli)
What's the advantage of tig?
Do you use any configuration packages or plugin systems and plugins for zsh?

thanks for posting short desciptions.

fdupes - find and delete duplicate files

will be testing tig, fd, gotop and ranger, thanks.

+1 for fzf. The community scripts are nice,

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korn shell
joes own editor

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I need a backup script for 3 devices pls op

calcure cursed my cancer


Attached: hercules.png (982x654, 39K)

Advice to all the Tmux users in this thread:

Try i3: it is like Tmux, but copying and pasting on side-by-side panes actually works, and you can do it with any program, terminal-based or graphical. If you are using remote sessions or the like, then disregard.

I use tmux so I can have several terminal panes in a single window in a stacking wm, a tiling wm would be a step backwards

neither they're both shit


yeah because installing fucking go and other shit that you probably won't use for anything else isn't bloat


Where can I get this lemon font? font

gotop added like 20 packages and gtop only added 3.

my point exactly. Both install things but gotop is the worst offender.
At least those other 3 packages will be used by something else in gtop's case


rsync and cron to a central server

bash, tmux, vim, vlock, "ps aux | grep string", grep, cat | grep | grep | grep for multiple levels of filtering, tail -f for watching log files
the point of a multiplexer is to work the same whether or not you have an xsession running. I can't run i3 in framebuffer consoles, but tmux will.

You dont need to install Go to run Go programs. It's a compiled language.

>>>> emacs can suck a fat dick cause it sucks period
Why would you post lies on the internet, user?

not everybody wants to install a prebuilt binary, nor do they want to install and uninstall the go compiler every time you want to update

gtop added buttloads of dependencies because it's node
gotop added none because it's compiled and I don't use a source based distro :3

it's a matter of personal preference but I'd take (allegedly) bloated compile over a javascript app every time

emacs,nothing comes close

i would too, but there are plenty of people here that wouldn't install anything if it can't be built with their installed version of gcc alone

even if you install go its not bloat. you'll find more and more programs that are built on go and require you to either use the prebuilt binary which you don't want to use or compile it yourself which is literally 1 command and max 10 seconds.

Are those the same people who think splitting packages is bloat because the number goes up on screenfetch?

lmao people actually do this?

>thanks for posting short desciptions.
>fdupes - find and delete duplicate files
>will be testing tig, fd, gotop and ranger, thanks.
Why delete duplicate files rather than linking them?

>Advice to all the Tmux users in this thread:
>Try i3: it is like Tmux, but copying and pasting on side-by-side panes actually works, and you can do it with any program, terminal-based or graphical. If you are using remote sessions or the like, then disregard.
The primary feature of tmux that I use is being able to detach and attach to a shell session from locally and remotely. Also I prefer Xmonad to I for a variety of reasons, but regardless, tmux can be configured to use a tool like xclip to have a single clipboard between vim, x, and the terminal.

>Also I prefer Xmonad to I for a variety of reasons
what reasons?


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fixed is still better



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you read and send emails using it

Do you not know what TUI means?

Okay, nevermind, you obviously don't

This but unironically: I never felt the need to use tmux since switching to i3 unless in a SSH session.
A good window manager beats a terminal multiplexer when working locally every time.

cvlc -I ncurses vlc terminal interface


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I've never been able to find this sort of software useful even when I needed it for work. A pen and paper on a clipboard literally was 10x better, for me.

Hecate is the only one I can think of that people haven't posted already The only others I use are vim, ranger, htop, calcurse, etc.
Tmux is useful because it works even without X, if you ssh into a server you're gonna need tmux.


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What do you use this stuff for? are either of you the notorious hacker known as Jow Forums?

fzf is not a find replacement you absolute fucking faggot

>itt too contrarian to use x

I do a lot of reverse engineering and binary exploitation, mostly as a hobby currently and for CTFs. I hope to get a job in the field when I finish uni, though.

Use rednotebook

>no clue what they're talking about

What's that?

What is it for?

this looks great enough, thanks user.

>cat | grep | grep | grep
>not knowing `grep -e -e -e

I love it and havnt found anything better yet.

elinks, it's a browser

I really like cmus. Easy to use and /justworks/

I just use my own spin of
with uuid4 for ID instead of SHA1 and a mechanism to refer to other tasks in the task description.

Would you also use radare2 for mapping out non-executable binaries like corrupted jpg or avi? I tried playing with it for that, but it seemed focused on decompiling executables. I probably just didn't understand it though.

>Why would you post lies on the internet, user?
I'm sure there's lots of reasons. Though, I'm not quite certain how the text you quoted in your post relates to that question. Misclicked?

Radare2 is definitely focused on decompiling, reverse engineering and analyzing executable binaries, so I don't see much use of it outside of that field. I don't have a lot of experience mapping out and analyzing corrupted media files, but when I had to repair some (again, as a part of a CTF challange or something alike), I would usually just open up a hex editor, look up the format standard and work my way from there. There might be a better way to do it, but I'm not aware of any (except if you need to perform some kind of steganography, which is a whole different story).

So, I would recommend you trying to open it in some program, check the output (libjpeg or ffmpeg might provide some relevant info on what's wrong, in this case), open up format specification and just try to analyze it manually.

He's implying that Emacs isn't the best editor


By the way, you might want to check out binwalk and veles for non-executable binary analyzing and visualization. Binwalk is a tool that will traverse the given file, trying to find any magic bytes and extract those sections from the file (like images embeded in a pdf, or zlib sections in a png). Veles is a nifty tool for visualizing the structure and entropy of a file and it's a solid hex editor (though bless may be better for that).
Also, always remember to first check the files with `file`, it might provide some useful info.

Well he'd be right for sure on that, things like vim are far superior.