The current state of MIT

>Call xim self an engineer
>didn't took classes on queer
I shiggy diggy :^)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-11 New Courses MIT OpenCourseWare Free Online Course Materials.png (750x545, 178K)

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Oh no no no no

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-11 Women's and Gender Studies MIT OpenCourseWare Free Online Course Material (720x2590, 859K)


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Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-11 Annual student budget MIT Student Financial Services.png (799x860, 95K)

hold up, gender studies is an actual thing? WTF all this time i thought it was just a meme to make fun of burgers! holly shit, these people taking these "courses" exist!
i have no faith in this world anymore...

lmao you just know there's some prof goldberg behing most of this shit

>all first year students are required to live on campus
>willingly living on campus
>even worse, having it be mandatory

Are you pretending to be dumb? Gender studies are a thing all over the world:

Did none of you go to college?
Nobody pays sticker price. My school's sticker price is $71k/yr, I get PAID $6k/yr to attend.

I live in a first world country so I paid 25 euros for the entire academic year and get paid about 400 a month to attend.

Not everyone lives in muttlandia

Why Americans are pushing """queer culture""" so much?

> studying to be a faggot.
> chapter one: taking it in the ass
> chapter two: aids
> chapter three: suicide
yeah, there's some serious shit wrong with college these days.

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>First world
Nice try

jews push this shit to destabilize the family and crash civilization. their goal is to rule over a destroyed world. It wont work out the way they expect.


It's part of the oligarchic liberal globohomo agenda. They want everyone to be mindless, narcistic gay consumer drones.

But why? What is the purpose of this? How they benefit from this?

He said it, they want everyone to be mindless consumer drones.
Call it my first red pill but this has been an eye opener for me

>Are you pretending to be dumb?
>the world is just burgerland and europoor
dear god, the last shard of faith i still had in the human race is now gone, thx dear

You westcucks are falling, your institutes creating a generation of retards and sensitive snowflakes as managers and leaders who will crumble in front of real ones in the rest of the world who didn't grow up in snowflake elitist bubbles but were grinded by tough lives in tough environments.
Even Brazil monkeys are sprinting ahead of you. What a timeline.

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Imagine going to MIT to study queer cinema. Kek. I'd laugh in someone's face if they came to me for a job and said that was their major.

What are you saying? Commies are involved too?

Only relevant world, yes.

I'm not saying anything, but this guy's "predictions" (or "agenda" or whatever) are damn accurate.

Checked your link for Spain and it looks like they are Masters, not saying that those degrees should exists but it takes just two guys in an university to shill for it and you have a new money grab degree, its basically how Universities operate in the Western world, they create fake curriculum based on the monetary incentive.

This was always my main criticism about those that attack feminism saying its an external thread that encroached on our western system, the truth is that its an actual western invention and was enabled by the harsh environment of competition Universities face. Some would blame capitalism but i actually believe that its a more primal property of our human condition, we just went full retard on it.

The world Is just burgerland and europoor. We are the entire human civilization. Everything else is just a sideshow.

>who let the womz into the university
>who let the feminististststs!!!1! into hte university
>who let the gahtdam communardists into the universityuyy
>who what why different opinions!!!1! halp me
Meanwhile, at the same universities
>Anime club
>furry club
>GAMER club

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>people even within your own party accuse you of being a fascist
>support bolsonaro, an actual fascist
>haha, take that you snowflake libtards

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Retarded consumers are easier to market to. Think of it like acidic digestive juices, softening up the target for easier nutrient extraction. Except it's a continuous process, and the nutrients are in the form of money and free mental work (like the captcha you filled to post).

>support bolsonaro, an actual fascist
Actual fascists don't bend over to (((Israel))).

>people even within your own party accuse you of being a fascist
So? Cry about it Cuckmmunist.

he is using jew tacticals, user. You should check brazil poliics and see that he's a jew that knows that retardeds want a hitler

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SJWhales & fucking Trannies invaded even a Technology University.

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SJW says:
"Physical Chemistry is sexist and trans-phobic term. It should be Hormonal Chemistry instead."

