How do I explain subjects like Unix and Free Software to the simple minded non-Jow Forums people?

How do I explain subjects like Unix and Free Software to the simple minded non-Jow Forums people?

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Do what this guy did.

Unix is non-free proprietary cancer.
Free software is the opposite of Unix.

gnu is not an operating system

Why would you want to

well I'm glad op said unix AND free software then

I really doubt you can explain Unix OP

Yes, it is. GNU's not Unix.

Free Software is punk/indie
Proprietary software is major label

this, I don't know why these Open Source s*yboys don't realize that Unix is not free software has nothing to do with GNU/Linux

is gud


You don't. Consider yourself lucky that you were born with enough brains to join our secret club :^)

Shut the fuck up, commie. Unix is the reason why you have alternatives to Winshit. Show a little gratitude every now and then, you foot cheese eating GNU/Nigger. You're welcome for C. You're welcome for POSIX. You're welcome for the environment that all the GNU core utils and compilers were written on/for before Linux existed. You're welcome for Xorg. You're welcome for the Unix philosophy. You're welcome for Motif. You're welcome for the first real open source operating system project, since early versions of Unix were shared around on tapes.

Fuck you, you fat bearded faggot. Life is non-free. Just kill yourself.

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>You're welcome for C. You're welcome for POSIX. You're welcome for the environment that all the GNU core utils and compilers were written on/for before Linux existed. You're welcome for Xorg. You're welcome for the Unix philosophy.

They are all shit though.

And yet you still use them because you're too dumb and lazy to make anything better.

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Whatever floats your boat, buddy.
Besides, better alternatives either already existed before it, or exist now.

You don't, let them be happy by controlling your autism. Do you really want everyone thinking you're a sperg?

>Unix philosophy is good
>all default browsers don't follow Unix philosophy
Why even bother?

>better alternatives either already existed before it, or exist now
Like what? Plan9? Minix? All the other shitty Unix clones that couldn't keep up? I would make jokes about these being facebook systems but they can't even run that. What can they run? A server? Not even that since the file system support is non-existent.

Let's be real here, the only reasonable alternative to real Unix (Solaris, BSDs, etc) is Linux. And even Linux is Unix compatible. You fucking lost, GNUtard. If you aren't using Windows, you're using a Unix clone.


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None of the things I claimed alternatives exist for were Unix itself. You don't even know what you're arguing about.

Besides, Solaris and BSDs aren't "real Unix", I'm not sure why you desperately want systems to be so.
Are you ok?

Unix was (and is) proprietary software, and the GNU Project's philosophy said that we should not use proprietary software. But, applying the same reasoning that leads to the conclusion that violence in self defense is justified, I concluded that it was legitimate to use a proprietary package when that was crucial for developing a free replacement that would help others stop using the proprietary package.

But, even if this was a justifiable evil, it was still an evil. Today we no longer have any copies of Unix, because we have replaced them with free operating systems. If we could not replace a machine's operating system with a free one, we replaced the machine instead.

>Solaris and BSDs aren't "real Unix"

Attached: cdb.jpg (499x499, 19K)

>this perfectly good operating system isn't tied up and restricted by my freetard commie license, therefore it's non-free

You can twist that definition to suit your convenience as much as you want, but still, the only "real Unix" is Unix itself.

BSD is a Unix like distribution from Berkeley. Real Unix refers to the one developed by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie at Bell labs.
Same applies to Solaris.

I accidently said UNIX-like in front of my job coach once, she thought I said eunuchs

You don't. You wake up and realise that you're the simple-minded person, really believing bleating recycled, canned memes is going to make them laugh at you less. It won't.

That takes me back. We used to call the UNIX fags "eunuchs" back in the day, while the grown-ups used VMS to get actual work done.

BSD has always been Unix. Even Mac OS was certified Unix until a few years ago iirc. Windows NT is further from MSDOS than *BSD are from UNIX

>Unix was (and is) proprietary software, and the GNU Project's philosophy said that we should not use proprietary software. But, applying the same reasoning that leads to the conclusion that violence in self defense is justified, I concluded that it was legitimate to use a proprietary package when that was crucial for developing a free replacement that would help others stop using the proprietary package.
>But, even if this was a justifiable evil, it was still an evil. Today we no longer have any copies of Unix, because we have replaced them with free operating systems. If we could not replace a machine's operating system with a free one, we replaced the machine instead.

> Doesn't know that many proprietary UNIXs still exist and are used.

>BSD is a Unix like distribution from Berkeley. Real Unix refers to the one developed by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie at Bell labs.
>Same applies to Solaris.
You're splitting hairs. Generally when someone says Unix they essentially mean Unix-compatible. If I say Windows are you going to say that the only real windows is Windows 1.0, the GUI shell for MSDOS?

To be brutally honest man I've convinced more people over tech using analogies about the human body. We're all sharing the flesh prison so find some way using the strat. Eg, hard drive is like your long term memory, RAM is like your quick thoughts before theyre gone or stored blah blah. People like to think they're smart so you say things like, oh you know how you know x well y is pretty much the same and you already get how x.

I already told you to stop twisting and warping the definition of "Unix" to suit your arbitrary definition of what is "Unix" and what isn't.

Generally when someone says Unix they essentially mean Unix-compatible.
Then GNU/Linux is just as much Unix as BSDs are.

Make up your minds.

Analogies are a pretty good way to give a broad idea to someone who knows nothing about these topics, yes.
If you can't explain a topic using basic analogies, you probably don't understand it well yourself.

> Hey sis, lemme teach you about Unix.
> It's basically like your body.
> Here's some commands I like to use: find, touch, unzip, strip, finger, mount, fsck, umount, bash, kill, sleep

I can actually see this fucking happening. Damn man, raw.

Many people do in fact lump Linux together with Unix, bsd and Darwin/macos, if you are working on a high level then they are very similar