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MIT should have a lewd hentai Game Dev workshop class.

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Open courseware =/= a full degree at MIT. Going to MIT for liberal arts is full retard and is full of tiny-brained slobs whom failed at College Algebra so hard they gave up on that science/engineering degree they went for in the first place.

Most of these classes are electives, and it shows. The quality of these courses taught is abysmal on rate-my-prof.

This guy got triggered

There are mandatory "ethics" classes iirc.
I'm not a burger but I had mandatory "communication" and "philosophy" classes in college.
I liked philosophy in high school because it made me feel big brain, but the non technical classes in college were propaganda in disguise. Now they don't even hide anymore.
The uni I graduated from created a "feminist club" the year I graduated. I wonder what they're up to.

I checked and the feminist club doesn't exist anymore lmao

>will include mental health care
$50k will not cover it for these faggots

>gender and japanese pop culture
uh oh. do tell me what it entails though

>This guy got triggered

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every university in the US requires freshmen to stay on campus as well as have a meal plan
>one less thing to worry about

I went to UT, and it was a requirement; my brother went to TAMU, it was required; sister went to SHSU, it was required; friend went to OU, it was required

All universities are like that. It's extra money for them. You say you are married or commuting.
>not getting it for free

>tiny-brained slobs whom

spotted the actual tiny brain

>Join fraternity or sorority
>Required to live in the house for 2 years

Attached: GODDAMMIT.webm (1920x800, 843K)

> studying to be a faggot.

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For the young anons out there. If you are accepted to MIT there almost is always someone who will pay for it.

>tiny-brained slobs whom failed at College Algebra
This is what it's about. Some faggot gets told he's smart and has the participation trophies to prove it, so he takes out a ton of student loans and takes up engineering at MIT. 2 weeks in he's like oh shit I can't do this. Normally he would drop out and MIT would lose 3.5 years of tuition. That's not a problem anymore. Now he can change majors to queer studies.

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t. Has absolutely no clue how shitty Brazil is/is getting because of Bolsonaro.

Think Philippines but done in a larger country with far more economic, military, and political power and you have future Brazil. Bolsonaro is what would happen if Trump didn't have dementia, was more intelligent and was president of a Latin country rife with corruption and could actually just do whatever the fuck he wanted with.

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>how shitty Brazil is/is getting because of Bolsonaro.
>talks about an awesome future where Brazil is an economic, military, and politcal power, takes back the country from drug dealers, cuts out the tumors in education, and raises the pay for the teachers that are not cancerous
Wow that sounds horrible!

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They want to destroy the whole concept of identity and turn us all into prideless, atomized neoliberal consumer/worker units. They constantly gaslight us on race and ethnicity (it doesn't exist but certain groups should feel pride or shame in it), cloud the issue of sex and sexuality with the smokescreen of "gender", and emphasize groups that can't possibly be more than 0.1% of the population to the point you'd think they're in every neighborhood. They then invent this neurotic intersectionality oppression pyramid where 95% of the population is told to live in shame and guilt for things they can't control about themselves, but with "gender" you have a way out if you can invent the most special thing no one has thought of before. The end game is 7 billion+ "genders" teetering above abject poverty (but with just enough money and credit to spend on whatever toys or eyeliner to enrich the elite) with no solidarity because they're all vying to be the most special snowflake and looking out for their identity of one's interests.

What will happen if I just ignore them?

>>not getting it for free

>Got free housing
>Got free food
>Got free education
>Got $6k of autismbux
Mid-tier American schools will literally bribe students with good academic credentials to up their own stats.

>all this free stuff
How badly disabled are you?

I wonder how does it feel to butcher language structures so much a few buildings away from Chomsky.

Hedonistic pozzed mongrelized population is easily controlled and taught to obey the government. You have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes and how powerful the programming is. Just remember, they can only corrupt beauty. They can never create true beauty on their own. A child's innocent laughter is enough to destroy the programming they work so hard on which is why corruption of children is their #1 goal.

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Actually, it would be refreshing to hear some of those folks mention something as measurable as Hormonal Chemistry from time to time =|